Swallow the communism pill

swallow the communism pill.
if you truly believe in civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality and democracy, you must swallow the communism pill.

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>civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality and democracy
You're an idiot, socialism is about having a job better than burger king/amazon, not being on debt to pay doctor and having a place to live.

pick one

>freedom of expression
pick one

you can keep your democracy and equality

>civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality and democracy
It's gay

Swallow your own cum at least you'll be getting some nutrition

None of those things you just listed have ever existed in any communist state
>hurr durr not real communism hurrr
Yes it was, dim wit.
Pic related it's you.

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correct, so how are those things different to liberty, freedom of expression and equality?
how about i pick all? for clarity, i don't mean the egalitarian version of equality, that's a bourgeois meme. equality of opportunity and consummation is much more realistic than the idealistic notion of equality of outcome.
>each according to his ability, each according to his need

feel free to argue anytime

Because they are real, unlike vague names that liberals love to worship.
Modern socialism would be just USSR, and that's fine, USSR provided what I said.

Terrible b8, OP. Just terrible.

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well we seem to be in agreement. im not sure where the discord has come from. you think im a liberal when i have a communist flag on? come on buddy..

feel free to argue anytime

Because you'll not convince the people by repeating liberal slogans.
The day Americans understand socialism exist for the redneck and not for the Californian college student is the day America will become socialist.

the true red pill

nazis don't believe civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality, democracy or truth, so why would they swallow the communist pill?

they need a bullet.

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I don’t believe in equality or democracy

what good would it bring? i just would like hear your stance

So people who don’t agree with you get killed? That sounds like freedom of expression right there buddy

communists love nigger cock, simple as.

neither do communists in yugoslavia kids would get pelted with rocks for speaking against tito. I lived in Ohrid, and shit was bad

I don't want democracy, nor freedom of expression as porn should be banned. Why would I want equality when people are not born equal?

the socioeconomic conditions you mentioned like housing, a worthwhile job that produces something of significant value and the lack of private banking institutions arise from the adherence to the political ideas i mentioned like civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality and democracy. these are either present in a grotesque form in a liberal democracy or don't exist at all but are presented to exist through corporate endorsement. the "progressive" movements we see sponsored by conglomerates is the very opposite of a democratic process, entirely undermines freedom of expression and imposes great sanctions on civil liberties all the while under a guise of equality which really should be rebranded in a liberal democracy as "state mandated conformity"

Start a commune.

Then China is the place for you right now.

never buy into masonic bullshit
never forget
never forgive

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Daily reminder, commies literally lie about everything.

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>His need
Who wishes quantifies that?
Personally, I need everything you have.
You're a fucking moron.

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There is nothing to argue, communism is pathetic, we already see it in action. Poor masses following orders from rich elites under "everyone are equal".

I look forward to throwing you out of a helicopter.

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Why? They’re a communist country. Democracy always results in socialism. Just look at who won the popular vote.

>convert to communism already. goyim!
Leftism is a religion and you're a glorified Jehovah's witness door knocking shill.

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No such thing, even in and especially in communism.

You say that while living in a country built by freemasons built on freemansonry.
Either freemasonry is shit and America was always shit, or you must accept freemasonry has actually been right (Or more right than established religion) this entire time.

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> freedom of expression

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under a capitalist mode of production, the goal of the bourgeoisie is to impose sanctions upon the worker to nullify and limit their political consciousness through various means of unrelenting consumerism, class antagonisms (racial ideas, nationalist ideas, imperialist ideas [better known as "divide and conquer"]) and the monopoly of consummation (a small minority controlling mass media, the means of production, political institutions) to alienate the individual from their true form. workers become dependent on the very system that creates their inequality through subsistence wages through meaningless, menial work in mostly hostile and unsafe environments. if workers were to seize the means of production, distribute ownership among the oppressed, the potential for human growth is unprecedented. capitalists only control these state apparatus in order to consolidate power and wealth, a precarious notion which poses a great hindrance upon human development.

The ideal system would be libertarianism for the elite and a dictatorship for the masses. Anyone sub 100 IQ loves dictatorship and I don’t know how to convince them otherwise. The problem with this idea is, there are many in the elite now, who don’t really deserve to be there, and there are many who are elite but are enslaved with the rest of the masses. And there is no objective way of deciding who is elite or pleb. And it’s not really ethical to play God either to determine it.

I find it enjoyable how Communists never seem to join together and start self sufficient communes. They always want an entire political takeover so they can sit on their lazy fat asses and glom on other people's labor like the Capitalist pigs they pretend to hate. They don't want to control the means of production because they think they will be working the line, they want to control the means of production so they can control the worker on the line.

