If the Jew is all powerful, why no Jew president?

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because they would prefer to be the "man" behind the curtain and controlling the puppet president. that way they reap all the rewards while receiving no flak. idiot

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Because they want to lead from behind the curtain. If a Jew is at the head it becomes too obvious to the goyim who is pulling the reigns.

They prefer the shadows

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>why no Jew president?

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Who exactly is behind this curtain?

What? You want that I should be the President?

>why no Jew president?

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learn to quote dumbass glowbie

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Then Jews would get the blame when things go wrong. It's better for them if they control everything from the shadows and just say it's a wild conspiracy when they are found out.

jews are pussies and only act from the shadows

>jews are pussies
I'd add stupid, too. Imagine living your entire life thinking you're outsmarting everyone and stealing money, etc... only to wind up in Hell for eternity when it's all over.

> Jew Not so Smart Since Being Sent to Hell

which one of you made this?

Because then it would be too obvious and then everyone would realise that Hitler was right.

We have one right now his name is Jared Kushner.

you could apply this to 90% of humans

Some say Johnson was crypto. It wouldn’t matter, he was more philosemetic than any Jew could be.

Trump seems similar, but we'll see how that works out.

Because power isn't in politics.

Why run for office when politicians are so easy to buy?

Pretty sure he said the jews were. Learn english you vpn faggot weeb.

They don't need one, they're all Freemasons and Jews are their "spiritual advisers" -

If the jew is all powerful, why did I burn the omlettes I tried to make this morning?

Paul Singer.

Trump is Jewish kind of

a couple things. don't ever say "kind of" and don't end a sentence with "of", you nigger!


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Presidents are figureheads, puppets. Better to be the power behind the scenes.

Not relevant, but Do you Japanese think of taiwanese your favorite asians other than japanese?

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The ultimate form of power, is to be seen as powerless while ruling

Also press F for Bernie.

Are you retarded?

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>if man like fucking women, why no he no use male prostitute?
This was a low iq bait thread.
'sage' goes in 'options', for you retards out there.


OP is dumb

It's not just that prostitutes are cheap, the kikes know many goyim rightfully hate them and are aware of the jewish problem. So they hide themselves behind the gentile prostitutes to appease the idiots, prostitutes like the orange crypto kike.

Do you know how much power certain people would have to give up to be president?

>eisenhower the swedish jew

wtf steve buscemi became a tranny?!

The same reason they made piolet kill Jesus for them. Plausible deniability.

Because there are anti-zionists jews (Bernie) that don't follow the ZOG agenda.

>Mike Pence accused Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, of siding with Israel's enemies for supporting Palestinian rights

youre an idiot. salvation is first for the jews, then the goyim.

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Too on the 'Nose'.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion states there should always be a goy frontman to take the blame.

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>If the Jew is all powerful, why no Jew president?

Because a Jew gets his dick sucked then determines who will be President not the other way around.

Say hello to America's #1 cocksuckers.

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You've voted bi-male before. It's my turn now!

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wtf are those things?

Because that would be a demotion.

why would they need a jewish president? they have trump

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>Oy vey mr Eggstein it's getting hot in here
>It's getting so hot,I'm gonna take my onion off

The president is a puppet. He serves the Zionist Kings who rule the institutions that really matter. He cannot become president without proving his devotion to them and if he gets out of line, they replace him. Power is not a position. Power is fear and money and influence.

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>Some say
Moses Maimonides isn't any more Jewish than Johnson

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Kushner is literally president. If you haven't realized this you have sub 100 IQ

They works from the shadows.
Its like you are new here
They arent charismatic or strong to be in the front lines

Because US President can't do much + it's easier to rule from the shadow?

We have one right now

We are reaching levels of normal reddit fag that shouldnt be possible on Yas Forums.