
element will become in the coming months the most important commodity to decide the fate of our future as a species.

Big money ignored it so far because the soft normies bought the cheap energy narrative.

Now that the shit has hit the fan there is no other choice. Their hand is forced since everyone will be starving in a cold corner.
Fusion is decades away. Fission follows a similar trajectory. Oil/gas will be locked and loaded as we are delving further into the new cold war with Murica vs Chings/Russians.

You will see a spring of mini nuclear reactors like you have never seen before.

Buy now or cry later

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Other urls found in this thread:

The science/tech needed to properly dispose of the waste is being developed and once that rolls out Uranium will lead the energy sector.

No need

The shitstorm is coming

They use depleted uranium in cold fusion.

There is 4 times more Thorium on Earth than Uranium. It is a nuclear fuel of the future.

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Try Thorium instead.

>three responses before mentioning thorium
Good to see Yas Forums isn't full of brainlets. This, thorium reactors are based.

reusuable rockets dump waste into space

fast neutron reactors are working already - it can be used there as well.

You don't get it. There is no time for innovation/experimentation and in times where money are infinite, these will take over.

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We need thermal spectrum thorium breeders. At scale we're talking less than two-tenths of a penny per kwh. Current 6O-year-old PWRs can doing 2 cents - national average for all energy is about 11 cents. With load following you can also generated Hydrogen for use in fuel cells - a close cycle fuel/battery that can be used in all modes of transportation. Women can stay home with kids because all goods are so cheap. Buildings can be built sky high because materials are cheap (meaning cheap housing for all), etc, etc.

A molten salt reactor is cheaper to build and maintain than even a brand new Westinghouse AP1000. Co-locate on build site for licensing purposes.

We entering the Fallout timeline?
Can't wait for my nuclear powered flying personal butler/security bot.
I'll name him FISTO.

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Yes, total Chads

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>Drill hole outside Las Vegas inside a deep mountain cave
>Drop it in

Have you ever heard of SMRs?

China is already on them.

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>The science/tech needed to properly dispose of the waste is being developed and once that rolls out Uranium will lead the energy sector.
It's the fast spectrum breeder reactor. The US ran the EBR-II test and showed that a reactor that eats that hardly even used 'waste' fuel from standard LWRs in not only possible it's safer.

That said, the true goal is the Thorium cycle which is not only cheaper than a standard LWR it's safer than any reactor other than like maybe a SLOWPOKE which isn't a power reactor.

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Good old days. People had a dreams about space.

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>Be France
Be France

>With load following you can also generated Hydrogen for use in fuel cells
You can use that hydrogen to make hydrocarbons that we can use in our current ICEs. No need to get rid of our cars, trucks, boats, and planes. Just switch from oil refinery to nuclear power plants attached to oil refineries.

For people that are all in on this tech the reason why this is so great is because of how much swing the electric grid has. Between peak demand and low demand is the difference between 20% and 100%. Our electrical generators sit for most of the time not making any power. With a demand for energy to make hydrogen you can have your electric power grid run at 100%, 100% of the time. This lowers costs and makes fuels you can use in any current engine. No need for new gas stations, distribution trucks, pipes and trains, or new dangerous hydrogen powered cars.

This end CO2 emissions effectively. Between 100% electrical power being carbon free, and 100% of transport being carbon free with effectively end human emissions. Not that it's an actual issue but it's something to sell to the smooth brains.

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>The science/tech needed to properly dispose of the waste is being developed
Don't breeder reactors already run on "nuclear waste"? We've had those for decades.

>Don't breeder reactors already run on "nuclear waste"? We've had those for decades.
That's correct. But try telling someone we have a solution to the nuclear waste issue and they refuse to believe you.

You need to catch up son we have made advances and not just pic related but we are able to reuse waste.

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ever heard of thorium? it's uranium on crack. Its more abundant, more efficient, and even safer. Thorium will be the power source of the future.

Blame the media and hollyjews for that. People are so god damn retarded now.

In Russia we have a number of PWRs (VVR we call it) and a number of old-type graphite moderated BWRs. So, they prepare a high- enreached fuel for PWRs (6,5% U-235) and use it. After it is burned out to the limit and ready to go to waste they use it in old BWRs - BWRs don't require enreached fuel and can work with the used fuel for some time. Of course it is not a complete solution, but help to save some money.

Afaik the reason why the development and use of breeder reactors stalled is because people realized there's a lot more uranium in the ground then what was initially estimated.
Even without them the waste issue isn't really an issue. Nuclear waste can be stored safely and reactors only produce very tiny quantities of it.

The BWRs and PWRs are both still high pressure designs with all the costs of near critical pressure piping and pumping that entails.
A LFTR runs at about half the pressure your domestic water in your house runs at.


wow. how do i invest in these guys?

It's a bit more complex. Technically, they do, but in order to do so, it must be all the time "re-loaded" with processed fuel. The main difficulty is constantly process irradiated fuel - it's expensive. That's why it is not so popular now

Doesn't sound investing is open to the public yet.

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China doesn't have anything. They have the US and French build everything for them. Even their test reactors are 1950s tier.
we're moving on from the threat of double break loci. Breeders are technically illegal here. The regulators are being livied to change that for fluoride and chloride salt fuels in testing phase right now

Yes. The same is correct for molten metal reactors - the pressure is relatively low.

It's because of non-proliferation. You end up with some weapons grade material. The thermal spectrum thorium cycle does have U-233 but it is useless in a weapon and pretty impossible to extract from solution (it isn't sitting in a control rod ready to be move out of facility by even a internal actor)

Perfect thread for my OC this will be big

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Nah its because everyone who isnt under twenty knows nuclear accidents happen.

