What is our 4chanian opinion on TERFs

what is our 4chanian opinion on TERFs

They seem based since they make trannies seeth

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>They seem based

The only reason they hate trannies is because they hate men and trannies are men. They're also the most disgusting kind of hypocrites because after 60+ years of women systematically invading & destroying every male space in existence, TERFs are those feminists that now take umbrage with men/trannies doing the same with womens' spaces. They literally think trannies are some misogynistic male plot to ruin 'muh sisterhood' from within, completely ignoring the fact that men were all vehemently anti-tranny before feminists started ordering men to accept shit like this.

As much as I hate trannies for being delusional sick freaks, feminists are the ones destroying western civilisation with their pro-shitskin, pro-gibs, anti-white voting patterns to the tune of hundreds of millions of votes. And frankly all these trannies going into womens' sports and destroying the dumb gashes is funny as hell. If we let it happen enough then maybe women will finally stop acting like they're equal to men.

But of course tradcuck whiteknights probably aren't going to let their precious princesses suffer like that. Instead rushing to their aid to save them from the tranny menace so the dumb bitches can go right back to demanding pay parity to men in sports and other totally undeserved equal rights.

They just hate men so much they even hate men trying to be women.
Just because they agree with you on one point doesn’t mean they wouldn’t castrate you and work you to death with a smile on their faces.

what the fuck is a terf and why should I care

Terfs are actually typical sjw and don’t even hate trannies. They might say something like “maybe we should think more about trans athletes and find something that takes into account everyone’s needs and basic biological facts” and then people on Twitter threaten them with violence.

Not sure if they’re based.

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They the fem version of us


The trannies call anyone that tells the truth a terf. I'm a terf, and so are you. If you don't want kids mutilated. Congrats terf.

No you're not you retard, you're just a Nazi. Terfs are SJWs who wants to put on some brakes for the tranny movement and maybe try having a discussion about it

Um No.

Can be based and redpilled. Check out Germaine Greer on jewtube. Look for her interview about trannies

They're only called "radical" feminists because they oppose trannies. It's basically a smear job, like how right-wingers are called Nazis

>what is our 4chanian opinion on TERFs
>They seem based since they make trannies seeth

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what is called a terf by the tranny movement, is what most people would think of as a normal working woman 'feminist,' who doesnt think men in dresses should have access to womens refuges, women's prisons.

i support the so-called terfs in the culture war, and so should you.

Nice breakdown, bong. Have a (you).

Show tits

yeah but its not radical feminists the gays are talking about, its normal common sense women who say if you have a cock, youre a man. end of.

I one got called this term by a hysteric trans monster and instantly knew it must be a very badass and triggering thing lol

Lol trannies are no men, who told you that bullshit hahaha

So you're saying they're not feminists? They don't believe in women's rights, they don't believe in women's suffrage, they don't believe in women in the workplace, etc? TERFs don't believe in any feminist laws and oppose all waves of feminism? Is that true?

meh, i support trannies against feminist

they are still gross degenerates, but they are a useful tool in the war against the matriarchy

I think nothing of them. Best not to get involved

They are male, retard.

Every feminist gets the rope.

No, I'm saying that they are feminists, but only got the "radical" prefix because they oppose trannies. That's why I put radical in quotation marks. Maybe I shouldn't have put both in my previous post.

Loose the F and they Gucci.

Trans Exclusionary Radical

Femmanism was a mistake from the beginning.

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Just like mainstream feminists, they believe that there are no innate psychological differences between men and women and that gender is entirely a social construction. In other words, they are fucking retarded.

I’m never sure if these are shill posts to stop various puppet groups forming alliances. D&c stops working when groups come together over common ground. That’s why the media deplatforms moderate voices and pretends everyone with an opinion is is some kind of extremist, so dialogue becomes conflict

Hey I am not the retard here ok? Haha

There's a funny overlap between TERFs and alt-right men on the trans issue but make no mistake they hate you guys too. Actually they hate pretty much all men no matter the political affiliation.

They also hate porn and hookup culture. Lots of terfs are so close to being actually redpilled it's ridiculous.

TERFs are the most acceptable RFs, but what's better than a TERF is a TE. I've been called a TERF many times for shitting on the "trans movement" even though I'm not a RF at all, I'm just a TE.

The funny overlap is, that right wing women get called terfs by trans too, because it does not get into a liberals only braincell that we hate trannies, without being a feminist.

Aren't terfs just women who dislike trannies?
Pretty sure the trannies would consider an Olympian like Sharon Davies a terf.

Not even dislike them necessarily. Holding the position that Cristiano Ronaldo should not be able to wake up one day, call himself Cristina, and dominate the next Women's World Cup would make you a terf.

