Muslims in China are facing horrendous conditions. Why doesn't America and the western civilized world save them ? This is a crime against humanity !
Muslim in China
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Doesnt China ban christianity too?
We ought to arm them like we did with the Taliban. GIve the glowies something useful to do instead of trying to overthrow the duly-elected president. And then film and broadcast every atrocity committed by the chicoms while using that as justification to give them the NK/Iran treatment
That plan looks too oblivious.
Any other plan ?
Muslims are Terrorists. Their image of the perfect man was a self-proclaimed Terrorist.
The Islamic image of the perfect man is not only a self proclaimed terrorist, but his instructions for all Muslims who submit to Allah is that they too should also be terrorists and bring the sword down on the non-believers.
Make sure Muslims stay in their own communities with their ancestors in Israel.
The conditions for muslims in china are better than the condition of christians in Somalia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iraq, etc
Muslim are dogs, its ok to eat dogs in china.
Why don’t we GoFundMe them some shekels, send some guns n shit over there, and the Muslims and commies kill each other
Who cares if it's obvious. Fuck the chicoms, we might as well give them the middle finger in as insulting and destructive of a way as possible, just short of provoking a real shooting war
Because Jews bomb and sanction them in these countries
it is difficult for me to feel compassion for muslims in china, when muslims in europe torment me and my people.
We need to liberate china. My Muslim family is dying and we need impose sharia on china for what they did.
If one criminal cries about the other, do you think most people will have empathy?
they maybe feel bad, dont like it and thinks its not okay either way.
But what do you expect?
Especially if you are one of those whos holding a knife on their throat because you satanic book that has been manipulated by jews, rewritten by uthman, futherly changed by some turk and which additionally needd hadiths, that always appeared randomly when some ruler needed them;
Can you imagine how much people care about that incarnation of inhumanity and its cries?
That Muhammad that todays islam teaches about already started whining and complaining, while pissing everybody off.
He was such a unreflected little boipucci.
And that is what you do, too.
You totally lack any compassion, are accursed by God himself, don't acknowledge the tinies wrongdoing of yours, don't have compassion but you YOU want to ask anyone in the world to care about you, your issues and have compassion with your club of demonspawns and its followers...
Fine by me.
I would rather live under sharia law than the brutal Nazi CCP
The question is, is Hippopotamus Halal?
>Muslims in China are facing horrendous conditions.
>This is a crime against humanity !
lol get fucked towelhead.
why do non-arabic cultures cuck themselves so bad by following a shitty foreign religion
>We ought to arm them
Why do think they're kept under wraps. You're not the brightest bulb are you?
They were already controlled by Arabs in historic times i guess its just a natural continuation for them
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
Yes, yes. They are accursed by God and they do so, because they never knew God.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The Ottoman Empire should've taken over Europe and Europe should've been fully Muslim. Christianity doesn't work. Look at your nation getting overrun by refugees. In Saudi Arabia they throw niggers and Pajeets off balconies
As China becomes a bit more of a "superpower" in tandem with Russia and America, certain Western countries can turn to the Chinese for solutions to their muslim populations in exchange for something (like some nice holiday homes for Chinese elite or whatever).
Chinks are just performing a practice run / dress rehearsal for what Western governments will resort to when the time comes to physically destroy their migrants.
They're not exactly fighting back, and they would if they were armed
>if you just let the muslims overrun you in the past you wouldn't be getting overrun by muslims now
Nice logic ahmed
Islam is a crime against humanity. One good turn deserves another.
Why are there Muslims in China? Why can’t the towelheads stay the fuck in their own countries?
Feed them to pigs, turn them into pigshit
You whites are the real savages. When Muslim explorer ibn khaldun first came into Europe he compared you to animals ! Your paganism is shit, you are just slaves.
It's the only thing that works for you to be saved.
This is one of the only good things China does. I hope they wipe out the muzzies they have in the camps and the middle east goes to war with them. Who am I kidding, invading muzzies only screech about inequality and blow themselves up in western nations. They know the chinks wouldn't stand for that shit
They don't even respond to force, they're like weeds. It's why the only solution to them is extermination.
How does it feel to be consistently humiliated by European savages in battle?
How does it feel knowing Europe will become an Islamic nation ?