>suppression of communist values in an anti-communist system doesn't exist

stop taking so much adderall you retarded fuck. could barely read that autistic shit without laughing

Stop making communism sound retarded faggot.

well i tried. at least you read it

Fantastic non-rebuttal.

are you a communist? in what way did i make it sounded retarded? and how would you best describe it?

thanks, i picked it up from all the anti-communists on this board and in particular this thread.

Boss: Hey, I need a helping hand. Do you want to work for me? I’ll pay you $50.

Worker: no thanks

Boss: how about $100?

Worker: wow, okay thanks!

>muh sanctions

desperate now?
it shows

Still not a rebuttal.

are you a russiyan mate?

lol fuck off

the sanctions of forcing the worker to sell their wage-labour in order to basic survival needs at a subsistence level to create dependence on a system that created the conditions of inequality which forced the worker to sell their wage-labour.

Communism is a socioeconomic system in which class, money and the state have been abolished. All of the shit you listed mostly has nothing to do with it and in some cases it is contradictory to it.

>if you truly believe in civil liberty, freedom of expression, equality and democracy

>N-no u
Fuck off

Civil liberties and freedom of expression are fake, equality and democracy are gay.

commies do not believe in freedom of expression and democracy either and equality is bullshit you are not equal to me or any person with iq over 90

well i disagree. they are universal political notions that are incompatible and in fact contradicted in a liberal society as opposed to the counterpart of the transitional period of socialism and later communism.

So the workers of the entire planet have seized the means of production. Now what specifically?

there's a huge difference between equality of consummation and equality of outcome. egalitarianism is a meme used by the elites to garner a social and moral high ground. it's pretty much a glorified marketing tool at this point, hence why every free enterprise in a liberal economy supports social "progressive" movements like LGBT, neo-feminism, rights of mass refugees etc.

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well nevermind then
i wanted to ask a russian something

i already covered this here he's right, egalitarianism is gaslighting mechanism.

You sound like you have a spending problem then. What do you need to survive? Netflix? iPhones? Stop spending so much money on frivolous shit.

Housing? Go live in the woods or live in a rural area or get a roommate to reduce expenses.

Food? You can live off $200/month

Healthcare. Why should I pay for a boomers, fatties, trannies, druggies healthcare?

Look up FIRE and see how super savers live off $1000/month. That’s $12K a year. You can make that on a part time job.

go die faggot
may god have mercy on your soul b/c the rest of the world will not

>15 posts by this Id
Atheist he is putting a effort

I don't believe in any of those things, fuck all ideologies, my ideology is catism.

All humans must die for cats, mistreated cats will result in the owners shooting. Cats will be worshipped like they were back in Egypt

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>****provided you don't say or do anything against what an un-elected politburo arbitrarily says

you would get along with commies in my country i give you that but that makes you only slightly more tolerable than the rest of western commies

that being said you still believe in stupid ideology that will never be realized my friendly advice stop wasting your time learn how to trade and start making money

the conditions exist in order to maintain control over the worker. a worker simply can't focus on the thing in which he can achieve his true potential, he must abide by the state, the minority oligarch, lest he is ostracised and utterly squandered by the state. the working conditions available to the working class and the means of production serve no purpose other than profit, for the capitalist to generate as much capital as possible, furthering the grasp on his monopoly of power. the oligarchs decide what we can consume and produce, by proxy deciding our thoughts, political and moral consciousness.
tb h, libertarians and communists should find a middle ground and work together, we have similar ideals.

Communists would shot faggot like you.

Nah fuck off.

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The conditions exist because everyone has to contribute to society, and the more you want (i.e. take from society) the more you have to give (work) in return. And money seems to be an objective way of measuring that

All spam, no content, not even a shitty attempt at convincing anyone you have an argument. Fuck off chink.

Because Nazis are bad doesn't mean communism works. It doesn't.

im prepared to take the catpill tb h. catpill me.
the dictatorship of the proletariat is established and leadership is divided among a committee to consolidate the overarching powers of the workers. through this, soviets should be developed, with sub-committees in each soviet which could then govern worker syndicates, or communes if you will. this dictatorship is a transitional and temporary, used only to guide the new socialist power into communism. to combat a cult of personality forming within the new party and to undermine any sort of corruption, the central and sub-committees will be governed by a lottery, where every 6-12 months, the members will swapped out with other vetted members of the proletariat who are deemed capable of fulfilling the socialist ideals. once members are swapped, they can't become members again and they integrate back into the common. the only dichotomy will exist as a common vs. political social status yet the government will be solely a public service and not as a means to progress one's own status in the society. various socialising methods should be implemented in this time, as well as nationalising the private sector to distribute the means of production among the workers, where each syndicate and their respective sub-committees will centrally control certain faculties of the private sector.

If he was arguing for the formation of small voluntary agrarian communes I can see the argument for that.
But the swapping one boot on your neck for another except a new group of elitist fucks are wearing the boot and not even the pretense of Rights pitch falls short.

see my plan here