/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3067

► Detected: 1,519,195 (+1,235) ► Died: 88,529 (+74) ► Day: 91

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,154 strains have been sequenced —


Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

There is now evidence for SARS-CoV-2 reactivation

Another city in China is placed on lockdown

Japan to declare state of emergency

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

New strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original from China

Testicular damage

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

01:20: 487 new cases and 17 new deaths in California
00:45: 399 new cases and 106 new deaths in Germany
00:43: 1,530 new cases and 119 new deaths in Spain
00:39: 41 new cases and 5 new deaths in New Hampshire
00:38: 71 new cases and 3 new deaths in New Mexico
00:37: 77 new cases in Arkansas


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Other urls found in this thread:


Who else /waitingForSecondWave/ here?

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boooooo it's a fucking nothing burger

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88k dead boys
when we gonna hit 6 gorillion?

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>3 months to 1 million

>1 week to 1.5 million


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0.1% of San Marino have died

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Why'd you do it?

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Reopening is bad idea, China and others already proved this...

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why did you suck off a nigger?

dweeth whaate! wook at the gwaafffsssuh!

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Why'd you do it?

I keep hearing doctors who are treating COVID patients say their lung x-rays are the worst they've ever seen.

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we do it step by step under very strict regulations with the option to go back to lockdowns
don't see the problem

>Who else /waitingForSecondWave/ here?
You should be more worried about the fact that you get to bail out Italy and Spain.
A mere EUR 5 trillion.
Time to pool debt so Austria gets to pay for all these Syrians in Germany~~~


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You have already chosen when the 2nd wave will start

>American Thoracic Society recommends Hydroxychloroquine
>But only for those with severe pneumonia due to COVID-19

Why are all these "trials" only using it for those who are neck deep with the virus, when hydroxychloroquine only really works when you start showing symptoms to keep the viral load down? And even then it needs to be given in conjunction with a zinc supplement and azithromycin to keep the pneumonia from happening in the first place?

Really makes you think.

K2 comes from soil, hence there is no K2 in mass produced eggs. For K2 you need eggs from free ranging hens, eating insects, worms or stuff found in the ground.

Yes, we don't have iodine salt

Low boron levels result in lower available testosterone. We should be getting around 9mg a day, and people 100 year ago did. But nowadays we're probably only getting around 3mg due to soil depletion.

Order from the US, like I do. Or come buy it in Norway, since we made it over the counter starting this year..

>all the next milestone art of corona-chan will involve pregnancy

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nothingburge argiebro, just fucking drop it dude.. its getting quite sad....

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im drinking coffee again

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Sorry, Trump said everyone is cured now so the retards are gonna believe him :^)

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What are the chances that Trump will lose because of this?

How’s the public reaction going in America? Any tension rising? We are burning 5g masts kek.

>t. Ahmed

This makes the dick, big dick

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I'm going to come up to you like a man and ask you. I need you to tell me the truth.

How often do you use that N-world?

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I shoot do all those things once the great lent ends.
I wish I could go to church :(

If there was a god, 99% but americans are ultra retarded lately so probably about 50/50

He's a hypocrite

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Wow a good leaf baker
Argie bro on break?

>humanizing and sexualizing a lethal virus that makes you cough your own entrails
we humans are a weird species


>We are burning 5g masts kek.

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The fact that people are treating Biden as Democrat version of Trump lite I think he'll be okay

not at all, nigger

Checked, done responsibly and citizens do their part it's sensible...that shit won't work over here though enjoy the show!

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People seeing new yorks cases lowered by .00000001% and people are trying to already stop social distancing shit, not widespread thankfully but Trump pretending the virus doesnt exist isnt helping shit.

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>implying you wouldn't fuck her

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I don't get it. Am I supposed to know who that is?

in 3 months after all cases died down, just like the good ol Spanish Flu. It's our window to prep more.

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It's literally gone in Australia

true disciple of Nurgle

Masturbatory energy flows into the meme.
It's disgusting but necessary.

Nothing burger

If chocolate milk comes from brown cows, does that mean niggers sperm tastes like chocolate too? I needed to ask an expert on the matter.

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Nice cope mutt


Just in time for the second wave

Nordic graphs with yesterday's data from the same excellent statistics guy:


Starting to look like MAYBE the peak has been reached here.

