Bernie is allowing his donors to REFUND now with the coronavirus craze, get in here and help spread the good news to other berniebros!
DON'T trust those who tell you it's a scam, let's beat the DNC and GOP maggots for Bernie!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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While I think people are genuinely retarded for supporting this scammer twice; I'd like to see him lose it all.

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What a great guy, I think we should spread this around so everyone can see how good a chap he is.

Just incels. I got my refund just fine

I'm glad some people here are onboard. The movement won't be stopped!

Compile more of these counter-counter trolling posts to spam on twitter.

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So this started as a joke on Yas Forums and turned out to actually be real?
Or was it real from the beginning?

Reminder to call out shills saying it’s fake. Us Bernie niggas got to stick together.

I can't believe there are still people out there trying to discredit us. Do they want us to starve to death?

I'm glad I got my refund back, otherwise my landlord would have roasted my ass lol

Too many racists here, they all seriously need to get laid

wait I'm so fucking confused
is he unironically giving refunds or have you faggots gotten really good at jewing the jew

No one fucking knows but we do know they are falling for whatever the hell were saying.

i like this meme

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Oh it’s a movement, a movement that got dropped into the toilet.

It's real but incels here want you to think it's not.

I think he was honest and earnest in the first round. After cucking to Hillary tho Its insane anyone backed him again.

Watching what the corporate media did to him is what opened my eyes to how bad the problem was. And hell I would be reading shit form Project Censored for fucking years, since high school. I knew of some amount of deception and cover up and a bit on how propaganda was being pushed through marketing and corporate control thanks in large part to Clinton.

Don't knock 1st gen Bernie, disagree with his ideas but damn he opened so many eyes you wouldn't even believe.

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Don't let the losers here get to you; this is very real and has been the moment Bernie started his grassroots campaign

No it’s real. Yas Forums I trolling right now starting a hoax that it’s fake.

nothing is real, its meta trolling at its finest

its not hard to follow along you fucking retard, bernie is giving refunds and some reddit nerds are convincing bernie bros that its a Yas Forums prank

It's been real from the beginning. Yas Forums keeps trolling people to make them think it's not real so they don't get their refund cause "if they want to support a communist they can starve like a communist".

got my refund, i hope bernie understands!!

bernbros theres no shame in using teh money for essentials!

bernie will understand!

but no refunds

I hate you racist incel chuds, but thanks to you I got my 500 back. Thanks, I guess.

Lol, demoralizing us won't work ruskie. We as a people will prevail; go vote for cheeto man more

This has so many second and third level trolling that I’m beyond impressed. We’re gaslighting harder than the jewish media.

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theres already dozens of people on twitter saying theve gotten refunds

go back to /b you glow in the dark n*gger

I'm googling bernie refunds covid and nothing
I like what you are doing anons

My wife's son's college funds are now secure! Bernie is truly too good for us

It's fake, an user got the idea in a bernie salt mine thread and it was turned into its own operation.

t. from the original thread

trolls trolling trolls *yawn*

you can say nigger

More Russian bots here? I'm impressed, they must be running servers all full capacity!

Lol go destabilize another 3rd world country idiot

Fuck off shill!

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It's fake

Kys faggots

>No one fucking knows but we do know they are falling for whatever the hell were saying.
we do know some of us were in the first fucking thread look up the hashtag its the first pol link

Why? Why not the best world where these people lose their money twice in a row?
Why not the best world where they're poor starving and have to beg right wingers for gibs and rejoin communities instead of online "communities?"
I think it's awesome that people took out unbankruptable debt to spend on an idiot. I think it's awesome that they'll literally starve for being so stupid.
I want that. And now Bernie's taking it away from me the second time around. Reee.

What are you, some sort of faggot?

you didnt even understand my post. are you fucking white or brown?

wait wat?
people where stupid enough to take loans so they could donate more to this rich sack of lies and shit

kill yourself you mass replying nigger

sheep like to stare at shiny things you dangle in their face because they are dumb

user Bernie was a career politician. WHAT IS HIS NET WORTH TODAY vs HIS YEARLY SALARY?

how are you dipshits fucking BLIND to this shit every fucking time. you NEVER learn, that is why you are fucking sheep, Jangel jangle pea brain, OOOhhhaaww, pretty.

This Russian shilling is getting out of hand

Imagine doing this and only earning 15¢ a post; I'd be mad too if I "lived" like that. Haha do a flip smart one

Clog up those lines Yas Forums. NO REFUNDS for these Bernie Bros.

Say what you want. I got my refund. Thats good enough for me. Ordered my switch lite, and everything is coming up milhouse.

Responding to everyone's post doesn't make you right.

