I have a question, what the fuck has New Zealand even contributed to the world besides being good at rugby?

I have a question, what the fuck has New Zealand even contributed to the world besides being good at rugby?

Literally look up kiwi inventions and it will come up with like "fun" tourist attraction shit like a giant ball you get inside and ride down hills and like a jetpack that they use at carnivals and shit.

Even the Irish invented the guided missile and the ejector seat, and they are the niggers of the white race.

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Peter Jackson made some gay movies.

Sheep fucking, being an inferior Australia, Christchurch shooting

How can they live in homes without enough to survive? If they didn't have enough they'd be dead, if they're alive they have enough to survive.

came here to say this

She's right, those kids would be much more happy living in soviet era blocks. Europe is proof of this.

She is a marxist, so incapable of intelligent theories about the world or reality. Marxists and females are just useless parasites.

the megaupload guy lives there
massive fraudster and troll

They have developed innovative and new ways to fuck sheep.

this is what you bring into the conversation? remind us all of some fat Pifke and his Thai wife?

I didn't know about the thai wife

The pic i posted was from ages ago when she got voted in.
The thread is not about her it's about kiwis in general, why are they so shit?

New Zealand is the escape bunker haven of choice for the international elite. You're also disarmed now.

Tarrant should have shot her instead of a bunch of random muslims.

how did you let this commie trash get to a position of power

what you crying about criminal?

Ironic. I'd call New Zealand the women's rights movements both failures. Women's rights was a catalyst for the downfall of the west because women don't understand or possess any of the qualities necessary to create and sustain a prosperous society.


What has your country provided to the world Besides richie mccaw?

Don't worry, we hate her too.
One Term Ardern.

Who are the highest tier whites if you had to make a top 10 ranking?

Kiwi propaganda
henri becquerel was the founder of nuclear physics.

Oo that would be tough.
Do white Americans, Australian etc. count? Or only Europeans?
And what is it based off intelligence? Or just all round?

Talked with this 80 year old white guy while I was in New Zealand. He looked mildly upset and said it wasn’t like it used to be.

New Zealand is the land of the brainlets.

The only reason they have any economy at all is because movies want to shoot there because of their environment which they literally did nothing to make.

If it went for the environment they would be a 3rd world shit hole full of inbred retards.

Fuck New Zealand and its people.
I used to think it was a good country with good people. May be because I love Lord of the rings. I hope it will be glassed by Americans. Fuck commies, fuck kikes, fuck chinks and fuck jannies.

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You're right. Australia should invade NZ and never let this happen again.

i've met more based kiwis than pozzed ones. yet it seems like the ones with exposure are turbopozzed.
surely new zealand isn't all bad.

is that Linus?

Seethe more Aus fag. Imagine a country being owned by China criticizing literal paradise. Die faggot.


The 2010-2012 period of online hosting services was the greatest. You could just google an obscure album you want and some blog will come up with a MU/mediafire/etc link to it. They didn't care and rarely ever removed files. Same with movies, porn etc

Then after the MU guy got arrested they all shut down because they didn't want to be next. whatever we have now very carefully monitors their content and deletes everything

Uhm, sweetie?

Attached: Ernest_Rutherford_LOC.jpg (3190x4279, 2.41M)

where' the prime minister in that photo?
I only see two whores

they make a lot of movie shit (peter jackson has all his studios, prop/set artists, costume designers, workshops, and supporting industry there, including Weta workshop.)

they also gave us Path of Exile. Can't really think of anything else though.

>tfw got my $7000 JacindaBucks from her shitty center-left government
>tfw still not voting for her this election

She's a happy happy progressive smiley face that does what her party tells her. It's a shame that the world thinks we actually voted for her.

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why are they seated so far apart?


I've never once seen anything but that god awful smug punch-inviting permascowl on her face.

First one that springs to mind is splitting the atom. Rutherford. What has Australia contributed?

user, Labour Party is currently polling at over 45%. National is polling at 35%. Greens and NZF polling around 5%.

Should hopefully change after this shitty pandemic is over. Hopefully they extend the election date.

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>henri becquerel was the founder of nuclear physics
Nobody said Rutherford was the founder of nuclear physics. He is regarded as the father of nuclear physics, not the founder. A kiwi split the atom, paving the way for nuclear energy. What have Ausfailians contributed?

