"OI you got a license to go outside!?"
What happened to Britain to make it be so authoritarian?
"OI you got a license to go outside!?"
What happened to Britain to make it be so authoritarian?
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Not dentists, thats for damned sure
Fuck the police. We need a massive nation wide riot in protest to the way the police and the state delt with coronamania. The day they lift the lockdown - we should all kick off
I go out all the time and so does my brother we never have any problems. I’m dropping off dope to peoples houses in my car and seeing my friends. Last night 4 of us including my brother all went out built a massive bonfire out our favourite camping spot and chilled out together for the whole night. No one is saying anything. Only bad thing is can’t see my gf who lives in London - we live in the South East.
We’re just such mad cunts they have to put all these rules on us.
We fucking love stabbing each other see, so they had to ban anything that even resembles a stabbing implement. It’s the same with the rest of it, madder cunts - tighter laws
I think there are lots of people turning in their graves at the moment with the way that everyone rolled over belly up and have accepted these stupid rules. People just accepted the fact that the government in my country said do your work earn money, pay taxes but dont enjoy freedoms at all. And we will take back your money with these stupid fines. I just cant believe that everyone just let this happen and didnt say boo when they made the rule in the dark like the cockroaches they are and come out and tell people to blindly follow the rules. No one has come out publicly and said that they are against basic rights as a person. People are weak. Honestly if I were to have a bigger following I would voice it more. Come on people they say we are all in this together so lets rise up against our overlords, we are not slaves
That's not surprising considering how anal Australians are about speed limits.
>What happened to Britain to make it be so authoritarian?
a deadly virus, haven't you been keeping up with the news ?
>We fucking love stabbing each other see
hello jamal
So now police walk up
The way I see it, they're currently paying my wages, so they get at least a bit of leeway to act like they're my boss.
As someone who is pretty patriotic i wish i could start a revolution to kill this stupid idea of globalisation, stop these stupid rules that are keeping everyone in doors under house arrest. The premier of my state said things will stay like this till there is a vaccine, meaning they have snuck leguslation in that will keep them in power with out re-election. The only good thing my state has at the moment is the commissioner of the police, who if you read between the lines said the rules are silly and will not be seeing an extension to the rules, that is the only person that is for the people
The fuckin number......who's taking the piss?
Perfect trips plod.
We are in a dictatorship and 90% of people don't even know it or who the dictator is and yes he's jewish
LOL why are they unarmed? Fucking assclowns.
It always was authoritarian, just no one with enough nouse to see it.
Oh shit. Lol. I didnt notice
It's time for large scale peaceful civil disobedience or we're fucking doomed
Fucking good. Sick to death of normies who can't handle staying put for a few hours going out every fucking day and completely negating any positive effect the lockdown would have had.
It was a massive mistake for Boris to tell peoeple they were permitted to leave for "exercise". He had to, you can't exactly tell everyone to stay inside for days at a time, the lefty press would be in outrage. But he ought to have told everyone to fucking stay put, stop being a fat cunt eating so much, and walk uip and down the stairs a few times if theyre worried their legs are going to fall off,
we got taken over by the shadows
our parliament wasn't strong enough to deal with the paedo elites and they got tired of the upptiy working classes. these were then shifted to non-working benefit reliant classes who now are subservient to the state
tldr; monarchy and technocracy never give up power
we also have very strong propaganda machines in the media so the public are 99% unable to see through the bullshit (just like Yas Forums)
>The day they lift the lockdown - we should all kick off
by then it's too late, their experiment was a success.
with OP's article , the police campaign for stricter [unenforcable laws] they're seeing how far they can go before kick back
remember a martial state would benefit from riots as they can legitimise the use of military on the streets, only takes a few black bloc.
however communities burning 5G towers they can't stop, so they push hard in the media and for online censorship
-watch the event 201 videos if you want to know more
Why are you picking on us now, there are other countries with stricter lockdowns than us
The mutt fears the anglo
when they start coming for people do not go quietly, make as much noise and draw as much attention as you can
Bang pots and pans and shout so that everyone around knows what's happening
*woof!* *woof!* *woof!*
happening all over europe mate but yeah whatever. missing your foreskin?
>hassling and arresting old people for sitting in the park
Halt in the name of the law!
Britain is prime example of how it's possible to have useless cops and nightmare police state at the same time.
The. Burgtards just sponge it up, anything to avoid looking at their own violent shithole.