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fucking faggots. you all know that normies and journalsts fags come here to lurk. stop posting that bernie is refunding. We need to convince them that its flase so these commie fucks dont get their money back. We should only tell it to those who switched to support trump. All the others can go fuck themselves and ignore all about berniereturn

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This raid is just trolls speaking to trolls without knowing they are both trolling

>We’re gaslighting harder than the jewish media
This should be newfag training grounds. Fuckers would be completely immune to shills within a few days

It was vastly different in 2015 retard. Your random caps betrays your low intelligence and your likelihood of being a faggoted boomer.

l o w
i q

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How about incorporating into this: I'm so glad I got the money back, I really didn't want to suck my landlord's dick, or a subtle hint of something along those lines

Dumb nigger

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A bernreturn just flew over my house

Use this this one up first, don't let the information go to waste. If you spkit, split properly.

check the last thread, this was debunked as a reddit troll

fucking hell you retards never learn

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You're supposed to get paid for that?

I donated 300 and I really do not need it back but if they really are returning donated funds, how do I get mine back?

It's real, my aunt lives in USA and is a Bernie Supporter. She got her donations back due to the pandemic making it hard for everyone. #bernreturn

Stfu Yas Forums will triumph in destroying any filthy leftist's chance of getting their refund. I already have tons of puppet accounts to fuck with retarded leftists and there's nothing you can do about it, fag.

You are a disappointment to your mother and I

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Take your meds.

Trumptards are just Russian loving retards. Ignore him and his handler will make him go away

this nigger gets it. start posting these fake screenshots so normies will think that bernie refund is false and wont get their refund. we should not let them get their fucking refund

still a diehard Bernie bro after he bitched out to hillary even though he had her by the cunt.
he never cared you dipshit, if he did he would have fought for his values and attacked that crooked twat dipshit

you are a fucking HOUSE NIGGER user.

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What are you getting into? You are feeling happy that others don't get their donations back? There's a damn pandemic out there kiddo, go back to your basement.

Fuck this nigger

It's real but they're falling for it.

n*gger… go back faggot. You see this (pic related) it means not welcome

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Post your receipt here

You'll have to make thousands more before you get anywhere, scum
Bernie is a man of his word, and is much more than your failure of a president will ever be!

You are the real house nigger; you hate America and it shows Ivan love


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You should give your information to someone who needs the money and let them get the burnreturn

I would rather not put my personal info out here for everyone to see, I just read about this today and someone pointed me here for info??? is this right?

It's fake, retard, only dumbasses who can't do a little digging in the archives thinks this dumb shit is real

Nazis get punched

You have no future in America. We are a nation of immigrants; regardless of what your Hitler wannabe wants.

We hate Mexicans and blacks, but they are our backbone and future.

Just enjoy the tacos, burritos and fried chicken and watermelon; that's literally the worst that can happen

Oh wait, you CANT because you're a BOT

Its real just saw it on CNN #bernreturn

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man you are the best troll here. please go on twitter and post all those fake links so all these commies fags wont get their refund. you need to be persuasive. tell them its a hoax made by russian bots. indont want to see these niggers get their money back

Unfathomably dumb

You should get your info from more reliable sources.

Read the polls honey, you're headed for disaster. When Bernie wins 2024 I'll be thinking about you and laugh

Nah, don't fall for the trolls. Just call your local Bernie campaign office, and they'll handle it from there. Be warned that wait times can be a bit long. I waited 45 minutes, but I finally got my $150 back, no questions asked.

Such a sad, pathetic attempt at denial, literally kill yourselves you fucking losers


I don't think that this is fake,why try and dissuade people from getting a refund? nevermind. someone says that I can just go to a campaign office. Thanks anyways

who the retard that still supported him after he got his payout and new house from killary after he took a dive you fucking tool?

nice counter arguement faggot. he's only recently massively corrupt retard! and you still rooted for him after he turned his back on all of you hopeful dorks.
welcome to the system you child. remember MSN told you Trump called ALL mexican racist, and coming from them you KNOW thats the truth just like the kike media has been telling you for decades the holocaust really really did happen and those NAZIS were the bad guys.
get fucked you ingornat blissful slave, remember to always believe your MASTER!

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Yep. Contact their HR, Brian will take care of you. Bernie's team is hard at work helping as many as they can so expect a wait time. Don't worry you'll be taken care of

Too many trolls here; you honestly don't know what to trust!

yeah man thats perfect continue like this i like it. i hope you are also larping on twitter and not just here. you need to reach up to normies so they dont get their refund.

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Anger gets you nowhere honey, maybe try getting laid?

the trolls blocking the refunds are biden supporters. he will not divide us!

Did they ever take cash donations? Can I get a cash donation back?