Anyone here ancap?

Attached: AncapFlag.png (1024x683, 3.48K)

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no I like tradition

Yeah, but then I grew the fuck up and stopped being retarded.

whats the point of adding "cap" to the word. Under anarchy there wouldn't be a government to tell you what you can and cant sell anyways.


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Yeah, fuck roads and shit man

no, with anarcho-capitalism there's the nap. no agressing upon anyone or their property. this is enforced by private rights enforcement agencies.

roads are for statist weakases

ok tankie

Good point. The only things we want is freedom and consequences for our choices and actions. Adding "cap" only give a seeming of credibility to the contradiction of "uncoercive socialism", a.k.a. AnCom.

In other words you are a poorfag?

i remember when i was 12

In other words you failed to achieve your financial goals?

>whats the point of adding "cap"
because there are people that don't understand anarchy and think that having a government is anarchy

you mean /jewishcontrolledopposition/

You're welcome.

Take the pledge

I'm minarchist
very based

I grew out of it into a monarchist

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Nah fuck Bernie

he government is bad at doing things, so they're entrusted to military, police and courts?

only based monarchists are anarcho-monarchists

No such a think exist. Thats as bad as claiming youre an Anarcho Communist.

i think theyre being ironic. Some other meme ideologies were created here too. Only problem is some lower IQ people read these things and actually believe it like the flatearth meme

We don’t need roads when we have self flying Tesla me thanks to capitalism

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it would be cool to live in a world where everyone has smart spaceships and personal mini planes so anyone can just go anywhere on earth or in space.

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No, I'm not retarded.

yeah i'm joking about anmon (though it could exist if the royal family were treated as celebrities but no political power)

someone's employer just cut their pay

>gobbernment bad at doing things.
I’m just gonna leave this here.
*pic related*

Also taxation isn’t theft. Because it’s not your property.

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>your property is not your property
what did he mean by this?

fuck no
convince me that an ancap society won't devolve into corporate rule and corporations pushing degeneracy for a quick buck
how would you prevent pornhub from selling videos of 8 year olds in an ancap society? there's a market for it, free market bro

fuck you poor

Your an “anarcho”-capitalist.
Your bitch about taxation being theft. But without the government you don’t have property.
“Property exists by the grace of law, it is not a fact but a legal fiction” t. Max Stirner.
So how about you quit your childish LARPing and either admit your a statist or actually become a real anarchist.
>”Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property”

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>But without the government you don’t have property.
you just posted cringe bro

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I am but the Hoppean type.

Nice cope
That was easy.

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any educational links? cant find shit on jewtube

>capitalism requires private property
>private property requires a government to codify and enforce it
>anarchism means no government
okay anons, youre going to have to explain this to me!

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How can you still be an ancap or libertarian on an epidemic?

The leaf gets it

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Somewhat, I definitely prefer it over socialism.

Lol “private rights enforcement agencies” so basically mercenary guards. Only ancaps are retarded enough to believe that corporations literally being able to buy private armies would be a good thing

Ancap master race reporting in.

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Basically, fuck totalitarianism.

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Individualism, honest money and small or no government are the biggest threats to the ZOG system.
Thats why (((they))) promote NatSoc here

>private property requires a government to codify and enforce it
how so? you were born with property right to your own body and mind and in extension you have a property right to your own labor
property is the fruit of labor
read Locke

now more than ever with every government fucking up worldwide when a bunch of retards on a mongolian monitored forum could see this shit happening since January (telling others anons to prep and self isolate if possible) and a lot of companies taking measures before any major institution
also the libertarians not ancap defend a minimum government for cases just like this one

the NAP wont be able to enforce SHIT. how does one delude themselves into thinking this?

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I used to be, then I realized a non-hierarchical society would invariably create a communist society, not a market society.

It's been empirically proven as well, check out the Zapatistas. Proof that real anarchism would be communist.

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>You were born with property right to your own body and mind and in extension you have a property right to your own labor property is the fruit of labor

This is an objective truth claim.
Do you have proof?

Also don’t quote Locke in support of Libertard Land or Ancapistan. Locke believed in the social contract under which taxation isn’t theft.

And even in the case of Libertardianism you just become a statist, being unable to claim taxation is wrong or that you are entitled to as you say “your own labor and the fruit of labor”.
All your “””property””” is contingent on the existence of the state and its use of force to uphold the idea of your property thus making it their property which they may revoke at any time and will have done nothing more then taken what is theirs.
>Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property
Man up and either become a true anarchist or admit your merely a statist LARPing.

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>Property exists by the grace of guns

And the state has the most guns and when it comes and takes “””your””” shit in the form of taxation with the threat of force it is merely taking what is really it’s by grace of guns.
So yes.
Your kid of shot yourself in the foot there, if you’ll pardon the pun.

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You're really just going to ignore this post:


>You're really just going to ignore this post:
Law exists by the grace of guns too.

thats just a gay Oscar flag 69ing a nigger instead of assfucking a redskin.

and thats an equally gay Oscar flag but now the nigger is rimming the indian.

Fuck you dumbass.

I'm a greencap but there's no flag for land pirates

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are you high?

What is the difference between ancap and neofeudalist?

Do you know something called "police"

ancaps should be all put in jail

Anarcho-Monarchism is the superior anarco ideology

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And the dirty money laundry state like Switzerland should be burned to the ground.