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hsts trannies are cool OP
go kys balding manlet
autist sperg cope seethe
kinda funny how Yas Forums refuses to actually look at studies and instead is an echo chamber without the ability to think for oneself.

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Oh holy cow, I would choke this monster into oblivion. Disgusting.

>man wears a shirt about how he punches women
>probably gets applauded by women for it

Don't cut your dick off dude

That's pretty sexist of you to say, user. What's next? Jews are behind everything or black are somehow biologically different from whites?

They are all animals. Let them kill each other and we'll deal with what's left

>just women
No, they're radical feminists who take offense at trannies rolling in and getting the same privileges women get.

why do people who don’t know how handle firearms, fight, or live independently dress up for a day, act tough, take pictures and go home acting like they’re a militia?

only about 30% of trannies actually cut their dick off. It's rather unfourtunate that autistic AGPs ruin the image of HSTS transwomen. AGP's are a fetish.
Would you believe me if I told you HSTS trans women actually have female shifted brains, aren't usually autistic, and just want to be fucked by men and wont dress up like women unless they're 100% sure they'll pass?

Yes, of course.

You might want to make it sound a little less manipulative? Stupid IQlet tranny

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Trans got the worst from two worlds, just like niggers. But they do it voluntarily, what I will never understand.
Too much of both sexual hormones makes you an animal. Not more not less.

I have a boner that won't go a way be cause I'm thinking about how I get to work alone with a cutie today. Should I rape her? I think she wants it, she aways stands within my personal space, looks at me when others are talking even violates social distancing guidelines. I want her bad but she's got a boyfriend.

Lol she is playing you. You deserve it you degenerated pron cunt.

Because their entire existence is defined by posing rather than genuine action.


Pick one faggot. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend.

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Pretty sure she wants to play with my balls if that's what you mean

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you understand that trannies usually take a drug to suppress their sex hormone their body produces right? I sit at under 10ng/dl for test.
you should learn shit instead of being ignorant.

Try it, if you are lucky she is as degenerated as you. But check out who is her boyfriend first, it might hurt.

Yeah dream on.

What shocks me the most is that mothers voluntarily put their children in those situations, genuinely thinking it's good and positive experience for them.

Feminists version of Yas Forums culture and our greatest allies.

They're a bunch of dykes who want to create a only female dyke society, they're more akin to the incels.

I ignore anyone who labels themselves, it was trendy 10 years ago and now it's just so tiresome. Everyone be they 'TERF', 'atheist', 'conservative', or 'alt-right' is just another flavor of idiot.

No matter what label we invent, the Jews will use it against us, just like they did with Libertarians. So, with that said, label yourself an anti-semite and that's it.

The word TERF was invented by trannys and alt left maniacs... therefor it is stupid, and we should not use the phrase.

I think saying “dykes who hate trannys” is a much more useful phrase.

Do not use newspeak... that’s how the poison first enter the mind

Political nihilists are insufferable

they are about as based as OP

Good point.

A radical feminist would say “all trannys must be castrated” or some shit.

Hating faggot pedo trannys who insult your gender through Womanface is by no means radical. That’s as mundane as the grass is green

Respect for this thought leaf.

Wew, lad, slow your role.

Best boss I ever had was a lady engineer. Seriously, women and their higher multitasking skills make good managers. Maybe not the best principal design engineers, but great organizers and planners. Plus she made cookies for branch meetings, and never yelled at anyone.

Hey, user, it's me again, Yas Forums's inside user on r/GenderCritical, Mumsnet, and terven twitter. After my many months of infiltration, my analysis is, they are absolutely not based.

They hate trannies, and they're right about porn, albeit for the wrong reasons, and they're surprisingly averse to routine male circumcision, although again, their interest is self-serving; their problem with mutilated dicks is the desiccated glans will abrade their vagina, and a cutfag will need to trust rougher and with more force to get sensation.

Some of them could go either way on gun control, because if a tranny tracks them down and attacks them with a bat, a gun is the only equalizer. There's another contingent though, who look at the massive disparity between female victims shot by males and male victims shot by females, and continue that proliferation of firearms among civilians is a net loss for women's safety.

But they can never be our allies, because they refuse to ally with us. They hate right-wingers, if you profess to be conservative, immediate ban. They will tolerate the presence of neutral or leftist men, sometimes, as long as everything you say is validating. They are the most narcissistic group of people I've ever encountered, with the exception of trannies themselves. It makes sense they're natural enemies, two sides of the same coin.

They can never be of any use to us, except as an independent faction that also harasses trannies. But there will never be a full alliance between us and them. It's kind of sad.

I'm not interested at all on making trannies seethe. OP is a huge faggot who spends all his time worrying about how to bring others down instead of how to bring herself up.

What about being neither left not right but taking a third position?

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Terfs, are hilarious and usefull, but they are the same man hating feminists who forced all this on us and ruined everything.
