
Is there anything scummier than wearing one of these in public right now? Mere civilians have no business wearing or owning an N95 or any other respirator. These masks only work for doctors and nurses, not for your hysterical little 20 minute trip to the grocery store.

Just stop being so fucking selfish. Doctors need these to LITERALLY save lives.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They don't even work on civilians. They only work on doctors and nurses. Its literal madness that everyday people are starting to wear masks now

if you gave everyone those masks and make it compulsory to wear them on public, doctors wouldnt be overwhelmed by infectees to begin with.

So much this! The same goes for gloves. Like, why would you wear gloves? Hospitals need those too.

>Doctors need these to LITERALLY save lives.
Yeah, their own fuckin lives.
They can buy their own masks then. Isn't that the fuckin 'murican dream?

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If you didn't hoard them in the first place then the doctors would have them. If the doctors had them then the virus would pretty much be over by now.

N95s are all I have I cant find any others its not my fault i had fifty of these things in my garage

Hospitals should invest in stocking supplies for disasters instead of giving the CEO a raise.

These masks are pointless. Most of the time people wind up touching their face at one point or another (most of the time is to adjust the mask) and by touching their face it completely negates the purpose of wearing the mask.

It's not their job to stockpile.

I'll go to jail if I don't wear a mask.

is that like when you need to be the wizard class to equip wands?

I shouldn't hear them complain to the media

>ccp poster spacing
>posting against masks
fuck off, chink.

>stop being selfish

my county says if i'm caught not wearing one in public i'm at risk for $1000 fine, so fuck you

imagine thinking in this manner.

I made my own mask and I work at a grocery store.

that is 100% illegal.
get a lawyer, set a precedent.

Lol, yes it is.

Why are you telling me to not a wear a mask when I'll go to jail if I don't?

my family got 1 for each of us from the bone marrow specialist and he told us to wear them anywhere we go. eat shit, OP

Fuck doctors, overpaid cunts. Anyone who goes to the hospital lives or dies on their own anyway, all the doctors do is make them feel comfortable and squeeze out an extra 10% chance of life with ventilators.
I got my masks in January along with supplies like a patriotic American that is supposed to be independent and not a burden. Anybody sick at this point is sick because they ignored quarantine and basic hygiene. We could raise the IQ of the country by 10pts if we made hospitals charge fees at the door and keep the riff raff out instead of billing them afterwards.

>he didn't buy a full face 3M respirator with n95 inserts already
>he didn't get a washable cloth mask that's full face with a valve during the Ebola happening

Lol what a fag, ngmi



>ccp poster spacing
It's called proper formatting, sweetheart. Look it up.

I seen some daft chink cunt covering her mouth with her hand on the street yesterday.

FUCK YOU NIGGER. I bought these fucking masks like 3 years ago for cutting my grass and I'll be damned if I left a little fuck boy tell me I cant use them to protect myself. I got a family depending on me ass hat.

It's literally illegal here and they will throw me in jail.

I kinda want to get some to flex on the poors.

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I will GO TO JAIL if I'm in public without a mask in this town.
Are you being wilfully ignorant?!?

You can't compulse me to do shit. especially not manufacture a billion of these for free

I'm a vendor in California still traveling across a large part of San Bernardino county to multiple stores that are essential. My own county was told to wear masks/cover mouth in public or we can get a $1000 fine. I wear a fucking mask because I travel. I've been wearing for about a month now and I don't see my managers telling me to not work, even if it gets worse.

So yeah, I'm wearing an N95 as a civilian and I'll throw another non-N95 over top of my N95 if I can. I work and service the public and the public can get fucking wild. Not risking it.

Stop being dense you fucking retard. You donate your n95s to people who can do some good with them and wear a bananna over your face instead.


>he doesn't know

I wear a mask every day, not just when I go outside but at home. Even when I'm sleeping. I change it every 4 hours in a closet I've filled with air filters and I suspect is the cleanest room I have. I also wear disposable gloves and change them every hour or any time I use the toilet. The old masks and gloves are tossed into my fireplace and burned. It smells terrible but I've not been sick yet.

What country is that? you must be on a VPN

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N95s were literally the standard go-to for any rando who needed to stand a dresser he found on the side of the road, or putting up new drywall in his house.

It's only the Wu Flu that turned these basic dust masks into some type of coveted commodity.

3/10. He could also just kill himself and will the state everything he owns as well to really help out.
Why the fuck should anyone pay for people who make $250k on a bad day and $750k on a good one.
They can afford fucking masks, they can afford even more if we take them from the bugs.

Any filter is better than no filter even people 100 fucking years ago understood this simple concept

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Of course, she was probably one of those Chinese purposefully spreading the virus

Only in USA is it a problem that the citizens cover their mouths.

>Mere civilians have no business wearing or owning an N95 or any other respirator.
Why is it that whenever somebody wants to restrict what people can own, it's always an american?
I bought my masks with my own money years ago, because unlike most doctors, nurses and hospitals in general, I aknowledged the risk of a pandemic and choose to prepare. If those masks mean I survive while those faggots that refused to prepare because "muh state will protect us" die, then that's just natural selection.

Also, masks are needed for most DIY work.

