Is there actually a way to make China eat normal peoples food?

I was thinking sanctions perhaps. Product boycott maybe

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> eat the dogs

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China is the worlds largest food producer by far.

You're the one with a limited number of foods to enjoy.

Answer me this: Taiwan is separate from China, no?

Chang, you eating bats poisoned the world.

Dude have you heard of the pannonian basin Food for all of Europe, but dont worry the Hungarians aint gonna do that as there are to many niggers around.

Also youre from Austrialia I think that we have more food then you have grass.

>my food good
>your food bad

They can eat lead as punishment for allowing this virus to cripple the economy and pushing half a billion niggers into the west.
Elites too while we're at it.

I think he might be a Chinaman in Australia

They are already starting to ban these activities. They're aware that literally the only thing westerners can bitch about are

>c-chinks eat dogs
>f-fucking commies

And seeing as communism is literally working for them, there's only one thing now left to change.

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Fuckin commie bastard *cracks whip*

>first city in 2020 to ban dog and cat eating.
Huge accomplishment by gommunists.

They're still gonna cook in literal sewer sludge and eat fucking plastic bags.

>first city
it's literally the city that consumes it the most

Fuck China. Let them eat rats and isolate them from the world.

they have to eat two nukes like Japan.

>communism is literally working for them

You fail to understand how high public unrest really is in China, that along with the huge numbers of people living in abject poverty.

>imagine needing a law to not eat cants and dogs

china eats shits why would I be suprised?!!

Genuinely weird seeing a chinaman eat an apple

even fucking bulgaria gets it

they'll revoke after the backlash is over

You can see the disgust in his face, kinda like when a PM eats a meat pie. Abject horror and disgust.
He is imagining it's a big juice dog penis deep fried in gutter oil.

Attached: Chinese Can Eat Everything.webm (634x360, 2.86M)

For a bunch of commies they sure do like money a whole hell of a lot. Seems to indicate they've abandoned communism in everything but name. You're wrong about your other point too. There's an encyclopedia full of topics we can rightfully bitch about concerning China. I thought commies like you got beaten in Poland.

Attached: Mods.webm (362x640, 2.86M)

Wtf am I looking at?

what even the fuck is that

I dunno. Is there a way to make America eat normal peoples food?

Maybe then we wouldn't be 60% obese lol

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pigs pussy

That's a horse's asshole

Attached: Cow vagina.webm (202x358, 1.55M)

is this the anus/butt area of some animal?

Indians would kill you for eating a steak if they could because cow jesus told them to.

What's normal food anyway? If you have nothing to eat you'd be a fool not to take anything crawling towards you, 500 years ago we thought that tomatoes are poisonous.


Attached: Chinese Fleshlight.webm (410x716, 2.71M)

Dear god. Is this some sort of Chinese version of a celebrity cooking show?

>You wan big fat puuusay rips faw maxshimum fravor

Changing 2000 years of dog-eating in an entrenched and ignorant chinese culture.
Good luck!

Attached: Chinese Offal.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

just fucking bomb them lmoa

Attached: Asian Guys Like Eat Cow.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

its pretty good if u clean it properly and eat with fish sauce

Attached: China- Biggest Cockroach Farm.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

The French eat frogs, the Australians eat kangaroos, the Canadians eat cows, the Japanese eat raw fish, the Americans eat lobsters, the Russians eat pigs. Why can't Chinese people eat what they like and why do you call their food not normal? You're wrong. The Chinese are our brothers and I will not allow them to be insulted. They help the whole world. And we should be grateful to them

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Oldschool fleshlight

No thanks

Last One.

Attached: Automatic Wok.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Hello chong

>I was thinking sanctions perhaps. Product boycott maybe
I was thinking something more along the lines of total nuclear annihilation.

its literally just sausage without the stuffing

no, because these chinks who eat that dog shit are basically cashed up hillbillies.

All those types do is superficially flex their ill gotten financial gains.

>Why can't Chinese people eat what they like and why do you call their food not normal?
The difference between civilized Europeans and chink bugmen is that at least Europeans prepare their food. Bugmen literally maybe just boil it for 20 minutes to stop it from shaking around, but most of the time they eat it raw. Nuke China.

Go back to china, subhuman. All chinks should be killed and mainland china should be nuked


>everything is food to a chink
>we produce most food
Fucking chinks.

>China, that along with the huge numbers of people living in abject poverty.


goddamn that subhuman, soulless, insectoid stare....


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Falun Gong.

Only if you take away the non-normal foods. People will eat the worst kind of shit and justify it with religion, tradition, poverty or whatever else.

>don't be racist


>herro wauwnt
Ah Id like no 69 the cat pussy lips
And no 116 Sweet and sour dog cocknballs
>dog cocknballs all gone, only got lobster tranny flaps
OK 117 Sweet and sour lobster tranny flaps
and No 22 6 fried cow sperm surprise
and the special fried rice with red monkey arse surprise.
>Hokayyur wnt prickup or derivery.
No I want the chinese communist prarty to IMPLODE

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