>making projections all the way out to 2050
You do realize that if Europeans ever decide they don't want you in their countries, they'll kick you out? Even in 2050, according to "projections", there won't be a single muslim-majority country in western Europe. Muslims will be at the mercy of their host countries then as they are now
Times have changed camel-fucker. Look at Saudi Arabia where unemployment is sky high, you have to waste time sniffing the ass of the guy in front of you 5 times a day. Your music is warbling shit, your beggars cut off their own childrens' legs and blind them with lime to garner more sympathy. You blow yourselves up because you think some rag-head sky wizard will give you 77 virgins. You stink of shit, wipe your arses with your hands, your food is awful, women are ugly as sin and if you didn't have oil you'd all be starving. You will always be subhuman, superstitious, bootlicking shit-skins Cope harder you colossal twat waffle
don't forget inbred
Yep, even moderates are scum. They will never call out bad actors in their own communities and scream "islamophabia!" if anyone outside of their community tries to do so. They all need to be deported abck to the middle east where they can regret losing the luxuries of a first world existence. A bullet is cheaper but I want their goat fucking brethren to hear how much better it was in the west and how they wish they had just kept their fucking mouths shut so they could still be there shitting in the gift horses mouth and contributing nothing
It'll be a shame if it comes to violence. Muzzie blood taints the earth when spilled. Don't get me wrong, I would enjoy joining the RWDS but the cleanup would be a chore
Because Muslims, (not necessarily any individual muslim, or muslim family, or even small muslim community) and Islam in general make the world worse. They are almost 2 billion people and contribute nothing of worse to the rest of the world. And this has gone on for half a millenia. And before that, even in their self-described "Golden Age" it wasn't that muslim society's were good or doing good things, it was merely that they were relatively less bad than other civilizations at the time. And even during their "Golden Age" they didn't produce anything new, they merely got access to ancient Greek/Roman, ancient Chinese, or ancient Hindu knowledge and just happened to be geographically stationed in the middle of Eurasia to benefit from trade bringing all these knowledges to them.
Islam has literally been a 1500 year failed experiment in making a good society. The only thing that keeps it perpetuated is the sunk-cost fallacy and shrieking crescendo of 2 billion muslims REEEing over their shattered egos.
Indeed, there's are so many negative things to choose from I forgot. But yeah, aren't they the most inbred people on the planet?
You can't be this idiotic...
Why don't rapefugees attack chinks then? Why not truck 'o' peace Beijing, or IED Shanghai? What are muslim faggots so afraid of if their only end goal is to meet Allah?
Probably so
There's 2 billion of them??? I figured their population was in the hundreds of millions, because the Muslim world doesn't really produce anything economically
OP, I have a message for you and for muslims in China.
I actually think those people are a chinks too.
Interacting with them personally only made this more obvious to me. They only respond to violence. There's no way to get through to them, they have no self-awareness, they have no ability to recognize when they've lost an argument which proves they should not exist in the West, they simply refuse to listen. But, like jews, they'll play the victim and always point the finger at others when their hands are caught in the cookie jar.
We had a muslim family over here get all their children run over to death by a drunk bogan driver. Best report I've seen in ages. The only people mourning them were other shitskins.
>Muslims in China are facing horrendous conditions. Why doesn't America and the western civilized world...
Yes go on
>save them ?!
thats not how you spell "do the same"
Funny that you would instantly jump to insulting the intellect of someone clearly smarter than yourself. It smacks of insecurity and you should see to it that you are not so obvious in future.
Now, on to educate you by shattering the impression you have of Europe from the meme photos you've seen. Yes, the muslim hordes have marched into Europe and their birthrates are high but the continent remains more white than Burgerland and muzzie birthrates drop off after 2nd generation. This photo is most likely from a school situated closest to one of the migration camps. In overrun cities they have "progressive schools" and morons such as you take these photos as a representation of the continent as a whole. Maybe take memes with a pinch of salt in future and you'll come across a little less retarded
It's really just a photo taken in one of the majority migrant areas within Paris. Tiny location.
Western civilized world only cares about protecting Israel.
hello based department?
Muzzies DO fear retribution when it is fitting to the crime. They generally behave in countries where there are not many of them or the law executes them for minor infractions. They know they aren't going to get their virgins if they die in an electric chair
There's no use writing these long paragraph kaffir
wtf I LOVE bogans now!
Ching chong
I feel much at home when I see this.
You are an affront to nature and as long as you are reading them I will continue to write them. It's only good and correct that you should hear what the entire rest of the world thinks of your people. And they have good reason to hate you. Every single border that has been shared with a muslim nation throughout history has been one that has seen conflict initiated by aggressive pedo-nigger muzzies
And that's a good thing
I love America because you can go to work while eating a breakfast burrito, grab panda express for lunch, have kebab for dinner and then head downtown for a drag queen strip show!
Riiight, I'm obviously asian. Big brained take there Mohammed
Islam is at a low point now but we will rise again and remove zionists and pork as well.
>retard thinks humans are ordained by allah and not just filthy animals.
wish this was you in my mincraft server.
Fuck them why should we help. If anything we should send them more sand people that have sunk into the states. Hell send them some nigs while were at it. Put them all to work in a sweat shop making ping pong balls
He was also a pedophile
Based Islamic brother
Well I'm not holding my breath
Yerrow pussy worshipping phaggot
>Why doesn't America and the western civilized world save them ?
No oil
Pedophilic subhuman
You can rise a billion times and God will cut you down each and every time, worshipper of satan and follower of the devil.
And do what, start a global nuclear war over some fucking chinks?
Keep telling yourself that Taher. Your religion and scientific advancement are mutually exclusive. you will ALWAYS be outgunned and outclassed
Ironic given that a overwhelming majority of incarcerated pedophiles are whites.
They have cuck fantasies and their women are built for SCC.