@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: Happy Passover 4/8/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/8/20
>American Heroes ONLINE! 4/8/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/8/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on CBSThisMorning 4/8/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 4/8/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on GMA 4/8/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on FBN 4/8/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on F&F 4/8/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FoxNews 4/8/20
>Bannon on FBN 4/8/20
>Corey Lewandowski on JohnFredericksShow 4/8/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite) 4/8/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CNGB AFGen Lengyel/TAG(LA) ArmyBrigGen Waddell) 4/8/20
>IntDeptVideo: IntSec Bernhardt Proposes Historic Expansion of H&F Opps 4/8/20
>CDCVideo: Corona-chan 5 Things About Staying Mentally Healthy 4/8/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania Message to Frontline Responders 4/8/20
>Pres Trump on Hannity 4/7/20

OP pastebin:

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it's very easy user
if someone was put down as a coronavirus death, then they definitely aren't white

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*Zaps behind you*
what do?

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You won't have your sports goyim, make sure to not vote Drumpf in November

More like extraordinary LIGMA!

What did alex Jones say about the Q thing

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it's way less awkward to go buy a gun from some dude in a parking lot than it is to get one from a shop, the clerk is always so judgy and he'll make fun of what caliber you're buying

where does gender fluid come from?

fuck. press f to pay respect.

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>But why is corona killing the blacks, trump?

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Hey look guys, "former Trump supporter" (((David Weissman))) is angry!

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My theory is that people from cold and wet places have immunities to respiratory virus.

So, less than the flu season. Nice.

from their front hole?

Faggots and their single mothers


Lowest Black Unemployment ever!!


>the clerk is always so judgy and he'll make fun of what caliber you're buying
I had the clerks fucking drooling over my slavgats I had delivered there for FFA transfer. My Vepr-12 is my all time favorite gun.

Joe Rogan is Q obviously

except now we have 2 flu seasons

Plaguewagie here. My company is at least decent enough to offer crazy bonuses and hazard pay and shit. I'm making three weeks of pay every two weeks, at minimum. And I have documents that let me around any possible police blockages.

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This may explain what we're seeing.

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I have never seen a black person wear a face mask correctly. I'm surprised that one even got on his mouth instead of as a chin strap or party hat.


why are all blacks wearing masks below the nose? are they actually 67 IQ?

It's not the habitat but the exposure to various viruses.

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>I almost sorta THOUGHT about voting for Blumph in 2016, but now he's lost my vote!

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Last time I was checking out rifles the guy behind the counter practically forced one into my hands. I was way more interested in the DIY black powder handguns that I saw on the wall though. For people who insist on assembling their own.

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AWOO posters are immune.

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>controlling for bmi
and just like that it's useless, dey all fat

>Only whites should have to earn their money!


The flu season is till ongoing.

nah It is Trump and people close to him

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Personally, I like the girly ones the best.

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Monkey see monkey do

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you can't fit a mask over those gaping nostrils

>the cytokine storm bong was a nigger

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Memes are becoming a reality AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

So China was working on that nigger killer all along, glad they're doing something.

but it's spring. this is a distinctly different season, as evidenced by me putting away my jacket for the year

The last thing FL needs is more jews from NY.

I had a wet dream while I was napping on the couch my fellow anons. I dreamed Trump was giving his daily live briefing and some journalist with proper credentials jumped up out of his seat and charged toward Trump knocking him to the floor and the dude spit a big chewy green glob of coronamucous into Trump’s mouth. Trump died 6 days later after giving it to his entire family who were all on ventilators when I woke up.

We all knows news arent beneath pulling a long con.


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It's because niggers are fucking fat. That's why Injuns also get killed in high rates by it. They're also fucking fatass treeniggers.

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Goodnight, frens.

There's a dedicated muzzleloader store a few hours away from me, I've been meaning to go but of course now I'm stuck at home. I have an older .50 cal rifle and a cap and ball revolver. Black powder is really fun, but it takes a special mindset.

