Any former Bernie supporters here planning on voting for Trump now...

Any former Bernie supporters here planning on voting for Trump now? I honestly refuse to vote for Joe Biden dude would obviously just be a puppet for the deep state.

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Will all the Bernie cucks get their donations back?
Or will they realise that there is a reason Bernie hasn’t worked a single day in his life?

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Most of us never donated money to his campaign

We just supported him on some key issues, and that was it

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listen here buckey, the horse has to come before the carriage just like in November we can't afford any more changes on the schedule of this dreamboat we're sailing

Now do I hit save or save as

Facts. You gonna vote for Biden user lol

Why don't you pick up your sorry excuse of your brain and realize that you have to vote the party that is going to be the vehicle for the policies you either want to see come to office or the policies you want to make sure never see the light of day. If you were going to vote for Bernie why the fuck on Earth would you think that Trump is better than Joe? At the very fucking least don't shit the bed again and give the US another 4 years of China#1

I know you're probably posting this as some middle tier bait, but yeah, I unironically will probably end up voting for donald trump.

I detest how the Democratic Party leadership have abused civil rights matters until they're nothing more than some identity politics based distraction-- thus destroying any serious civil rights movement for at least a generation. I hate how the establishment Democrats worship Wall Street.

I hate that establishment Democrats are just as unapologetically pro war, pro Israel, and pro free trade as the establishment wing of the Republican Party.

I voting for President MAGA. It will be the first time I have ever voted a Republican for president, but this going to happen for me since Joe Biden is my other choice

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I will
I already donated to the Trump campaign with the refund I got from the Sanders campaign

Calm down Justin. Because Trump can actually function cognitively, at least for now. A vote for Biden would be a vote for all the non elected officials who would be running the show from behind the scenes. A president with dementia is fundamentally unfit for office and an embarrassment.

Not bait and I agree with everything you just said lmao.

This inorganic thread is paid for by the Republican Party and sponsored by AIPAC

Fuck no. I'm either voting 3rd party or just straight up voting for Donald trump. I cannot validate the behavior of the Democratic Party leadership after 2016 with my vote this year. Democratic Party establishment minions have been acting in the most shameful, most disgusting, most immoral ways in response to the election of the Donald. Democrats DESERVE to LOSE in the most humiliating way possible.

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Dude makes an avocado look like a regulation size football.

>this post was sponsored by the CCP

what if they Biden gets sick and they bring in a Sleeper candidate int he 11th hour - Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, Cuomo, etc.

Probably Cuomo the media has been shilling him hard lately. Michelle Obama wouldn't be a good choice idt. The dems are stupid but I think they know running a woman just won't work

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I'm not even a vegan climate change believing idiot. I just wanted universal healthcare, an end to free trade agreements, and maybe an education system that isn't stupid enough to saddle the next generation of the productive workforce with so much student loan debt that it will make the economy suffer from anemic growth for decades to come.

I care about workers' rights and some basic job security.

I don't care about identity politics

I don't give a fuck about the climate change meme.

And I sure as fuck think gun control is fucking stupid

I just can't find any political party that represents my views

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Here. I would rather vote Trump than see that disgusting pedo worm Biden in the white house as President

Careful user the retards on here will think you're a commie for wanting basic shit that every other wealthy nation has.

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Actually, that is going to be a no, a no, and a no for me. Cuomo is a poster child for authoritarian technocracy at this point, which I believe is extremely dangerous -- even more dangerous than donald trump's bumbling incompetence. Michelle Obama would be a gimmick identity politics candidate with no real substance other than the centrist establishment bullshit I have come to expect from them. Newsom is likewise pro establishment. Fuck that. I'll just vote MAGA. So thanks Yas Forums although I didn't even need y'all to convince me that the Democrats suck.

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Biden is a cunt; so is Trump.
Fuck the two-party system

Yes, I know, but I have come to suspect that many of those posters are connected to things like naval intelligence, the FBI, and even the CIA-- although the CIA are more in charge of manipulating ideas on the left than with playing footsy with the idiots on the right

You know, your classic glowies

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Okay, but you should know that voting 3rd party will have the effect I intend on going for: the Donald will win, I'm fine with that.

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Voted for Trump in 16. Voted for Bernie in the primaries this time. Voting for Trump again in 20 (with much less enthusiasm than last time).


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The Democrats know what is best for us. I will vote for whoever they tell me to.


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Socialism only works in white countries. You can have free college and healthcare or you can have spics and niggers. We chose spics and niggers. At least it was great for GDP.

