Why aren't we disinfecting the streets in the West like CHina did to get rid of the virus?

China has been doing it for months now. Why aren't we seeing any truck spraying our streets in New-York for example? All these measures that are being put in place won't be successful unless we start disinfecting the cities and doping the same as China.

Attached: ChinaSprayingVirus.jpg (900x474, 55.87K)

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They were infecting their population with a weaker aerosolised version of the virus.

They did the same in India but used Air Freshener instead.

Because it's stupid.


Because the virus itself only lasts for so long on surfaces. This is basically them sperging the fuck out and not knowing how to deal with it without just fucking up their environment even more so.

because it was a meme to scare people. they literally had professional shots/drones recording the trucks coming by. WHO / China / Democrats / MSM wanted the US to shut down, they got their wish.

Sunlight kills germs. The only reason they had to disinfect streets is because Chinkland is so fucking smoggy they don't get sun.

Immunity to this strain also provides immunity to the more deadly strain.

That doesn't actually work against viruses.

Well, then why the sunlight in ur cunt did nothing?

being that nigger

They were probably spraying the weak strain of the virus to immunize the population. That's why China miraculously is fine now.

That wasn’t disinfectant.

Even if it was I doubt spraying like that would be hugely effective

Because quarantine has to be lifted so the manufactured consent for authoritarian control can be imprinted.

Fuck off, newfag.

>not having sunlight in your cunt

Yeah right... I'm sure that's the reason.

I think that right now the West's measures are missing an important point in controlling the virus. And that is, we need to start spraying the streets and disinfect them. We are making a great mistake right now by not doing so.

Explain how the virus infects people when it’s on a paved street.

Is the virus so powerful that walking on it gets it on your shoe and then taking your shoe off infects you? The whole “it lives on surfaces” thing is more relevant in regards to touching the surfaces with your hand, as opposed to touching it with another surface.

Its just simple powdered bleach and water. And it does kill the virus.

There are pickup trucks spraying the streets and the air here, in my neighborhood. Also people spraying the sidewalks.
I thought this is the norm.

I think it's pretty obvious.


If we want to get this pandemic under control, we need to start spraying and disinfecting the public areas now. if we don't, as soon as the we reopen and loosen the control measures, the virus will spread again. China was right about that. Expect disinfecting trucks to become a common sight in the next couple of weeks.

Attached: VirusSurfaces.jpg (1484x805, 190.21K)

Without wiping the solution over the surface it’s only going to impact whatever the vapour lands on

I’m sure it’s better than nothing but it’s also not really that effective at the same time, probably better to pay cleaners to go through and wipe the street over once a day

they were just doing it to demonstrate that something was being done

Wearing a mask, social distancing, working from home. All of these measures will become moot, if they don't disinfect the streets.

The virus is EVERYWHERE NOW!


Wake up America!

No. They did that in all the countries that are currently managing the outbreak. It's not a coincidence.

It's so infuriating to see how slow the West is reacting and learning from Asia. Thousand of people are dying, while we debate about it. It's fucking retarded. The solutions are right there, in front of our eyes. We just have to pay attention and learn from other countries.

No. It's essential to control the spread of the virus. Just fucking wait and see. In a couple fo weeks, or months, you will see trucks spraying this shit in the U.S. But it will happen after a couple of thousand people have died from the virus. Pathetic.

That's not actually true and China's faking their numbers. Millions have died and millions more will.

What about south Korea? Do you think that they are lying as well?

Large-Scale Disinfection Efforts Against Coronavirus


As health workers and governments around the world work to slow the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, large-scale disinfection efforts are becoming commonplace. Using methods ranging from simple hand-wiping to mobile spray cannons, workers and volunteers are attempting to halt the transfer of the virus by touch. While there are questions about the efficacy of some of the broader spraying tactics, disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces can help stop the spread of the virus. Collected here, images of recent efforts in Iran, China, Italy, South Korea, and more.

Attached: Disinfection.jpg (1500x1001, 621.28K)

We need to start doing that in U.S cities now. It's urgent.

I can't believe I have to argue with you retards about that. It's so fucking obvious.



Attached: 3875E929-A83E-4CD8-A89B-396131316BC1.jpg (884x1006, 159.07K)


You just wait and see, they will wake up about this subject in a couple of weeks, when it's too late of course, and you fuckers will be sprayed 24/24 for the next 5 months. I fucking hate how slow we are in times of crisis.

It's all so predictable it's not even funny.


They are not telling people what they are spraying though

That may leave a carcinogen around or cause other problems with breathing

Anyone know what that vapor is made of?

You didn’t explain how it infects people if it’s on the street. People aren’t walking on all fours over streets before touching their faces

>40 posts
>20 by one ID

Wearing shoes in the house can potentially bring in germs — here's why you should leave them at the front door


Attached: Shoes.jpg (853x686, 150.72K)


I hear they're running 80:20 VG:PG with pineapple marshmellow at 12 nic.

expensive, ineffective, and really bad for agriculture. You will be killing a lot of insects that we need to pollinate crops.

Thanks for providing us with one hundred year old common sense facts

I bet they'll be suffering lung problems for decades now.
China is fucking retarded.

Because that’s all just a show to convince west that the virus is more dangerous than it is

I bet nobody but Aussies get the joke in this pic.

Because you're not going to properly disinfect anything. Imagine just lightly spraying a surface with detol then nit wiping it, do you think it would be clean? It's like everything chinks do, for appearance.

It was a psyop to get people indoors. It worked.

Cal down, nigger, China was only doign that shit for optics. They needed Fauci and Co to have some material with which to scare retards like you.

because you end up with more resistant virus strains

because it will scare people, and it's bad for the (((market))).

Then why are there so few deaths in Africa?
We've been in quarantine for a while and there is still nothing in Africa compared to the west.
It's like the virus in the west is deliberately targeted or spread.

And this comes months after people began to talk about China's monetary fuckery.

They do it here but with water mixed with disinfectant. Kinda stupid tho, as they only clean part of the roads, never the sidewalks.

Road sweepers aren't like this I think.

i saw a drone a few days ago spraying aerosol disinfectant.

Attached: disinfector.png (283x178, 78.03K)

Africans are not capable to do enough tests. They can't produce or afford enough test kits. That's why we need to help them if we can.

> guaranteed cancer in 10 years

because burgerland can't even afford face masks and had to pirate them from cargo ships

The dead won't be counted as infected if he/she was not tested.

Because it's not environmentally friendly to spray chemicals that could save thousands