>Just stop being so fucking selfish.
Why? Not like anybody else will care for me if I don't.
>Doctors need these to LITERALLY save lives.
Why rely on others to protect me when I can do the same myself? Besides, at least here in germany, doctors don't give a shit about you unless you're rich. If you're one of the poorfags the state forces into buying state-run overpriced insurance, you can be happy if a doctor will even see you, and treatment is only the bare minimum necessary to survive.

i get to walk around looking like aiden pearce all day

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>pulls down mask to have conversation with his old pals and put cigarette to lips

I plead preparedness and capitalism.
I bought my N95s more than 6 weeks ago from hardware stores (open market).
If the health systems were not prepared, it is my fault.
Our health system was supposed to have a much vaunted medical stock pile - everything health professionals could need.
The pile turned out to be under-done.
How is that any of my responsibility?
I will protect myself and my family in the way I see fit.
The bureaucrats in charge of the medical stockpile should be shot for incompetence.

Well it sure as hell should be.

President told us to wear masks now. OP is a faggot

I have a friend who works at a firestation. They had a bunch of extras and were giving them out to friends and family.

I'm wearing one of these AND I have the moral highground

I wore my gas mask today, thought it would be funny(i havent been out in two weeks) and everyone else was wearing blue surgeon masks(masks required by law in most of cali now) and people looked at me with jealousy, two weeks ago no one was wearing masks and looking at me with my n95 like im a goofball. A month ago i went to the pharmacy and the bitch practically yelled at me cause she was pissed my speach was muffled by the mask, no one was wearing any masks yet. Funny how fast things change.

The public should all be wearing at least an N-95 mask + gogles. Healthcare workers should be wearing N-99 or better.

Nah can't have that, makes too much sense. Plus it interferes with facial recognition software our masters need to ensure their total control.

yeah a doctor is super fucking cheap and cant buy his own fucking masks to keep himself safe despite his giant fucking salary yet im the asshole because my job handed out masks to us before they closed down and i dont want to give up my mask to some asshole who isnt financially fucked

You can't touch your face if it is covered by a mask.

Everyone should be wearing a mask to protect each other u clown

How long does the n95 last? Can I wear it for an hour on multiple occasions without degradation?

I used to work at a medical warehouse. I have cases and cases and cases of gloves and masks that were going to be thrown away as “damaged” because the box was dented.


>Just stop being so fucking selfish. Doctors need these to LITERALLY save lives.

Because paper mask technology is beyond the abilities of Boeing, or Silicon Valley. We need at least 2-3 years to solve the mystery of little paper squares with loops on them!!!

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You mean N99. N95 you should be wearing. N99 is for doctors.

4 hours, max 8 hours.
Depends, i can wash it.

eat your fucking bat soup shill

>doctors are generally all silver spoon in ass born into well off families and came from went to private schools and nice cushy state universities to which they graduated and instantly got their 6 figure salary career.
>the idea of paying a few hundred dollars in getting their own private collection of safety supplies is fucking too much for them so they scream and cry to get taxpayers to help them out

You can reuse them. You just need to decontaminate them first either under a UV lamp or by "baking" them in an oven at between 60 and 70 degrees Celsius for about half an hour. The inventor of the masks said that it was ok. Just put them in a paper bag and suspend them from the oven grate in the highest position using a wooden wash clip. If you have a gas oven then obviously don´t do this.

That's bunch of nonsense, doctors told me 3 hours and they gave the mask to me for free, so they had no reason to lie.

Oh hello jews

Why do you hate asians? Theu are helping our 5G capabilities

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Eat a dick fag

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Btw surgical mask is changed every 2 hours.

youre really a dumb cunt if you think hospitals dont have entire supply chains that are dedicated to providing them EXCLUSIVELY and not civilians because you need a license to even buy those.

Whats going on is THEIR SUPPLIERS are PRICE GOUGING them which is why the media spun it this way.

Nah brah you eat a dick 5G is the shit especially for porn

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A company in Cali is making masks from blue shop towels. The actually bought a filtration test machine and found the stuff to be around 93% effective at removing 0.3 micron particles.

Give it a rest you fucken nigger, if i want to wear the most expensive hazmat suit and respirator money can buy and an Ar15. That's my business. The government should had have managed the stockpile better

Masks prevent asymptomatic spread numbnuts. Hong Kong handled this well because everyone and their cat wears masks in public.

Meanwhile the US can't figure out the way to its own ass.

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i know these are ironic but:

>masks don't work so give them to doctors to work

Dude doctors are reusing masks now. They get two to be used alternatively while the other is being decontaminated under UV. They then wear surgical masks over them and protective eye wear.

that's retarded kill yourself

Kill yourself faggot, my family works in Ag and gets these things for free so I’ll be damned if I let someone on a Yugoslavian origami forum tell me what to do

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>Just stop being so fucking selfish. Doctors need these to LITERALLY save lives.
>your life is less important than the "greater good'
OK communist.

I will literally shoot you dead if it helps me and mine survive. I don't give a fuck about you or anyone else once the chips are down.

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The problem is the rest of the world was misled and by the time the outbreak spread china had already bought up the masks