>voting for a jew to defeat the deep state

Fucking L O L @ you burgers, holy shit

I'm not wasting my chance to vote for an obvious pedophile.

As if Biden's not sponsored by AIPAC

Well good thing Bernie wasn't calling for socialism then, racist retard.

Why are you unsure about voting for Trump? What of his policies don't you agree with?

you can still write in bernie. if enough people do this, he can still win

Can some Democrat actually explain to me how the politics works in America?
How can an entire country be a Jewish trick?

it was the last big con before retirement

I hate Trump but I also hate Biden too. I'm sick of the bullshit. I don't like the DNC's pandering to minorities and gays but I don't like the GOP's pandering to big business, Christian zealots, and zionists. Both parties are ultimately capitalist neoliberal war mongering parties that benefit the military industrial complex and corporate elite class above their voters.

Or why is it that they just keep voting for the same two parties over and over again and expect different results?

Bernie is basically a New Democrat. He's an old fashioned liberal democrat. He still believes in keeping the basic capitalist system in place. He just wants workers' rights protections, a social safety net, and some regulations in place -- that's it.

Nothing really very redical.

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Our intelligence services are not united. Our business community is not united. Each party is backed by different factions. Our CIA, big tech, banking, high finance, and eastern establishment blue blood elites (our nobility with old money in oil and banking) back the Democratic Party. Our FBI, nouveau riche, heavy industry, manufacturing, and Pentagon DoD (ministry of defence) back the Republican Party. Each side simply manipulate the voting populace on superficial cultural issues to get votes, and that's all it really it comes down to at the end

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He is apoears to be their black, outstanding guy. He's doing it in ligjt of COVID-19.

Cheer up Berniebros, laugh at the literal nazis on this board.

There are still literally sane people left on here.

SeeBasically it all comes down to superficial cultural issues. Both parties basically represent different factions of established power with the repertoire of policies being basically about the same. However, they get votes by appealing to superficial cultural issues, and that's about it;

Do you support abortion or not?

Do you support gun control or not?

Do you favor gay marriage or not?

Do you support feminism or not?

Do you support transgender rights for not?

Do you support being nice to immigrants or not?

Do you believe in mass migration or not?

Do you actually think open borders is a realistic policy proposal or do you think it's just a stupid meme meant to trigger idiots?

Etc etc etc

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Good for him, and good for his supporters. I am still glad I never donated to him.
He was cheated, he knows it, and I wish he had the balls to admit it and call out the Democratic Party Leadership for it for the sake of the people who actually believed in him

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Joe is pedotrash
Don't vote for pedotrash

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I agree, well try convincing the idiots on here that they think those things lead to Venezuela. Probably because they know nothing about politics or government.

>all Jews are bad
I guess by this logic, we should have rounded up, imprisoned, and killer every Canadian in the United States of America because of Dave Coulier.

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I think americans should continue to vote for Trump. Mostly because it is so fun to watch the fake news TDS everyday (Yes, in sweden as well).

All jews aren't bad, but all jews give cover to bad jews.

That's so crazy you guys get our news and know about our politics when I've never seen Sweden on the news ever, except this one time when they were getting butthurt about you guys taking in draft dodgers during Vietnam. That isn't even me trying to be rude I just think it's crap that American media has blinders on when it comes to other countries.

I won't be voting for him. I'll probably be voting for some third party candidate no one has ever heard of or for President MAGA.

By the way, intelligence services retain degenerate pedophiles as assets all the time and it happens on "all sides" of the aisle, including among the based Republicans. Picture related. Dennis Hastert is a Pedophile of the GOP. He is just what we know about. We will probably never know how many of them are sick degenerates. Although maybe we can figure it out by figuring who us the most pro Israel.

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He is actually the best candidate at this point, as cartoonishly bad as he is.

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I know it's not a dem thing, it's a secret society of pedophile satan worshippers who are all protecting each other.

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I wasn't going to vote for Joe Biden, then I heard the story about how he tried to whip Corn Pop with the chain from the pools deep end. This is a good story despite the fact that pools never had a metal chain in the deep end because that's stupid and the chain would rust. But the important thing is he thinks the best way to win over black voters has to tell them about the time you almost committed aggravated assault

Keep seething libtards

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I haven't decided yet but it's a real possibility. I considered it for 2016 but resentfully voted for Hillary.
The only thing I do know is that I won't vote for Biden. I'm done with the DNC.

Biden voters don't exist. People are voting for or against Trump


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Excellent. He lives in their heads