I don't have yellow fever anymore

I don't have yellow fever anymore .

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i dont like this

Me neither fren

killing dog , cats and rats was fucked but tolerable but killing our mascot PEPE now that going to far.

lets rise up


dlete this

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They really dont have souls, do they? What about cute hapas though, have they recovered half a soul from the white parent?

Poor froggo

Kek will remember this! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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>you will never be eaten alive by some chink slut

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all meme aside is animal tourture common amongst you people . she has 21 million view byw

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It's kinda hot thinking that they all probably swallow tho.


What's the point? I highly doubt this shit even tastes good. Fuck these psycho bugs.

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>"... the Japs started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by them . I personally saw this happen and about 100 prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japs. The remainder of us were taken to another spot 50 miles [80 km] away where 10 prisoners died of sickness. At this place, the Japs again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a hut where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were screaming for there lives and they were thrown into a plate where they later died slowly ."

I knew that I was next
>"Release me at once, yellow one!" the Frog King cried. But it was too late. The Frog King was dying. Lying there in the bowl he uttered a final, "Fuck you, slant eyes!" before being eaten.
>Somewhere, miles away, a bat was out hunting. He spied a tick on a clearly diseased pangolin. Not know why, he swooped down and ate it.
>Fate would see the Frog King avenged. Now, it was only a matter of time.

Does anyone have the webm with that chinese woman eating a whole chicken raw feathers and all? You've probably seen it, the one where she is being recorded by multiple people with phones.
I can't find it on any thread.

Not really. Koreans don't really have much by the way of meat in their diet at all. It's mostly fish. ALL other animals are a rarity. Even the fabled dog restaurant barely exists. Within three months of living here I started to get really nasty dizzy spells from B vitamin deficiency. My waifu goes out of her way to get me meat now, but it's really expensive. Like a normal porterhouse is twenty or thirty dollars a pop.

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what's is that powder? what is going on there?

salt just to torture the thing its like putting salt on a slug

Klingons weren't this bad.

>I don't have yellow fever anymore .

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you know people do this in the US right? People eat frogs here white people.

damn where d you find a korean waifu who pays for your expenses

shouldnt you be starving or mining runescape?

Why in the hell would salt hurt an octopus.
This is the video. It's less gross than you think it is. But this is clearly soft core porn for somebody.


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Frog meat is fantastic. I've caught, killed, and dressed them myself for many years. However, the way they don't even bother to dispatch the animal humanely or quickly is fucking abhorrent. I've eaten in a few Chinese places where you pick your food live and they cook it, but not this kind of bullshit.


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They live in saltwater my man.

>Softcore porn for somebody.


this kills the pepe

Chinks eat Pepe's relatives

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two nukes wasn't enough

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Based Sherpa

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>Why in the hell would salt hurt an octopus.
because its salt

arent korean women all goldiggers? how did you find one that would take a neet husbando

gooks will pay for this. keko will be avenged.

They live in salt.
White women are gold diggers. Korean women only care about food and white dick.

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>They live in salt.
they live in extremely diluted salt water, pure salt is both incredibly painful and deadly

try putting a few grams of salt on your tongue and wait a few minutes

>White women are gold diggers. Korean women only care about food and white dick.
I had the impression asians were far more gold diggery than western ones

They don't live in salt though do they, plus it's rock salt which would be abrasive/

ikezukuri is not exactly popular, but it can be found relatively easily and I won't pretend otherwise. Still, we don't eat fucking dogs like the rest of the asian savages. We recognize them as companions and workers.


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ya but pure salt is still too salty, but the real point is they put salt on the wounds, the dancing squid video has her pouring onions sauce on the cut up squid and they go nuts, thats the point

they are nipps though

Yeah, the live in salt. And rock salt is much less abrasive than the sea rocks that they also live in.

>pure salt is both incredibly painful and deadly
Oh. Please share with us your incredible Oceanographic knowledge.
>Your tongue = octopus
I had the impression you were a roastie.

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Raising cows/pigs/anything in a pen they can't even turn around in is infinitely more disgusting than this practice, but please, continue coping.

hey towelie, what strange bullshit people tried to feed until now? be safe from the chink virus dude

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>ya but pure salt is still too salty, but the real point is they put salt on the wounds, the dancing squid video has her pouring onions sauce on the cut up squid and they go nuts, thats the point
They were dead. Their nerves were having a reaction.
Also, Korea considers this video to be inappropriate. It's impossible to watch unless you're an adult.
The point just seems to be that you're jealous of asian women or something.

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he's an idiot, I mean, octopuses and frogs do not have proper nocireceptors like we do.

I'm in Korea. There's literally no where safer to be.

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yeah humanely killed and fucking cooked, not eaten alive

Who's more yellow, them or you?

Imagine being Korean, where even fucking Arabs have more of a moral sense than your people do.

I mean, I'm not one.
But there is basically no crime here. At least "street crime". We don't lock our door. Murder is basically unheard of. There's very graffiti even. The worst incident that has happened around here since I've been here is a drunk guy peeing near the entrance because he thought it was an alley.
Like I said, I need meat. So we go to butcher's shops. Almost every single fucking time they have a cutting counter with a knife on it, totally clean, but facing the customers. Anyone can just pick up the knife and go to town if they wanted.
No one ever does.
You go into a convenience store here, and it looks like a western convenience store. Except there's a sliding door behind the counter. And you're looking into his living room. Like you can see his kids playing with their toys. It's not even a bad house either. It's hilarious, sometimes they even have family over. They just get up off the couch from watching TV, ring you up, and go sit back down.
If this place ever gets niggers it is fucked. It is so fucked. Every single day I see a hundred ways this place would get fucked over if it ever had niggers.

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>There's very graffiti even
There's *barely graffiti.

They live in saltwater, not pure salt. Retard.

put a big old spoonful of salt in your eyeball then mong

>your eyeball = octopus
This thread is now /msg/.
Marine Science General

How do they treat animals? I just watched a video about some (white american) guy who spent 48 hours nursing a dying eagle back to health. Think about how much effort whites go through to take care of animals that are not even pets for virtually no benefit to themselves, all the time. Does that kind of thing happen there?

Osmosis causes the pain. Osmosis is caused by a difference in solute potential. Pure salt has much higher solute potential then an eyeball, or indeed the octopus' tissue. Back to school lad, or should I say rice paddy.

theyre dead before we start eating them, not the same

I was planning to visit Korea , so do they hate blacks ? I always wanted to learn an asian language and to me Korean seem like the best one.

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