Any right wing atheists out there?

Any right wing atheists out there?

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>Any right wing atheists out there?
This thread will die

I know.

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I was right wing and then I grew up op

Kind of. I'm right-wing and I definitely believe in a God but religion has been bastardized and subverted to the point that j am actively against it. At the same time I recognize that the further the west moves away from religion, degeneracy supplants the void left behind religious guidance. I'm at odds with myself about it constantly. But short answer, fuck religion but believe in a God.

Sure. I'm one. I don't see a belief in god necessary for political ideals.
I also don't believe there are many true atheists out there and that most left wing "athiests" are just western counter culture faggots who took progressivism as their new religion and dogma. You can really identify these idiots by their reverence for Buddhism and their tolerance of.islam

I’m a right winger, go to church, but am fundamentally agnostic

not atheist but i like dr. house

I am. That said, I'd use religion to benefit society because the fact is most people need it to behave well and live a healthy life and have a healthy community.

Probably A whole bunch. Most rightists deal in reality, and an all powerful diety seems very unlikely given what we currently know.

I'm not committed to strongly identifying as right wing or atheist but I think both leftists and christfags as well as other kinds of religionfags are dumb faggots.

>I recognize that the further the west moves away from religion, degeneracy supplants the void left behind religious guidance.

OP here. I recognize this, too. I'm still an atheist though. I am able to pretend in public that I believe but underneath it all I know damn well that I don't.

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Everything does. You will too. :)

I'm curious how do you cope? I can't bring myself to go to church because I just get bored to death.

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>I am. That said, I'd use religion to benefit society because the fact is most people need it to behave well and live a healthy life and have a healthy community.

You're right. Society does need religion. I replied with similar sentiment here

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The smiley emoticon is a nice touch.

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I just hate the fact that this causes so many to revert to worshiping the government.

I describe myself as an atheist because I don't know what else to call it. I guess I don't really believe in "nothing" because I've had experiences I can't explain via science, but basically all religion disgusts me. Nobody has any answers, and I inherently distrust anyone trying to assure me that they do.

It’s impossible to be a right wing atheist since God is the ultimate authority. Al who oppose him are revolutionaries.

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Jesus Christ is real and if you don’t repent and follow him you will go to hell.

Here, it's great being fully redpilled.
Religion is for the slave caste.


surprised not to see any ero flags here

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No because atheists (real ones) are all above average intelligence and more. Right wingers are mouth breathing simpletons that drool and pee themselves when urinating at least a little. Truly a stupid lot.

>right wing atheist

I to like to be in a constant state of sickness and hate the cure. Fucking masochists.

Maybe "God" isn't a personal entity.

im glad there are other people like me

I fully acknowledge this country was in it's prime when everyone here that mattered was Christian though.

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>all this salt
Sorry Bernie dropped out bro. No refunds btw. Im pretty sure the money is going to Biden.

Pantheism then. It might work, but then why worship the universe? I respect nature. I don't think I would call it "worship" though.

I'm an anarchist-agnostic-absurdist with traditionalist leanings.

It's nice to see people chiming into this thread for sure. I think some of us got our start with the youtube skeptic community, but they just sort of dissolved due to getting kicked off or the sjw subject matter just getting old.

I agree with you!

My sentiments exactly

Especially women and unflanged males

Yeah, Joseph got God-Cucked. So harsh.

Agnostic. Don't care if there's a god or not. Religion is still vitally important because most people will slide into degeneracy without an authority enforcing morals and virtues.

“Pee themselves when urinating”

Hey OP, im right wing and apatheist. (No im not Jim). I juat dont care about it in my life, if God is real or not is nonsensical to me as I wish to live my life like all humans do and my end will be judged accordingly. Religion seemed always over the top, and schizo like to me but I respect old silent generation and their beliefs. They deserve peace after everything they been through. Atheism is just hating God and trying to rationalize your misguided feelings on something you probably dont even need to care about.

From, user

I am atheist and dont know a single nazi-pig or right winter. I think it has something to do with freethinking intelligence and education.


I learned a new word.

