R.I.P India

worlds most densely populated civilisation to go into impossible 3 week lockdown.

Middle classes will be ok but the homeless are absolutely BTFO confined in small spaces with no PPE or sanitation.

1 doctor per 11,000 people

No sanitation, water. food, work, civil unrest and death imminent.
CFR of 15% +

Every Poo needs to go back home now and help their fellow countrymen avoid the national disaster that is brewing.

Millions of impoverished will die.


It was nice shit posting with you.

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>Millions of poojets will die
This is a good thing

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Please sirs do the needful

It warms my heart to know how badly the rest of the world is at fucking everything. I swear, just a handful of white people could take on the most of the world. It's terrifying how much better at everything we are.

Retard. All inaccurate

there's more than 1 billion of them.

Even if 900 million died they'd still be a threat to humanity

Oikophobic globalists like to imagine that China (or any other "rising" mudskin power) is a match for the US on the basis of having X amount of tanks or Y amount of soldiers, but the fact is that the quality of the soldier matters, and whites are simply better at war. If there's something that will actually end US military hegemony it will be the US military getting filled with diversity hires enough to directly impact performance on the front lines, and even then there'll probably be enough white men involved to beat China, it just won't be as one-sided as it would be with an all-white military.

>confined in small spaces with no PPE or sanitation.
.....so a normal day in India then?

nobody gives a fuck about india. fuck those corrupt, scamming and manipulative retards.

a bit like your code mate

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There are more Pajeets living in Western countries not even including their spawnlings than there are Australians.

India could be wiped out to the last manlet and Pajeets could just respawn another billion manlet population in the next century

Fuck man what if this is the catalyst for ww3? Think about it, India is getting fucked by Corona virus so Pakistan decides to take advantage of that and starts a full scale invasion that leads to a cascade effect

Haven't you lost every war since WW2 to goat farmers with old rifles?

Good thing it's fake

RIP street-shitters

You don't know shit about Indians you retarded cunt. Even if every single Indian died off corona, the collective poo spirit would fling all of our nukes at them and leave all of pakistan to rubble. Not that it'd ever come to that becsuse we're handling corona better than those muzzie cucks anyway


Do the poo pay the due.

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So much suffering. It will be a test of their nation's character. I pray the world gains an awesome history of India pulling through and being transformed for the better.

None of those wars were ever about winning. They were about keeping the war machine lubricated and lining pockets of the elites.


What's worst is that it's not because of the virus, but their retarded government. They have a young population so a lockdown makes zero sense.

Belarus turned out the best, surprisingly. No lockdown, they just declared they are too poor for it and it would be more damaging than the virus. And they're much richer than India.

Good, fuck Indians. This is what they get for bathing in and eating literal shit.

>whites are simply better at war
White bois are better at war????? Did you forget to drink your onions white bois???

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Big difference between fighting a real war, and glowniggers implementing middle eastern regime changes for Israel....you dumb cunt

Was Vietnam a real war white boi? White bois use air power to defeat others but on the ground they get their shit kicked in. Without air power ISIS would’ve been in your house by now butt fucking your sister.

Forget lockdown pajeets- fucking spread that shit.
Rid your nation of the old and weak..

Where will they poo?





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>Pakistan decides to take advantage of that and starts a full scale invasion that leads to a cascade effect

Historically most countries avoid waging war in plague stricken nations because it will affect their own troops and nation as the logistic chain consists of people traveling back and forth between the front and logistic depots in the home country. War comes after the plague has burned out the population to its fullest extent and is no longer present.

>we're handling corona better than those muzzie cuck

At least Pakis will all help each other because of muh muzzie.

Indians will find a way of fucking over every caste below them in a corrupt quagmire of dirt and poo. It's been brewing for hundreds of years.

Are you ready for the riots?

aren't the majority of pajeets

I give a fuck about india. I met my girlfriend online and she lives there. Her name is Bupinder. She lives in a village in northeast idia

Cleaning the world of poop in street

Thank you for the HCQ

Go live in that shithole to pound hairy pussy there instead. Fucking leaf

A million Poos could get Loo’d and no one would notice.

>pic of arab monkeys holding white invented war machines of death.


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How do you go into quarantine when you don't even have toilets at home?

Great news. There are way too many microsoft tech supporters on this planet, getting rid of some is a good thing

And that's why your countries were glassed and your men left your women to die.

Lol india has been in lockdown for almost 14 days already and doing fine. Thanks for your concern. PS don't be begging for the cure. We'll see next 2 weeks.


only weak will perish.

What's up with your name?

user i-

post her mustache

The virus spreads most easily via surfaces (e.g. touching door knobs).
In India there are no door knobs, only poo, so there is less chance of spread

Eat shit

What a white response. Maybe you're being ironic though, I can't tell

White people's "muh guns" doesn't mean anything when they lack common sense about economics, social harmony, and electing Donald Dickhead

An analogy would be some kid who is a total spaz, can't have a conversation, can't dress himself, can't feed himself... but he's memorized the stats of every Pokemon. It's like... wow impressive... but there's more to life than that one thing

Baby you want some HCQ? Come and get it.

the real cure isthe root of Cinchona Succirubra quinine from south america..
HQC and it's precursor QC is a synthetic form of quinine first developed by the Nazis in WW2 for use in North Africa as supplies of natural Q were cut off. When the allies captured Africa the french gave it to the Americans and the rest is history.

mfw trump takes all your Chinese derived HQC and then does a deal with South America to supply the real deal for future stockpies and then reneges on any shitty offering he gave you for it.

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Weird how all the brown countries are the ones who are poor and violent.

>chinks coofing caused industry to move out of that country
>india coofing will now take care of the h1b1 visa problem
Holy shit this virus is fucking based, absolutely dismantling globalism. Imagine being one of the elites, spending literal DECADES to get the world to it is now, only to have it all undone within just a few months by a fucking flu.

The USSR failed without a fight!
Y do Russians disappoint?

its a cleanse of undesirables
here only the idiots, indios and southern people are still going out and will btfo in a couple of weeks, while all the selfquarantine chads will survive

This is Pakistan we're talking about

Nothing will happen here. Corona will be fucked already by the temperature [+ nationwide lockdown till September (waiting to be announced)].

How do you figure their "middle class" is going to survive? They live shoulder to shoulder.

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some unfortunate Greeks are trapped in India, their friends are hiding them in their houses because any attempt to go outside results in a lynching or rape. The indians have gone full retard, you arent allowed to go outside even for food.
One guy is a proffesor that was in India for a seminar in a university and is in lockdown in some hotel eating lentils every day.

That’s inaccurate is well why would a northeast chink have a poojabi name

Wouldn't it be funny if some paki extremists decided to nuke them now? What a laugh. So funny. Kek.

>Every Poo needs to go back home now and help their fellow countrymen avoid the national disaster that is brewing.
This. Every poo needs to go back and stay there.