Uhh what is the point of these plastic guards being installed at grocery stores?

>only 2x2 feet
>perfect surface to harbor the virus all day
>virus can easily travel up and around if the infected sneezes

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It is basically something these places put up to say they are doing something about it.

The cheapest way to negate actually caring. Shit's gonna be interesting when a few thousand of the workers of these shitty jobs drop dead by the end of the month.

to make karen feel safe.

Viruses don't walk, mutt
It stops direct airflow from the mouth of customers

security theater, you don't take off your shoes at the airport for any reason other than to make retarded boomers feel like they are being protected.

are you retarded? you sound pretty retarded. You should get that brain looked at retard.

lol I just lean around these things and talk to the cashier normally. I'm 6'3" so a lot of them are short enough that I can just lean my head over it to converse.

It is there to make dumb as rocks normies and wage slaves feel safe.

Does it work or not? I bet it's a teeny tiny statistical gain. If not, it is procedural raw material that can be refined into something that is.

There is evil in our world, but there is also good.

I did not falsely accuse in accusing people of molesting me.


>What's a sneeze guard?
Stupid faggot.

The fucking customer payment system is all after that thing ends. So it's useless.

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It makes the employees and the customers feel safer so the bosses and owners working from home can keep making the big bux.

You're retarded

So you don't cough at them.

Once everyone has a Beast Chip, they can tie your bank account to your social credit score, and bar you from buying certain items. The screens are for that.

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Just opiates of the masses really.
Employees should be wearing:

1) Full facemask with sealed goggles
2) Respirator with P100 and vapor cartridges
3) Plastic smock
4) Neoprene gloves
5) Earplugs to stop virus going in through ears
6) Buttplug to stop anal transmission
7) Condom or vaginal plug to stop infection through peehole or cunny
8) Nipple covers, cuz ya neva know...

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urprobably a retard nigger. how about wear a mask

They are spit guards

They protect buyers from getting spit on for daring to ruin the cashiers day.

Employees should be doing none of that because Sars-Cov-2 is barely more dangerous than the common cold.

Already dropping like flies where i live but plenty of out of work people to replace them. boomers going grocery shopping everyday to stock up but not getting sick.

Two things wrong with that
1) your bank probably already has your social security number (in America)
2) no fucking grocery store is going to front the money for an ID system that can access a database whose sole purpose is to prevent them from selling people things

also protects from the absolute retards; that don't partake in even the most basic hygiene etiquette, like covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough

Except it doesn't you dumb as rocks normie and/or wage lsave.

This. There are people on here who think if youre not wearing a hazmat suit then nothing can help, and any measures you do take are harmful (see masks saga)

>2) no fucking grocery store is going to front the money for an ID system that can access a database whose sole purpose is to prevent them from selling people things
And yet all the major chains have the stupid little ID scanner for when you buy booze.

It's to placate the fucking normies that are dumbasses. Same thing with the masks.

Imagine some zoomer edgelord walking up and licking that glass as part of one of those "challenges" they always seem to come up with.

bio-weapons are engineered to be able to bypass the usual protection gear. During the Cold War, the military wore some pretty incredible stuff to protect themselves, including special uniforms with activated charcoal layers, and rubber gloves so thick you could barely dial a phone with them.

>reflexively touch face
Whoopsie daisy I guess my mask is useless now! And don't try to tell me your are sanitizing everything that goes in/out of your house CNN told me it can live on skin and clothes for hours if not days.

where do you live?

>touching my masks makes it useless
You people are beyond saving

do you sanitize everything that comes into your home? do you sanitize your skin when you go into your house?

>conveyor belt on one side with no guard and direct air path to worker
>PIN pad on other side, with direct path to worker
>small assortment of impulse items in the area which you move right past
I think it's to assuage the workers that "something is being done" to protect them.

Yeah why bother unless you can be in a bubble

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Chinese AIDS hangs out on your vocal cords, so the moment you say something it gets launched into the air and vaporizes.

Do you leave the house? Did you not prepare?

This. A mask is great and all for helping prevent ones spread of the virus by coughing or breathing directly into the air, but simply wearing a mask isnt going to prevent getting the virus. Unless you mask & glove wearing aspies are doing an entire decontamination process on everything that enters your house, from your shoes to your box of hotpockets, on top of also wearing something that covers your ears and eyes, you're basically giving yourself a false sense of security.

I leave my house as often as I can because I don't live in fear of a fantasy disease.

Think of them like luggage scanners at the airport. It's security theater. It's make-believe to put the normies at ease.

Well, just so you know. You can not properly protect yourself from the virus if you leave the house without a full on suit, full face mask and oxygen supply.

no shit, dumbass. i'm not worried about protecting myself from this meme virus.

What the fuck? Read your first post in this thread, retard

Customers just talk around it anyway and don't give a fuck about the cashier. Even if you put 2 up with a small bit of space they'll fucking poke their head in between the two. It's so dumb.

Social Credits is not Social Security. It's a score based on how good a citizen you are. So, people that are bad citizens could easily be banned from certain shops, from driving, or from buying certain products. Like China. Your ID could also follow you around like in the Watchdogs game. It's a never ending nightmare of surveillance, oppression, and judgement.

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Illusion of safety so niggers will get back to work for slave wages
> thanks China

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Well, if you ever do remember to wear a mask

I was being sacrcastic to show the absurdity of the 'all or nothing' crowd, apologies, i forget you are Americans

its so the nigger can't spit on you for being white

Grocery store I go to sprays disinfectant and wipes every time a person goes through

>not having the discipline to not touch my face a month in
You're either lazy, stupid, or lazy and stupid.

So you don't have to smell that nigger's breath, should have been implemented before corona imo

yeah that's just water and a small amount of virus particulate

Yes they should have been doing that months ago if the virus was actually legit.

>covid virus on my shoes
How is it going to get from my shoes to my mouth or eye membranes? Does covid have wings now?

Nope it's definitely bleach water you can smell the fumes.

how am I going to scan your groceries with all my holes full?

t. 5'7" manlet

It's a placebo

It's better than the fucking boxes stores are putting between you and the counter.

Ah the retard shit show of Yas Forums

Clear shields don't work. Lately I've been getting a dry cough, and my throat is congested though I can't really cough anything up.
Do you think I have the Covid-19?

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Placebo q

Wait, why don't they even wear masks?

50% you the flu or COVID19...

I give packaging a once-over with bleach or soapy water.