>representative study in the hard hit region of Heinsberg, Gangelt, studying 1000 individuals
>14% already had antibody response to the virus
>2% tested positive in the PCR test
>conservative estimate puts the total infected population at 15%, possibly higher
>lethality rate is only 0.37%
SARS CoV 2 Lethality rate is 0.37% according to study
This is not the thread we deserve but the thread we need.
So is this hoax over yet ?
ok (((kevin)))
The takeaway is 0,37% if people get intensive care user, it still means that if ICU capacity is exceeded the 3-5% of intensive care unit patients drop like flies.
Thats the difference between 200k dead in germany and over a million
So, to any user here. What was the gift that Kim Jong Un gave to America back in December 2019? Was it the kung-flu?
>The takeaway is 0,37% if people get intensive
And don't forget the part about surrendering your freedoms and livelihood.
Don't let yourself be taken over by propaganda praying on fear user.
imagine believing this is a nothingburger
total low IQ
Thanks germanon. Now go out to the hospital and kiss a patient
Ok waffle man
I wanna cut the cat into 2 pieces with a chainsaw
China’s outbreak happened 4-6 months ago and they could’ve provided the same data. But they decided to conceal it and fake their numbers. That’s chinamen for you.
show tits roastie
>German Covid mortality rate is less than 1/10th of global
So the real mortality rate is 4-5% then?
lies it's literal airborne aids stays with you forever (yes even after you die) and can pop up again at anytime at will
>morons still looking at recovered/deaths in an ongoing pandemic
I thought japs are smart
>assuming all ongoing will recover
>assuming all cases were counted
>3-5% of intensive care unit patients drop like flies
You don’t get it intensiv care patients have a 70 percent chance of surviving, less than 50 if they are mechanically ventilated. Meaning 0,37 deaths equals only 0,5 have to be mechanically ventilated.
Not until every car accident death is labeled a covid death mate.
Imagine living in spaghetti and thinking you know about burgers.
Yea, the numbers in the USA are totally legit.
On any subject, name a number our government gives and it's legit every time.
let's work on that title a bit
>SARS CoV 2 Lethality rate in phase 1 is estimated to have been 0.37% in Heinsberg, Germany
I used to work in Kreis Heinsberg. Good thing I got out when I did.
That's like 1,200,000 people in the US will die
>phase 1
>two more weeks
>i mean next fall
>two weeks after next fall
Noooooo i have only 99,63% of survival
imagine thinking its not a nothingburger just because you managed to trip over your own feet in an act of typical med incompetence and mismanagement
>chinese air aids is still not understood
>lets just yolo it
>be a german and bow to overlords jic
No thanks.
bow to who?
take your meds schizo :)
>we need more time to understand it better
>what exactly are we waiting to find out with exactly which degree of certainty?
>cant say lol just trust me bro i'll know when i can let you out again
That's a myth, it's just a flu.
Just ignore it and get on with your life then.
>what exactly are we waiting to find out with exactly which degree of certainty?
reinfection, recombination, ADE
It would help to have numbers about hospitalization and ICU usage along with those numbers since that's what everyone makes this about. Can someone get the numbers for Gangelt or Heinsberg?
Results are nice tho, about as expected I guess?
what degree of certainty to do you want to achieve(we already have data on 1 million cases) and how does the outcome affect the lifting of lockdown measures _exactly_?
it's more a question of time
outcome depends
eg if reinfections occur within 6 months and 100% of people die the lockdown measures should be indefinite until a cure is found
LOL Corona trusters keep clinging to that dream.
>eg if reinfections occur within 6 months and 100% of people die the lockdown measures should be indefinite until a cure is found
thats not possible because the healthcare sector would go down with the rest of the economy before a cure has been found. not to mention that if 100% of people die within 2 weeks of getting it then many researches would die as well, further prolonging the production of a vaccine, possibly indefinetely.
Not happening with neutralizing antibodies. You would need to get the antibodies that are just good enough to clout the virus. Then the virus would have to not be inactivated by this, which is unlikely given this type of virus. And the macrophages etc. would have to be able to replicate them.
Will be possible after 6 months to 2 years. But reinfection is almost universally milder and the amount of virion share is lower.
Could happen with any coronavirus at any time, but it’s most likely will result in the virus becoming able to infect another species or a higher transmission rate.
Hindsight is great eh user? Fact is, we in the medical and virology establishment had no idea what the potential of this virus was, for months.
and you think we knew??? look at the sorry state of our "country" do you think we knew you imbecile
The study says they measure IgA and IgG antibodies. Anyone know wether these are specific to sars-cov-2? Or do they measure any Corona virus or something else?
i dont think you have thought that through and i dont know why you are limiting my "depends" answer to that extreme case
that would only happen if the lockdowns were cancelled or ineffective
ADE is exteremly likely for this type of virus (SARS) or what do you refer to here?
at this point this is all just speculation and more studies are needed for such a risky gamble
No. Where did I say this?
Just a flu, LMAO
as long as the owls and buzzards are safe in the hochwildfreigehege, I don't care about any fatties and/or boomers dying
you're irrelevant pastanigger
Lol no, first they need to passa law to implant chips into everyone.
You know, for "safety" measures.
I'm 100% sure that all scientists produce 100% accurate data komrad.
Has it ever occurred to you "muh freduums" people that there are some instances where being an individualist contrarian is counterproductive to the survival of your own nation and people?
Guess who wants you to be an hyper-materialist individualist consoomer the most.
Cooperation is survival trait no. 1 bar none.
>Sex: Unknown
Burgers, everyone.
Reminder that if Italy leaves EU, all the southern countries will follow suit because they don't want to deal with immigration and your weed and hooker-based economy will not be able to save your country from losing the benefits of being Germany's #1 lapdog.
>ADE is exteremly likely for this type of virus (SARS) or what do you refer to here
No it isn’t. Never occurred naturally in Coronaviruses. It’s only a concern for vaccine development.
>at this point this is all just speculation and more studies are needed for such a risky gamble
You do get that this proposal of yours would also lead us to fear this of every ordinary respiratory virus out there? Because all the possibilities you mentioned could also happen with them.
We do need a north, a south and an east EU. Because all together just doesn’t work.
You do realize the confirmed flu lethality is 2%. Check the CDC numbers.
Corona is a literal nuthingburger.
>2 more weeks
>you hoaxers just wait
>you should have listened
>No it isn’t. Never occurred naturally in Coronaviruses. It’s only a concern for vaccine development.
So, it's "only" a concern that there may never be a vaccine?
>every ordinary respiratory
We need to be able to react a lot faster to future outbreaks of viruses with the same impact so we can be able to contain it.
What is the hoax in hospitals exceeding their capacity if no measures are taken?
Every nothing burger country has eventually hit the brakes because facts on the ground. Not some academic projection.
To die you have to be alive in the first place.
The initial conceptual flaw with this whole situation, thus quarantine is bullshit.
There are many successful vaccines against Coronaviruses. Even against viruses similar to SARS-Cov-1 and-2. You can vaccinate camels against MERS-Cov. We have vaccinated dogs, cats and pigs against them for a long time. We absolutely can develop a vaccine, but it could take 2-3 years.
>We need to be able to react a lot faster to future outbreaks of viruses with the same impact so we can be able to contain it.
It’s not very likely you can contain something with a high enough basic reproduction rate. You would need to stop globalization all together.