Italy 20000 deaths

>Italy 20000 deaths
>Spain 15000 deaths
>France 10000 deaths
>USA 12000 deaths
Please tell me how the fuck China has only 3300 deaths, when they 1. underestimated the virulence of COVID-19 and 2. didnt take action until it was too late for millions to be infected and 3. have less performant and modern public hospital than us

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They're lying.

the chinese are small
the virus is too big for them to absorbpt

The CCP orders, reality obeys.

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>implying you can stop the spread of COVID in a shithole like this

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>Please tell me how the fuck China has only 3300 deaths,
By lying

hong kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world and has only 4 (four) deaths. i think taiwan and thailand also have very low death rates. the virus kills whites and blacks, not asians. kinda makes you think

The death rate is extremely low and even lower in China because they eat better and are overall healthier than Americans.

>3. have less performant and modern public hospital than us
public healthcare is meme
everythink public is meme

next gen trollin'

Because they can order their citizens to stay indoors with an iron fist? It's definitely more than 3300 (lying to save face) but I can only assume they're over it now if they're actually rebooting all their shit instead of remaining in lockdown. Meanwhile dumb fuck normies are still partying at the beach here.

The biggest giveaway is that it didn't hit Beijing and Shanghai at all. This is WW3 with bioweapons.

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>no such thing as wuhan virus, its literally flu season and every death regardless of whether the victim was shot or stabbed is being called a coronavirus victim lol

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No one sane believe their numbers, most likely they have more deaths from this than rest of the world combined.

You call it a “Bioweapon”? Man, let's use nuke, that 's more efficient

What China doesn't know: The virus stolen from Canada was an anti-chinese biowarfare agent.
Thats why it took out 21 million of them but barely took out a few hundred thousand round-eyes.

Between 60000 and 200000 casualties I think.
Chinese have a blatant disdain for human life, 3000 deaths mean nothing for them, and STILL, they were afraid enough to lock down an entire province of 60 millions people???

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China lied people died


the only counted the dead member of the party. regular civilians corpses were disposed in the pet cemetary as usual.

cause the chinese are lying you rube

The real death toll in China is anywhere between tens of thousands and 21 million.

By the way the real death toll in places like Italy is also around double what's been reported going by their average death figures for the same time period over the past few decades. There's still just as many excess deaths (more than the average) since the outbreak happened that have not been attributed to coronavirus as excess deaths that have been attributed to it. So unless there's just some other mysterious virus or thing killing people en masse all over Italy, France, the UK and various other countries, it's at least twice as high as they're claiming it is.

Same for the US too, estimates are at least double the deaths claimed.

As it already established that its a Bio-weapon, a well planned execution to damage world economy. China already have cure for it ,thus low death rates and less positive cases in comparison.

The same way Kim Jong Il got 0.

i see

They lie. Obviously. Back when the west was still based they would have called them out.
Wuhan crematories handed out thousands of urns every day for weeks since the lockdown got weakened.

I don't know if this is a troll thread, but if you think the chinks are telling the truth, you're a fucking retard.

They even admitted to trying to suppress information of the initial outbreak so as to "not cause a panic". Authoritarian governments bank on the citizens not knowing how bad they are, because if the citizens found out, they'd overthrow them.

China has had many such rebellions. They have a concept called "Mandate of Heaven", which means every ruler has a mandate so long as he governs well. If they suck at their job and get millions killed, they'll lose the mandate and people will behead them.

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1. They're lying
2. They almost immediately enacted martial law when they realised shit was fucked.

china has in fact only 300 desu I mean death - glory to sching - I mean xing piggu

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W.H.O. is CCP's btch

Fun fact : chinese people are not obese slaves like many europeans. They est a lot of végetale and asian country have a diet suite healthy on average.
Now go back eating the bacon and cheese but die quietly please.

They've been lying is how. Guy has been recording crematoriums shipping out 3500 full urns a day, everyday for weeks now in Wuhan.
That is 24500 deaths a day, everyday for over a month. That is 759500 deaths minimum in Wuhan alone.

And before anyone tries to get smart and say "but natural deaths". Wuhan in 2019 had on average about 120 deaths a day.

China isn't and has never been very good at lying. The evidence to prove them wrong is as clear as day, yet they still lie anyway.

Those are normal flu season death rates for Europe.
The Chinese figures are probably heavily massaged.

