/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3068

► Detected: 1,519,571 (+1,611) ► Died: 88,5550 (+95) ► Day: 91

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,154 strains have been sequenced —


Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

There is now evidence for SARS-CoV-2 reactivation

Another city in China is placed on lockdown

Japan to declare state of emergency

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

New strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original from China

Testicular damage

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

07:11: 210 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
06:55: 225 new cases and 1 new death in India.
06:33: 54 new cases and 2 new deaths in Thailand. One of the deaths was a French national.
06:27: 7 new deaths in Romania.
06:24: 177 new cases and 5 new deaths in India.
06:23: 248 new cases in Austria.
06:22: 862 new cases and 53 new deaths in Switzerland.


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how deltete post?

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To slow nigga

Hi frens

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The time has come boys.
I'm fuckin' thrilled. Think we'll still have internet to watch the cities fall?

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>Died: 88,5550

> ----------- in short, flu stats are mostly bullshit
>The consistent estimates of the infection fatality risk at around 1 to 10 deaths per 100,000 infections identified in our review (Figure 3) may represent the seriousness of H1N1pdm09 in developed countries where data were available.

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This is truly the best timeline

I hope. as long I have internet I'm all set

Internet is mostly automated retard

That’s fucking disgusting

pic related

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>7 billion people in the world
>90000 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

Corona Chan please claim Boris

oops i fucked up typpo

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What happened to svenanon?

>what is exponential growth
you've had 4 months to learn this concept, get with it or go back to 9gag

>Died: 88,5550

Cottage cheese mmmmm

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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We shouldbe seeing 100k deaths daily according to you spergs


Anti-Chinese commentary in a major German news piece:
If even Germany goes down this road, China is finished.

Hey belgium discord faggot, you and the nurselarp told the argie to stop baking cause it was hurting your narrative?
Where is my little harlot at? I want to make him REEEEE some more

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More people die from driving than that
Ban cars

>91 days
Hasn't this shit been going on since December? Quite a few more days than 3 months, dude..


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>A vaccine against a corona virus like SARS or MERS has never been successfully developed due to ADE instantly killing the body on any attempted vaccine when reinfection occurred with a slightly mutated virus

>Chinks were researching how to develop a SARS vaccine because several corona viruses were ready to jump from bats to humans

>In order to do so they were artificially modifying the original SARS virus with new spike proteins, to see if it would result in antibody’s

>Due to lack of competence and security it escaped the Wuhan bio lab

>Even more deadly due to the artificially added HIV spikes

>Already mutated 10,000 times

>Reinfection will trigger ADE and kill any human

>Vaccine is impossible

>Containment is impossible

Are normies still in denial about things never returning to normal again?

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"Mommy, why aren't grandma and grandpa moving?"

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according to what? some chart using an algorithm that was made irrelevant back in mid january? yeah okay user, by that chart we should have 700 trillion dead by now but that's not reality. Equations change but the number of dead are still rising, and thats the only thing that matters. Will a chart matter when its YOUR mom choking to death alone in a hospital?

Too much woman for some

Has anybody thought of making a swine flu chan or bird flu chan yet? Or would that be too close to furfag shit?


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Jesus fuck it's a literal Yas Forums discord group that runs these threads
Just how miserable are you fucks?

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>preggo art comes out yesterday
>pandas literally start mating
You know what, maybe the preggo art has a purpose

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So, they have a little higher mortality rate, but they're basically just being infected far more.

In the span of a few days?

That best be a typo on deaths otherwise holy fuck i'm going innawoods

so good, much tallent... look at digits

Also keep in mind NY has admitted they're probably underreporting deaths.

Hitler killed billions of times more people than that(a jew>a million goy)
Ban Germans

Corona-chan is pregnant with pandas?

evidence? kek

oh, you can see the poster id... how detelte post?

So guys Boris Johnson, if he is doing better, sitting up and talking to the doctors etc. Why would they not publish a photo of him holding a thumbs up or something? Surely as a nation who wants to re assure its populace, you would do something like that right?

No pics of Boris doing better. Nothing. Just "Trust us".

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Two SARS vaccines have been in Phase I human trials, one by Sinovac and one by Novavax. The problem is that immunity is short-lived and challenge with a Category 4 pathogen that only exists in labs is a problem.
I would be very curious what happens when those volunteers meet corona chan though

Obviously bait but here's a (you)

>vaccine is impossible

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Good, the more countries wanting to kill Winnie the Pooh the better

An absurd number of people die in vehicles

>>Containment is impossible
If enough humans die from it, the population will be so sparse that containment won't be necessary.

yeah no shit, the more overall infected blacks equals the more overall dead blacks.

blacks are more prone to co-morbidities for one reason or another here in America, so they're more likely to die. turns out being poor and disenfranchised is a pre-existing conditions

If you're not a mouth-breathing retard you would notice it as well
Jay-sus, i bet the argiefag is crying in some corner right now KEK

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Reminds me of that Chinese bus. But if this would happen often there would already be a lot more outbreaks. Just a tiny proportion of infected even infect anyone else, as with any infectious disease. And this has superspreader events, like SARS so the ratio will be even lower

He will recover enough to go to parliament, there he will infect everyone. Corona chan is never satisfied killing one brit, she needs far more than that.

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Boris infected, Brits cuck and collected.

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What flavor of cope is this?

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Wasn’t my proudest fap.

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>If you're not a mouth-breathing retard you would notice it as well
>Jay-sus, i bet the argiefag is crying in some corner right now KEK
back to le dd it discord tranny faggot

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It has purpose on working my dick into a shoot, i'm so glad he went the preg route instead of f*ta like I had feared

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it's 1.5 mil now, where the polish drawfag at?

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almost half a million cases in 1 week.
6,000,000 total by April 20th.

Goodbye user

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have any of ya'll read this book? I highly recommend this for all Yas Forums acks. Describes social changes before during and after plague arrives in London. Details lock down and how society reacted and changed after several months of that situation. Author's analysis and social commentary is thorough and surprisingly rigorous. Extremely interesting reading right now. written by daniel Defoe, the robinson crusoe guy.

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Everyone that's not a virgin Yas Forums nigger thinks you fucks are pathetic
Post some more coronachans senpai

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He's going to tweet out a video of him clapping the NHS as he leaves hospital tonight
Screencap this

I'd be down to seeing that, pregnancy means life after all, so why would an angel of death be pregnant other than to create life?

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He already delivered user

forgot sauce for book. free online here: gutenberg.org/files/376/376-h/376-h.htm

Already done yesterday

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How long for India to go Wuhan mode?

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>>Chinks were researching how to develop a SARS vaccine because several corona viruses were ready to jump from bats to humans
>>In order to do so they were artificially modifying the original SARS virus with new spike proteins, to see if it would result in antibody’s
those mother fuckers were developing bioweapons not cures

It's a nothing burger.

I hope she gives birth to a 5G antenna


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did you lick a toilet seat in a corona challenge, faggot? better upload it

this makes me laugh harder than any joke ever uttered by a stand up comedian.

Two weeks. Already in Asia's largest slum. This is what their containment looks like.

I swear to god if she gives birth to a black baby


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looks pregnant kek
wonder what she'll spawn

No u

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Won’t someone please think of the children!

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Who is she supposed to be pregnant with anyways? And what to give birth to, more different color hair strains?

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they're already wuhan tier. the entire country is already infected. all asymptomatic.


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why sure user, and this is where they plant the nothingburger trees where all the nothingburgers grow that go to all the nothingburger restaurants for all the little nothingburger boys and all the nothingburger girls to buy with their nothingburger money

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