> when they start coming for people
Take your meds you bell end
what does this say
I was out yesterday, said hello to the police they said hello back that was all. I was in a busy park too.
Yea I have mine. Dont come in my yard nigger
is that fucking REAL?
The British Police are far from useless. They are just extremely indirect and intelligent about how they will fuck up your life if you mess with them.
Dentists are expensive. It would cost a month's wage to get my cap repaired. I just dont have it
i hope you get acid attacked
What happened to new york for people to laugh at the numbers.
>People are weak
I hope you're including yourself in your verbal wank
>What happened to Britain to make it be so authoritarian?
Their citizenry have been neutered over the years to the point that they no longer pose any real threat to those who rule.
fucking hell imagine opening your front room curtains to a view like that. The real crime here is that all of England doesn't look like that. fuck these ugly industrial era shitholes up here in the north
commie. If you are okay with rights being taken away you live that way. The red tide is here sink or swim
yep - and it was early on in the lock down too. Like the first fucking day
New York is a cramped cesspit filled to the nines with minorities, including the Chinese expats that spread the disease to New York.
>What happened to Britain to make it be so authoritarian?
The bootlicking tendencies of the people
Hello castrated brother.
Call me a shitskin all you want, our people are warriors. The name Saxon comes from the sword they carried.
You are emasculated and ‘civilised’.
The nigs will stab you without thinking and you will be stuck like a deer in the headlights.
I go out everyday to the shops, get up at 6:30 and I’m always first in the door. Usually go for a small hike once a day, if I stay inside too long I get anxiety and can’t breathe right.
Also been buying weed every few days off a guy who comes into contact with a lot of people and honestly doesn’t look very clean.
So far so good.
British police forces are shitting themselves at the thought of riots. We can only just do our day to day jobs with all the cuts we've suffered, a riot situation in one major city, let alone nationwide, would cripple the countries forces. These social distancing repremands are a potentially a publicity nightmare and could force the public's hand against us. Currently there is no legislation that we can charge you for regarding social distancing, parliament need to pass a law before we can enforce it. If you are stopped by police you have the absolute right to ignore them and drive away (if the sole reason you are being stopped is corona hoax related)
Basically carry on as normal lads, don't lick doorknobs and keep people at arms length, there is nothing we can do currently
We have a very clean line between those who love authority and those who actively work against it in every possible way. Both are pretty stereotypical English traits.
Sounds like you’re the one coping mate
This is pure unadulterated bullshit, I am surrounded by fucking spastics
T. Traffic officer for nth lincs
Liberal middle class
Deranged feminists...mostly middle class
Beta white Cucks
Homosexual agendas
Become Sodom
That's what happened to this country!
Proper pikeys are pretty based.
Ethnocentric, only fuck their own.
Marry young, lots of kids.
Men have total dominance.
Refuse to pay taxes or recognise authority of corrupt police.
Men fight like men should.
Even eat traditional foods like hedgehogs etc.
Pikeys live like most Brits used to 100 years ago.
Men must be governed! Often not wisely, but governed nonetheless.
Check'd and dub-trips pilled
that is the most polite arrest i have ever seen. Cops where I live would have had her on the ground with a knee on her throat at about 3:34 in this video
Fucking kek.
Choke and die, limey faggots.
the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.
Top kek
The MPS retired off good officers...and now trying to get them back! The police are their own worst enemy at times, the liberalism of the old bill has made the average coppers job near on impossible. The police should always use force and be left to do their jobs, also what's with officers grassing other officers? Look out for one another! I wouldn't be a copper especially for what they're paying, but the public need to be on the coppers side. I don't care how unpopular that opinion is, good people work in the old bill and they're getting blasted constantly from internal and external forces that should stfu!
You need a loisence to fuck the police.
It's the weed that is giving you anxiety and breathing problems you fucking idiot
Double trips witnessed
Women getting the vote, and then voting for less and less freedom in return for "security".
Since down felon. You aint gonna do shit.
Yeah but that's what I call gypsy stock...Pikeys I class as the lower level benefit class retarded chav shit that live on my estate! Do nothing but rob, drink and smoke and fuck all else, can't even have a conversation with them as their IQ is below room temp.
>>Saxons=pieces of shit
>This is pure unadulterated bullshit, I am surrounded by fucking spastics
>T. Traffic officer for nth lincs
in percentage terms, how many of your fellow minecraft officers are redpilled and how many are pozzed?