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Reporting for duty. The only people that need religion are goblinos, nogs, and white trash that need fear to be a decent human being.

winger, not winter

The skeptic community was full of atheists who hated God and just sought out to throw their misguided feelings on things that dont even matter to them, me, or you. Sargon, Tea, Undoomed, Gary, and the lot of them fed you their narcissism for years and now you see their true colors. Sargon is a cuck, Gary is a cuck, Undoomed is bland, and Tea is a literal flaming homosexual who cut his dick off.

Its a fun one, I read up on it and felt it explained my viewpoint better than agnostic did.

Yes, and message boards are the only place that I`d divulge either.

Mainly because the majority of atheist are anti religious edgelords and our most conservative options for politicians are still too left learning in my opinion.

I actually love Christians and Christianity and our nation would be better if more people were christian, I`d love to one day become a christian but I don`t know how it would be possible.

We atheist nations in Scandinavia are the best in the world according to UN's human development index and thats cuz atheism. Were peaceful, tolerant, open-minded and scientific. If only more ppl would be like us, the world would have been a better place. Work for atheism and just destroy fucking x-tianity. Dive into sexuality with full freedom and explore ur body while you are young and can do it. I didn't miss out when I was young, but I regret I didn't do it more.

Atheist. Right of center. Pro life, pro guns but also pro gay marriage and I like trannies.

Athiest Libertarian here, I'm not sure if that makes me right wing

Yeah sure I'm right wing atheist. I know religion is good for group selection but that doesn't make it true.

Let the low IQ rabble believe they are immortal if that will make them behave in the groups best interests but don't go too authoritarian and start beheading apostates.

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>pro gays and trannies
user... please kill yourself you degenerate homosexual faggot

Yeah, I guess. Depends on what you mean by atheist and right wing. I'm not religious but I don't go around arguing about the existence or non-existence of God. I hate globalism. I'm a nationalist and a populist. I don't believe in free trade and I'm not a bootlicker. I'm also a big fan of the Bill of Rights.

pic of me and my theistic brothers dabbing on the libtards

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i don't know if i'm right wing. i think diversity is our weakness. i generally hate niggers. i think prostitution and most drugs should be legal. i'd definitely vote trump over biden. i think socialists are retards. i like john stossel. this new law that corporate boards must have women on them infuriates me. i think the world would have been much better off if hitler had won. i don't know if i'm fully atheist (i think there's probably some kind of afterlife, and that the universe is rigged in some way), but i think christcucks are morons, as of course are mormons and muslims and hindus and all the others who belief the moronic bedtime stories ordained in old books written by ignorant people thousands of years ago. i think jupiter would be a cool name for a nightclub.

It's not cuz atheism. It's because you have an ethnostate of people with prosocial genetic predispositions. China is full of atheists...

i was in oslo last year and it was crawling with muslims. fuck you god damn idiots. why do you do that to yourselves? why do you elect people who do that to your country?

i should have mentioned that i'm also pro gun, but i'm pro-choice. trannies disgust me but i wouldn't legislate against them (although i sure as shit wouldn't legislate any special protections for them), and i don't see why only heteros should ruin their lives with marriage, so i'm find with homo marriage.

here, I pretend to be catholic though. it annoys liberals and leftists

If you gun and buy-bull loving nazis had any education and inelligence you would know and understand that SCIENCE, not your own very fucking limited experience and understanding and words from your skydaddy, CLEARLY SAYS that there is ONLY ONE RACE - the HUMAN RACE and only difference between what you religious fanatics call races is LITERALLY sin deep with minor variations regarding some kind of medication, OTHER THAN THAT TOTALLY THE SAME you fucking religio-nuts fascists! My daughter is blonde and she and her friends are nearly all together with Pakistani atheists that can balance Pakistani culture and traditions, without using religious symbolism or language. I like them much better then when she had affairs with Norwegians, as they were drinking alcohol and partied a lot, so I was afraid of unplanned pregnancy, STDS etc. Also the Pakistanis have a very deep and rich culture. Many of them highly succesfull in Norway. Best and most influential doctor in Norway is an atheist immigrant with Islamic background. Makes me proud of being Norwegian.

