So what have you accomplished in 2020 so far?

So what have you accomplished in 2020 so far?

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What's an antonym for "accomplish?"

2nd year of being a social hermit, and I’m still a teenager. All I do is work, gym, shitpost and play vidya.


I talked to a girl

>Survived WW3
>Survived the Great Australian wildfires!
>Survived the Great Impeachment collapse of the American government
>Survived bigotry against Chinatown
>Survived Coronachan
>Survived the Great lockdown of 2020
>Survived the economic collapse
>Died of asteroids dragged into our orbit by comet Atlas, despite all of the unused hospital beds.

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I've dug out, fenced in, and planted a 10'×10' garden patch, dug a 30' swale, and mixed together about 300 gallons of potting soil by hand. Also I got a good start on cleaning out my basement yesterday.

Learning networking and C++ and a little A+ programming and some network security fundamentals. I workout at least 5 days a week. I drink beer.

The Jews have accomplished many things, for Jewish interests.

Zion Don got cucked by Corona.
So there is that.

based asteroids will rape Yellowstone into submission. thanks space rocks.

i've been on stay at home orders all year

I tried to learn coding, but I lacked the discipline to keep with it. I need to fix that.

Just look up YouTube videos about it. You can also go to google and type in stackoverflow and the program you want. is pretty good too. Just takes time and practice.

I've made the woman I enjoy spending time with hate me, that's about it

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Got a raise and promotion right before this corona virus shit popped off.

Jerked off less.

I haven't killed myself yet

>a meme based on left wing ideological instability co-opted by anti-trump

The fucking dissonance could start an avalanche.

oh you know about dissonance do you? ok

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what have you failed to accomplish so far user?

I don't know how. I'm a complete boring piece of shit but I actually managed to get a girlfriend. I'm still in shock that she's so into me. I really am as plain as they come.

Life is weird as fuck lads but when it steps in front of you don't be afraid to jump on and ride it.

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Ahhhahahaha, 2020 is the year I'm finally KING of everything! Suck it, Dad!

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Procrastinate, delegate.

Hating this jewish clownworld.

>sun oven
user, what are you planning?

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I prepped and made my family prepped for the coronavirus.
Now i enjoy my quarantine.

You forgot Yellowstone

Thanks man, being undisciplined is worse than being dumb.

I've gotten 3 different jobs. bout to complete a semester of college of 4 classes. what about you?

I warned the world to close their borders back in January; all flights grounded.

look on the bright side. she isn't dead

don't turn into a beta. always keep her guessing what your thinking

based and prepperpilled

Four months completely sober, have a nice little chunk of cash in savings so far, my taxes are done and I will be receiving the benefit for 2 grand a month for four months. Went from 0 dollars go what will be over 11k in savings in just a few months. Big changes this year boys.
>Quick question for my fellow Anons, is going back to school for CNC Machinist a good idea or do you have something better? I like working with my hands

I killed Nefarian and got Ashkandi.

That's an impossible size for a rocky body, absolute bullshit.

you need friends to get a trade job. Don't know if schooling will help you get one

I can make friends along the way if need be , just curious if there was any Machinists or similar dudes in thread

cleaned a bunch of clutter so that my parents won’t have to after i hang myself.
got all my stuff packed nice and neat. was going to donate my clothes to boys & girls harbor until this lockdown shite started.
Gunna wait until after this clears up so my suicide won’t be attributed to “being isolated ): so sad”

>officially reached wizardhood
>got a job that paid almost twice as much as my previous one and new apartment with all new furniture
>read a couple more books from antiquity
>beat nethack
Still a miserable lazy piece of shit incapable making friends or even basic socializing but its something I guess.

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Why suicide? Do you have some sort of hideous deformity or mental retardation?

Real talk, nothing for me changed this year.

I didn't lose my job, I still don't have any debts, and I'm still a happy person.

So not much I guess.

stopped drinking beer
haven't cared about political bullshit since 2018
haven't watched, listened to anyone on YouTube eceleb free for (2 years and 4 months)
been reading a lot of books.
been making my own bread.
getting ready to pickle some homegrown vegetables.
got back into the gym.

1 mouse = most that is ruined.

That dude is wrecked

Was she cute? It doesn't matter if she was not cute.

got back together with the ex

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>been making my own bread.
what is this meme

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Got a dev job where I get paid to do absolutely nothing so far. Could be worse...

suddenly woke up from psychiatric drug(s) fog after ten years. missed the most important years and now i believe i’m sinking into schizophrenia. should’ve been aborted instead of adopted


>Gunna wait until after this clears up so my suicide won’t be attributed to “being isolated ): so sad”

This is just an excuse to stay alive. If you're going to do it then do it and get it over with.

whats the rush

>2L pop bottles filled with tapwater

Finally someone else with some sense, I'm gonna guess Saskatchewan or Alberta


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no. it’s so my death won’t be attributed to “being isolated ): so sad”
is that hard for you to understand?

its a joke ,cant take it? Too sensitive for that?

I just got sober four months ago , things do get better if you keep your mind to making small progress day by day .. dont kill yourself bud life gets rough , and if you're feeling schizophrenic it doesn't mean it is gonna last forever it could just be a temporary psychosis .. cheer up buddy . It does get better , and even if it doesn't get better you get stronger ( but it does get better )

rapidly upgraded Canada's electronic healthcare infrastructure to manage covid

Mate… why the fuck would you?

Keep it up, sounds like you are on the right track

thanks sincerely user. honestly the wholesomeness warms me. haven’t gotten a lot of that lately. thanks mr. leaf

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Lost 30 pounds and got back into working out, feeling way better.

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