Yas Forums humor thread

No humor thread?
Let’s fix that.
Post some keks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ia800600.us.archive.org/31/items/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive/videos/2017/2017-08-02T06:18:12+00:00 - MAH01776.mp4

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Oh great. Another diversion thread where we tell racist and sexist jokes that are already old and stale when WE HAVE A FUCKING KILLER VIRUS ON THE LOOSE AND NOBODY IS TAKING IT FUCKING SERIOUSLY.

You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yas Forums. Yas Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yas Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yas Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Yas Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

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Day of the rake can't come soon enough, China 2.0

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It was Chief Warren's turn

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Imagine a news article telling black people that its time to start being decent people.

Whites are already decent people. Everyone wants to live with us. Must be doing something right.

hot stuff

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dont be mean please, this is a humor thread

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Just let white people have our own countries. If our countries aren't supperior why do you subhumans keep coming here?

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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uncalled for you fucking leaf. those poor, poor burgers :((((((

Based wh*toids RTFO


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What a literal and legal retard

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Wh*Te girls are in love with black cock

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You are the white bitch in this case

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Stop it!


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Post nigger skin, you pathetic, subhuman jew.

U mad wh*te pig?

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I'm with the yanks on this one, fuck you leaf!

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niggers are apes.

jews are subhumans.

why would you do that?

eh, looks like some mcdonalds bs, nothing of value was lost


post skin color


you are an asian from aznidentity

if you know who this man is, watch this video.

ia800600.us.archive.org/31/items/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive/videos/2017/2017-08-02T06:18:12+00:00 - MAH01776.mp4

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How do you stop five black dudes from raping a white chick?

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how do i get blacked?

This person thinks people who believe in God are superstitious idiots.

Newfag detected.

That's a new pasta, I'm afraid

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Doesn't derail my statement.

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>we wuz anti violence

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>me n' momma driving
>we're passin all up in tha park
>see a thug gettin pretty much dragged by they dog
>I say "I don't KNOW why playas git dawgs they clearly aint gots control over"
>she say "I had a thugged-out dawg I couldn't control once, it did not end well."
>thankin itz goin ta be suttin' wack-ass I ask fo' more
>she begins
>parents never allowed her ta git a thugged-out dawg growin up
>moved out
>first thang dat biiiiatch wanted ta do on her own was git a thugged-out dog
>knowin not a god damn thang bout dawgs she gets tha freshest one dat thugged-out biiiatch can
>it straight-up goes pretty well fo' all dem weeks
>one dizzle buys a vhs playa
>supa bangin' up so her big-ass booty strips naked tha moment she gets home
>wants ta plug up in tha vhs playa
>has ta reach behind tha tv cabinet
>very hard as fuck ta do so
>eventually is on her knees tryin ta reach tha outlet
>dog decides itz time
>dog starts goin at it
>she tries ta squirm outta there but tha dawg is too phat n' tha crevice too tight
>dog finishes up in all dem minutes
>she be thinkin itz over but tha dogz ding-a-ling is stuck up in her
>starts ta panic
>really tries ta git outta there but still can't
>afta what tha fuck her big-ass booty say felt like a minute but was probably less than ten minutes tha dawg removes his dirty ass from her
>immediately gets up n' runs ta tha shower
>her last line is "Truth be holla'd at, I kind of was horny bout it"
I was goin ta ask what tha fuck happened ta tha dawg afta but afta dat last line I decided I didn't wanna know. I still don't give a fuck what tha fuck dat biiiiatch was thankin or how tha fuck dat dunkadelic hoe thought dis was a appropriate rap ta share wit mah playas, let ridin' solo her son.

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sounds like Diana was a Yas Forums troll

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Yas Forums humor threads. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of crime statistics 50% of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Yas Forums's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its hatred of nonwhites - it's personal philosophy draws heavily from interacting with blacks, for instance. Racists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about WHITES. As a consequence people who dislike Yas Forums humor threads truly ARE libtards - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Yas Forums's existencial catchphrase "the jews did this," which itself is a cryptic reference to literally everything bad that ever happened being the Jews' fault. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as race realist genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO refuse to date women with tattoos. And no, that isn't 'sexist.' I'm for pure ladies only - and even they have to demonstrate that they've slept with zero other men (preferably lower) beforehand.

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Remember the six million burgers.
Never Again