White grandchildren, brown grandchildren or combination. I really don't care, and neither should you, as inner values are so much more important. I don't understand what went wrong with you gun totting buy-bull racists? Did you ever get any education at all? Or are you all home-schooled??

it's kind of hard to be atheist though when you yourself are god. how can you consider yourself right wing if you don't believe yourself to be god?

right-ish wing. Classic liberal maybe. They're not too different these days.
am atheist, but i feel like atheism has turned into a mainstream pozzed circle bukkake. it's just another checkmark on the social wokeness scoreboard. normally i keep my vitriol in reserve, but fuck these guys for claiming to have science on their side. (no different from 'my god says ur a fagot')

I don't 'fucking love science'. science is a tool, much like a wrench or screwdriver. it's dependable, it requires some skill and practice to use, and its there to help you solve problems by multiplying the force of your exertion. It's not a fucking religion.

There are no gods but for what we blindly worship. the universe is incalculable and uncaring, but it plays by rules and those rules of heat and chemistry are responsible for the multi-million year chain of generations that lead to our existence today. What we do with this windfall of existence is what defines our character. To attribute it to the divine is to castrate your own purpose in the cosmic scheme of things, but to hate others for their beliefs is just raging insecurity.

be chill to one another
being a nigger is a mark of character more than skin color
your bookshelf of rick and morty funko pops doesn't make you a scientist
accepting things as truth without critical thinking makes you just as dogmatic as any devout follower
the universe don't care
know and understand what events transpired to bring you where you are. (Yes we gassed 98% of life on the planet when our ancestors started shitting out oxygen as war gas.)
try not to be a dick
ps. fuck niggers, jannies, and discord trannies

I was raised as a Christian Democrat during my childhood years.

I went through an Atheist-Republican phase as a teenager; was far right as fuck (loved memes and just general edginess and trolls). Hated everything about the left, and despised degeneracy.

Now as an adult, I'm an agnostic centrist. I like/dislike some aspects of both left and right wings. I've come to accept that life is too short to stress over politics. I've now withdrawn from society and evolved into a hikikomori. Will this be my final destination? Idk. However, I'd much prefer to enjoy the rest of my years playing vidya, watching anime, and doing weed/shrooms/acid. I just dont care anymore.

Is there anyone here that can relate to my experiences?

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I'm not atheist, but close. I do not follow any religion and live my life based on morals and evidence.

t. goldfish minded moron

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You can't have an ideology and be an atheist. It's contradictory.

Ideologies are just another form of religion

Atheist NatSoc 130IQ

Atheism... all the bad parts of religion, none of the good parts.

We’re like unicorns but yeah we’re out there

Non-affiliated is a decent term. Fuck religions and myths, there exist thousands of these shitty stories. To declare one religion being the best and more accurate than thousands of other religions is arrogant. And keep in mind that there are also millions of religious nuts willing to bring harm upon themselves and others for the sake of protecting their religious beliefs. Fucking crazy.

>peaceful, tolerant, open-minded

lol, sweden is going down the toilet because of this

Nope. You're not an atheist. You're like vegans and environmentalists. Another religious retard.

A true atheist doesn't care about anything because everything is meaningless in the end. You may want what's good for yourself, but you should realize it's part of your programming and not part of a higher objective truth.

>there is ONLY ONE RACE - the HUMAN RACE

yep youre just a leftard who denies science and genetics, Im sure that you also think there are more than 2 genders

Pretty much. Government gives thing. Thing becomes entitlement. Undo entitlement, people die. Things only move that direction until no more government and, more sadly, no more things. I'm atheist but consciousness and reality being around is tough to account for, not that I can imagaine the opposite. Meta consciousness makes sense. Everything is conscious to whatever degree and it is all shared. The dust is conscious to a very low degree If we were a simulation, some 5d bro just might want to experience all of reality all at once from every perspective. Just another God theory though.

>thinking being an atheist makes you smart and merely not retarded
Raise the fucking bar, mate. You grow up in hyper religious area or something? Most of us are atheist in the UK and we're an average nation in terms of intelligence.

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I'm right wing and an athiest, because I'm a scientist. However I recognise the value of the church in community and social cohesion, because I have christian friends. However i also recognise the shambolic failings of the church, because of the state it has allowed the west to get into, yielding at every turn.

What do you call someone who is neither theist nor atheist?

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