>>Spain 15000 deaths
15000 less WEAKLINGS let's go for a full sweep.

I believe in their numbers, they just systematicaly Euthanasied every infected, while enforcing lockdown with soldier, leading to infection collapsing.

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They killed the infected, doestn count as virus kill.

if anything this has proven that nukes are useless nowadays. you know where they come from, you can retaliate. viruses can ruin a whole country, it's not even useful to destroy or kill a lot of people, just make them stay at home.

There's your answer.

If you need confirmation, just look at the number of countries attacking the WHO over helping China cover it up.

They're lying.


Today began its work the Metropolitan city of Wuhan. But three months ago, Wuhan was the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Industrial, administrative and cultural facilities of the megalopolis have also started working normally. In addition, in order to eliminate the consequences of the prolonged quarantine as soon as possible, residents of Wuhan received food stamps and coupons that give them the right to attend cultural events free of charge. In fact, we can say that the coronavirus epidemic in China is over. But what was the key to this? Features of the socio-economic system of the people's Republic of China, slowly but surely moving towards socialism. While in the capitalist countries of the world health systems suffered from a chronic lack of funding and degraded, the people's Government of the middle Kingdom invested huge amounts of money in the development of the health system.

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a chinese state news broadcaster reported 24k deaths in early February but then changed the numbers.........its obvious that they are lying !

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you make articles about the opinion of random chinese girls in russia?

I struggle with the fact there are people in the world that believes a single thing that comes out of China.

Either they're lying or they had the cure from the start and the whole thing was ploy to implode the economy.

No, but China know is how to fight against pandemic - socialism and high tech. And they are helping the world now

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thats depressing

It doesn't seem to kill africans actually. So at most it's only targeting white people.
Explains why Australia's is so low because they all are likely to be part indigenous to a degree.

Only because they monopolised the industries through their market manipulation in the first place.

Good move by China imo.
They're taking over guys.
I won´t be fooled tough look at that creepy chink face, you can smell the dirt from the video.

>high tech

Pick one.

Flag checks out

they are trying to buy friends


They lie as always

They already won actually

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Take about 10 seconds to really think it over and I'm sure you'll get there, big boy.

Shut te fuck up Chang Xi #3482356

>they already won
that means you lost too than

oh, poor little russian boy, he thought chinks saw them as not white and weren't just interested in their women


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>China caused global economic collapse
Well done China.

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I'd like to see their sources considering the inaccuracies of most Chinese publications.

>high tech

We are not whites. We are Asians same as Chinese.
Even more - we share the same Mongolian blood and that makes us blood brothers, we share the same history and political systems - that makes us spirit brothers.
We are brothers by blood and spirit.

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>Fun fact : chinese people are not obese slaves.
The apparent virtues of being an underfed slave.

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What is this bullshit, they spread this shit and know they try to play saviour?
I've seen two days ago huge Antonov flying to Warsaw airport with stuff KGHM (our big industry company) bought to help medical personel. Another Antonov with second part of cargo will come next week.

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t. Siberian prairie nigger

>Yu carr it “Bioweaponu”? Man, ret's use nuku, that 's mole efficientu

For Whom the Bell Tolls?
For market economic system it tolls.

you are probably some of the many chinks/asians living in russia
you are european and look european, and every propaganda against us will affect you too
east asian men are just interested in your women, nothing more, go to aznidentity or some other asian internet shithole and see how they talk about you and your women

They don't spread anything. They were as fast as can and they did nothing wrong. Virus is not human made and everybody agrees on that

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It was faked, amoeba can edit html numbers.

Cope by Proxy
The post

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this, they are regarded as often poorly wrought phone ins that would never get peer approval anywhere else.

and I'm not sure we'are their allies.

trips of truth

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>everyone over the age of 12 looks like they're on chemotherapy
>air is literal poison
>no sanitation standards
>markets full of rotting meat
>pregnant whores birth babies in ypipo countries for citizenship because china is a shit hole
>think they're healthier than anyone

Merely fertilizing an egg is committing suicide in china. Mass graves are a chinese tradition get the fuck out of here

not lying but rather omitting the numbers altogether

Chinks aren't our brothers, they are our enemies. You dumb fucking c*mmie.

Nobody believes the Sick Man of Asia's lies

>21million dead chinks