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>tfw no gook gf

>Burning 5g masts
Serves you right for trusting Huawei to install communications. Oh well, at least you are growing more aware of the threat.

not even once

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Who here fat and unhealthy?
Write a will tubby.. you’re gone..

An accelerationist in my area. All these places this guy is saying hes exposing to corona are all the places in My town >< Good thing i stocked up for months over a month ago now. thanks CVG.

pic related, its the nothingburger. the juicy juicy savory nothingburger we can all enjoy with a side of tots and a shake

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Good God that is an ancient meme.

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read my post again you retard

Estonia is so fucking based

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Not me. I went from 225 to 175 within a few months and feel better than ever. Even recently quit smoking cigs and quit sodas

Why would there be a second wave if literally no one is infected

When they found out the virus could be killed at temperatures as low as 140F I thought saunas may be effective. Thanks for proving it.

>Theoretically possible" to get virus >from mosquitoes
Homeless WA user here, no way man I hope this is just a random Dr trying to be "1st", article seems fishy and website that lists his degree misspelled "scienc". No LinkedIn
I don't think mosquito transfer is possible, maybe I'm wrong and I just haven't been bit by a carrier yet

We should be able to go about our business. This restricting movement shit is bullshit

Yes, considering they're Huawei is it certain anyone is actually actively burning them? They might just spontaneously fail, true chink electronics style.

who says you are deficient in boron or k2? what studies are you basing this on?
have you done bloodwork?

dont really care for melatonin just find it funny that its regulated so retarded here, sleep fine
and find it funny how you cant find iodized salt since ive always seen it as common

ebola had a very, very limited outbreak outside of Africa. It cannot be compared to what we have in our hands now. Besides, Trump is well known to like talking shit.

Who is this faggot?

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Nice job bro

Oh come on tabarnak

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Same, boomers are eating it up that it will all magically go away in May (goal posts moved), my parents are still in denial stage despite my efforts so can't imagine how the free ranged ones are doing.
Instead of following virus guidelines niggers are harassing cops in NYC even more now...why we wuz all dey ones dyeing dats racist and sheeeeit!

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true but I haven't even touched my storage so far, been too busy with work

Shes legal go away chris nobody watches your program anymore. We're safe from you!

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Mostly a joke.
But I'm worried Scomo is going to do something catastrophically retarded like open up the country now that our cases are dwindling.


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>in 3 months after all cases died down

Watch the video you fucking moron.
Jesus Christ why Indonesia is full of pedophile and retarded weebs?

>no tendies in the order
>meat between his buns

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It was like new 50 cases today it's time to cancel the fucking lockdowns, it's a nothingburger

Amazing, making america not gasp again (in minecraft)

wasn't there an article that said corona doesn't get into the blood-streamerino?

>Bongs burning 5G masts

I didn't see that one coming to be honest


California Homeless are disappearing from the streets.

That is the kind of joke my mother would tell

Some queer who wanted to come play big boy games a couple of threads ago. I'm just fucking with him still.

>being this new

Yeah. You go ahead. Its only just begun. This was 7 hours ago. Hes not the only one by any means. Shits fucked.

Toronto sucks! Go stars!

>Who here fat and unhealthy?
and i'll try hard hallucinating Corona-chan looking at me like pic related as i fucking die slowly and horribly

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And that's a good thing!

Theoretically the virus could also mutate a way to cause hemorrhagic fever. Theoretically I could spontaneously have a duplication of my X chromosome and deletion of my Y chromosome across enough cells to become a chimeric futanari. Ain't gonna happen.

I can't lie, I have been drinking more alcohol than usual since this virus shit started but I've been counting calories and trying to balance it all out. Nearly all of my weight loss has just been portion control and eating less than my body needed calorie-wise so I burned fat instead. Idk why people have such a hard time losing weight with all these fad diets and shit when really its just a numbers game asides from getting your vitamins/minerals/proteins

Holy fuck just noticed thoes 666 trips.

Same thing we do every day, buy guns

No one is going to the doctor for colds/flus it seems

Apart from that it’s like nothing is going on.

I can't stop lurking these threads, I've been here since the beginning and I need to stop because the constant preggo art is going to make me have a fit everytime a milestone is reached.
How do I stop, I don't even play Vidya, I just post and lurk here. I need to stop

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>total tests: 224,000
>confirmed: 113,000
France is mega fucked.

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