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help burgers

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i have been invested in this shit for 2 yrs. every year we thought it was going to rally. it might just be the time now . all we need is a 232 working group decision and that s it. my dreams will become memes

What the fuck does 5g have to do with nuclear energy and whats the point of this shitpost to begin with?

>It's because of non-proliferation. You end up with some weapons grade material.
Yeah who don't we want with nuclear weapons? Iran? North Korea? China? South fucking Africa? Pakistan?
It's a retarded argument that didn't survive even light technical scrutiny. Any nuclear operator can build nuclear weapons if they wanted to. The CIA has a list of nations that are less than 1 year away from having a nuclear weapon and it's basically half the fucking world.

The advantage of liquid fuel is you do not need to shut down, reshuffle fuel pellets, etc. Down time is 2 months long on average to complete the process. With molten salt you just introduce the "waste" to be processed. Less down time, less cost, more energy, lower rates

>A "person" wasted time on this shit

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Okay, got a single fact to back that up? Friends in patents bureau?
I know for a fact Th and, to the lesser extent, Pm and Tritium are better choices, given their availability and relative environmental cleanness.

Extraction and processing is difficult and costly. Thorium can be scrape out from monazite sands right on the surface. It's everywhere.

Thorium reactors were built in the 50’s. The research sat in a closet for 60 years.

Then some scientist was looking at the material before they threw it away. He spent years trying to meme it into existence and was successfull. But only in the minds of the people.

Thats shits been in the minds of everyone for more than a decade. If they wanted it. They would have done it.

>China doesn't have anything. They have the US and French build everything for them. Even their test reactors are 1950s tier.
literally retarded post

Yeah, no kidding. A lot of us bring up this point but you can not get it past the regulators or politicians. You can even say "you realize they can just make a graphite pile and get weapons grade uranium like we did in the 40s, right?". So the compromise is to say "look, it eats waste, is proliferation-proof and operates on 1 atmosphere". Yet, there is still resistance to a MSR breeder. It is absurd.

What doesnt it have to do with it you ignorant fuck? How do you think they will share info? I'm a Nazi and I'm in favor of 5G. Supreme internet speed for supremacist whites. Simple as that. Why does that bother you? How does it affect you? It doesn't.

We have 7 startup companies with millions invested and support from multiple national labs. We are in the middle of fuel certification for both Fluoride and Chloride salts (Thorium)

>what is Westinghouse
>what is Are a
you're out of your league

Kvetch harder, Benjamin Rosestein.

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Come to the 5G side. We will dominate.

Also, I believe LFTRs (as well as molten metal reactors) should have higher efficiency: because temperature is much higher than in PWRs. I may misspel it, but according Carno cicle the efficiency coefficient of thermal machine (for example, turbine) the directly depends on the difference between heat source and environment. And it's the advantage of having high temperature.

So why don’t they do it?

You inspire me, more shitty OC headed your way. And if im lucky ill get good at it.

Either a bot, or the "new" strategy of making nonsensical claims and bullshit thinking that people actually give a shit about their freakshow.

Skill and talent are that of which play into the craft of meme making, leavened with topical understanding and a keen eye for mechanics of which play into the subject matter.
You lack everything aforementioned.

That's what I'm guessing too. The effort he put into making those pictures is a bit disturbing tho.

I'm not a bot ima national socialist. 5G is the future of white supremacy.

I'm getting all my Trumpbux in this, where do i buy anything related to this option ? Anyone has a link or source ?

Then why do you feel the need to dignify me with a reply? Why not discourage me with silence?

Hi Jew. Mad that I'm associating 5G with my people? Stay mad. I wont stop.

Yes, 800C. You can also pair with brayton cycle generators for even more efficient numbers. This is thermal spectrum, only. Fast spectrum is a waste of time - you might as well just keep burning uranium. The high temp advantage so translates to water desalination and water cracking for commercial fuel synthesis

I'm getting the same disturbed vibe.
Whatever it is, it's angry and incoherent.
Seems to hate Nazis and 5G, grouping them together.
Whatever it is, I want a hellfire missile to level it's dwelling, pronto.

Nothing I could say or do could dignify you, mate.

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Molten salt companies are all private. Fuel will likely be a cooperative based on proposed legislation. So unless you invest as a private venture cap, you are not getting in. Also, it won't be that profitable for that long. They will essentially reach perfect competition. Buy land instead.

Why do you disturb my meme lab? I'm trying to cook but you keep replying like an idiot. Do you want more anons to see that 5G is white supremacy? Because it is and I think you do.

How do you deal with corrosion?

Well whatever you do dont stop replying I need your energy

hah this guy has hope as if god invention ever get intot eh wolrd and are not suprred or shelved or soemthing mysterious, haha mother fucker, Telsa called he said you need to create a political and govt environment first to protect this shit dont expect the good clean free energy revolution to naturally happen with evil standing idly by

To use your own words against you, why reply to me when you're "clearly" doing more "important" "work"?
Trust me, this is the last (you), the novelty of you freakshows wears out quickly.

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Ok jews here I go to the next thread to ruin your profits by being associated with nazis lmao this was too EZ

>Do you want more anons to see that 5G is white supremacy?
You're running the same strategy that's been tried a thousand times already. Everyone posting here knows what you're doing.
>I'm one of you and I support X, therefore you should too.
Or the version used for normies
>I'm one of the (bad guys) and I support X (therefore you should oppose it)
You're not even good at it.

lmao do you really believe I'm arguing in a genuine manner? Hahaha ill say whatever I have to say to get people to look at my shit, stupid faggot

With old soviet garbage maybe. You wouldn't believe how clever the newer designs are.

Argues like a jew that knows not to reddit space. I'm coming for your profits and your people Jacob. Good luck.

Seriously, this.

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