Also kiwis are masters of garage engineering
>bruce mclaren
>burt munro

How's life in Nepal?

Did he split the atom did he? Pretty sure that was our guy Rutherford.

Nation of mongrels tbqh. Based farmers though, extremely racist, more than those of the southern states.

t.Texan in Chch

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Varies on who you ask. I can only give you my own perspective. It is comfy for me, for now. Soon I will be jobless then it will be hard for me.

>nz is a nation of mongrels
>t. 56% goblin
literally cannot make this shit up

Houses are over $1 million because they let Chinese launder money through them. Hundreds fly in and buy them at auction but if you complain you are racist

Also prices are SHOCKING because of socialist taxation and control.

Goods and service tax is 15% on everything including food. And your tax bill

Fuel is $2 per liter because of $1.50 tax

Income tax is 30%

Fuck NZ and fuck Comrade Jacinda

New Zealanders are going to let this woman drive their country into the ground aren't they?

hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive == blatant failure

> NZ PM calls capitalism a blatant failure


> hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive == capitalism

Good work, Chris Baynes. You are a really good writing man.

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White trash with leftist politics

t. dual citizen Kiwi Texan

Lord of the Rings was filmed there

This image reminds me of the time I had to do jury service. Some Maori guys started a fight with some white guys, the police arrested them all and put them all in the same prison wagon. One Maori guy chimped out and attacked one of the white guys in the wagon.
God it felt good getting to throw the book at that stupid Maori prick. Because I was the jury foreman, I got to stand up and tell the judge "GUILTY"

You have sold A LOT of land to kikes and their wealthy hierarchy of goy slaves.

>cervical cancer vaccine
>whi -fi
>the black box
Plus Australians are just globally known for being sickcunts, i've literally been to countries where cunt's have heard my accent while in line for a drink at a pub and they tell me to go infront of them cause i'm aussie lol
>electronic pace maker
>electric drill
>bionicle ear

houses are not over $1 million. the average cost of a home in Auckland is slightly below 1 million. the vast majority of the country is far below that. saying the average cost of a home in NZ is 1 million is like saying the average cost of a home in USA is 35 million because thats what a penthouse apartment costs in manhattan

fuel is $2 per liter because NZ is the most remote nation on earth (this also applies to "shocking" prices on everything)

also all of the things you mentioned existed before jacinda ardern

Yes. Capitalism has failed. Fascism and National Socialism is the way.

Even an aussie was responsible for the christ church party. New Zealanders suck

If you want to get into a pissing match about the individual little things that people from each country have invented we can. The reality is that NZ has contributed a tremendous amount comparative to its size and population. This is a meme thread, I don't really know what the point is other than for you to have a laugh at your own jokes.

>Plus Australians are just globally known for being sickcunts, i've literally been to countries where cunt's have heard my accent while in line for a drink at a pub and they tell me to go infront of them cause i'm aussie lol

I'm glad some drunk seppo let you cut him in line. Do you think people overseas can tell the difference between our accents? Of course not, I have had similar experiences. Quit being a faggot.

Houses are only that expensive in the prime areas of Auckland. By the way, fuck Auckland, Auckland is our equivalent of New York City.
Average house in my city is closer to 400k NZD (240k USD)

Income tax isn't 30%, it's closer to 20% for the average citizen. But Yeah, you're right, the other taxes are pretty shit. We are taxed to death on everything, but that's the case no matter what government we vote in. Unless Act was able to govern

where did you get that idea from?

Lamb chops

most of those guys are samoan/tongan so no

>Implying he chose his targets
>Implying he wasn't a false flag glow in the dark

All round, any Caucasian

>imagine having maori as a national language and taught to white kids
Kek. The majority of the population couldn't speak a single sentence in Maori, not even actual Maoris. Only 1/3rd of actual Maoris can speak it. It's a meme language you get taught in schools when you're young.

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that white guy second from right middle row is a pretty good indication of what actual nzers look like though, yeah

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Was actually in northern ireland.
You are just mad because you're country has done fuck all.
Look you litterally google "New Zeland inventions" and it comes up with pic related.
Says "inventions that are shaping the world" You invented a fucking bubble cunt lol

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Mmm it would go something like this then, from 1-10 1 being the best.

>contributed to the world
fuck you globalist chink scum. kiwis don't owe you anything.