Are there any Jews you guys like? I figure Jews who want civilians to buy guns can't be bad Jews.
Are there any Jews you guys like? I figure Jews who want civilians to buy guns can't be bad Jews
That Jewish gun gasses the user when ran supressed.
Every Jew is loyal to the tribe above all else
Marx (communism aside) held some pretty based ideas on race.
Hitler was a pretty cool jew
My Jew neighbor said he hoped I am armed.
Some of them are alright. They go against the grain of their people. I learned about the jewish power structure and the ways they infight from some pretty cool jews. Some of them who are disillusioned with their ways go on to try to redpoll people with the most secret of info.
How does that happen? Obviously never used a suppressor because Leaf.
That gun looks like a fucking water pistol.
My jewish great-grandfather, who by all accounts was a pretty cool dude.
Toolmaker by profession, very smart mechanically, and very good chess player.
I don't consider myself a jew, the genetics is single digit percentage and the looks are totally different, but every once in a while I like to joke like "Oy vey my shekels".
a fucking leaf
of course. sage
Sacha Baron Cohen is funny and made jew-hating comedy socially acceptable
Rod Serling was a great narrator and writer
Harold von Braunhut, as shameless as he was as a salesman, used his jew money to support white groups
kek literal truth.
not sure exactly, but i think too much backpressure
Dead jews are ok
>this gun is illegal in california
kill me
Mel Brooks, "Seinfeld", Gilbert Gottfried, late 80's to late 90's Howard Stern, and Werner von Braun.
Oh michael rosen is NOICE
Tribe isn’t even on the top 3
F G C ... in that order
Tribe comes in at like 8 or 9
Lots! Adam Sandler, that guy interviewed by Owen Benjamin, uh...
The removable ambidextrous ejection port doesn't have a good enough cover.
The American comercial version of this gun starts stringing shots when it heats up. Its a case study of why free floating barrels are now a thing.
Can confirm I know a mischling who gave me some dirt.
Bobby Fischer. Despite being a jew, he would inform the masses of how evil they are.
I'm partial to khazar milkers
Jericho 941
use your coronabux to start saving to move. I'm getting more from the unemployment benefits than I actually made. saving up for a car again sucks, last one died on me.
>not using your noggin to build a non CA compliant AR-15 in fortnight.
Come on now m8
where do I start senpai?
dumb fuck cohen is the most seditious piece of shit .
%80 lower, decent jig, lower parts kit, completed upper. As for the mag situation you may have to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
the tribe is the kike's family, the tribe is the kike's god and the tribe is the kike's nation
Also you need the drill bits, the mill end, router, drill press or hand drill. Drill press is supposed to be easier but as long as the rifle works that’s all that matters.
Larry David
This. I couldn’t believe it when I was reading the communist manifesto and got to the chapter where Marx just repeated “I hate niggers” for 20 pages. Changed my worldview completely.
Gilbert shall be spared the oven.
Shorty AR’s (11 in) do this as well.
>Are there any Jews you guys like?
Yes,the Jews who don't interfere with the will of european people and mind their own business in Israel.
Avraham Stern seems like a good jew,he tried to fight against the englishmen and wanted to collaborate both with Nationalsocialists and Fascists,huge shame they never accepted his offer.
why use an 80 lower over a complete lower tho
I like that jew that spams mechnical dildo porn
and also that jew that wants a big dicked trap gf
Both of those are good jews
no, all non europeans must be exterminated, no exception, even Adolf was weak and granted amnesty for some jews. Me, no mercy, kill every single one of them. Even the Japanese, which i respect and would like to call friends, but they are the only ones that could pose a threat to european supremacy
The fuck it isnt. Ive got one right next to me. I love my X95.
You would certainly not be a leader, then.
You have to keep it relative.
le drumpftards btfo
go crawl back into your caves
There are woke people among you, BUT TOO FEW!
he is proof that ALL are good people!!
pathetic incels
I can agree with that statement.
yeah, plenty of good jews
You're joking, but there really are letters Marx sent Engles about a black, Prussian socialist that are basically that
i never wanted to be a leader, just want to live in a white world. A federation if you will of european nations, without intermingling of cultures.
Bro while the laws in CA are retarded and unConstitutional; you can still have a perfectly good AR despite the retardation. We even got our high cap mags back and eventually we'll get open carry once the 9th Circuit rules on that appeal.
To make a complaint AR you only need to replace the adjustable stock with a fixed one(no great loss), replace the standard flash hider with literally any muzzle devices that isnt strictly a flash hider(hell this is forcing you to straight up upgrade) and then buy a sharkfin grip to wrap around the pistol grip. The latter is legit the biggest grip but you can buy a wrap and remove all the screws so that the wrap will come off in less than one second with a yank. Just leave it on during transportation and find a range or public land then slip it off to have your fun.
Based gun and bullet pilled
You have your hands and your heart.You know what you'll have to do.
the megusta face on the ashes
King of the Chess People
JPFO. Look them up.
I really want to like the Tavor, shame it's an unreliable sack of shit.
The Jew that spams the black dicks is a fucking moron.
I have never met a jew in my life so I do not think so
>thinks there are any jews who can be liked
A fucking leaf.
Brother Nathaneal Kapner seems pretty based. Seeing how much shills and glowies hate him, I think he's probably ok.
Most jews aren't involved in any 'anti-white' things but the truth is most still have some ethnic identity and put other jews first which is a huge problem in a population of phenotypically similar whites who don't notice.
We either need to be more aware of them in order to correct the balance or just let them continue but in their own country.
I know a few jews IRL. Of the 4-5 that I know only one of them do I trust. He's got the best jew jokes of anyone I fucking know. This lil hat nigger hates jews more than I do.