This used to be a bannable offense

but why?

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I'm saying the habitat is better for the spread of respiratory viruses, therefore hereditary immunities. Seems like the people of the British Isles and Japan should have similar immunities.

>The last thing FL needs is more jews from NY.
Where else you gonna get 'em?

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also the firewater and weed

to be fair, they don't make masks that can fit over a jew nose

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Jesus, it looks like a novelty plastic nose attached to the glasses.

the predominant way the virus enters is through the nose. darwin awards for all these niggers.

I'm not kidding. I got a spare set of "travel papers" to keep pristine and frame.

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Is that you soviet schizo?

I have a similar theory that says whitey has either a bit greater immunity due to living through shit like the black plague or hereditary anxiety that manifests as prepping/etc.

>Black powder is really fun

So is masturbating in public.

Fauci is a democrat

Why are normies so fucking bad at remote work? I've wasted almost three days since the lockdowns started just waiting for other people to catch up.
>mfw I've done full completionist runs on JRPGs during work hours, watched the briefings every day, and still am getting shit done faster than my teammates

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The FGC-9 crew is a few months out from DIY ammunition

What nigger of an author would allow his work to be altered by "changing social values." What was the point of making the original, then? It can only mean that he doesn't believe a single message his stories teach. Which, implies his books are little more than tools for indoctrination.

>Fauci is a democrat
you don't say

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>do IT
>fully half of everything recently is "how do I map drive"

Nah, I've just been watching the YCSTT guy stumble from Stalinism to Strasserism and NatSoc on Twitter. It's fun.

I think that learning to make black powder would be a useful exercise but collect lasers from old CD/DVD drives instead (just in case).

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LOL! What a fucking C U C K

Better question- why do employers pay by the hour (or by the month) instead of for productivity?

My days have been like 15% programming, 10% meetings, and 75% shitposting/vidya/Trump while waiting for people to sign off on my commits.

>not just sticking a cleaning rod into a blank

guess you should start worrying since you don't go to the gym lmao

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There's also the cultural evolution that would take place. During the plague, they believed in the miasma theory, or the thought that bad smells spread disease. This would lead to increased cultural importance being placed on cleanliness and sanitation.

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Best find a way to do it without having access to blanks even. Diligence now will pay off down the road, even if 'down the road' are just legal arguments.

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>instead of for productivity?
Because for most maneul labor it's cheaper
If it wasn't they wouldn't do it

I'm still locked out of my workplace by retard governor's orders. A second round of Trumpbux is coming right?

im 1099 cant get unemployment

to be fair, the masks weren't designed to fit over such large noses

>laugh at someone's LEGO® gun

Hourly work was demanded by labor reformers a century ago because employers would set piece work (productivity wage) rates so low you had to work like a madman ten hours a day to feed your family. Salary is, in a good company, acknowledgement that your value is based on creative output rather than punching a clock to make widgets or file tickets.

You have no proof I'm not being MAGA and not going to the gym. Much sadder, same commieguy?

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During the Civil War the Confederacy would actually give pamphlets to farmers on how to make black powder. Must have been easy enough if rural farmers could figure it out. Of course this isn't as much of an issue in the US with so many guns and bullets, but making black powder could be useful in noguns countries.

Yamiche is the worst on the WH beat, and that's saying something

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she's a genius.

always finish on de Bach
never in Debussy

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Orwellian, isn't it?

>Gig Economy/Sole Proprietor
This hasn't been heavily advertised, but you're covered.
You can get at least 8 weeks of pay. There are strings: use it super-anally, in ways that you can provide proof of spending for. That will likely be forgiven.

if I had a better unmonitored internet connection than phone wifi I'd shipost/etc. a lot more but as of the moment I don't (not working from home yet)

What job do you have and was it hard to get?

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I hope the airborne malaria theory is right so these people have to admit Trump is right and so I can keep making the covfefe joke.

nah this is some even more obscure spanish composer, so obscure i can't even find a history for him other than a german wikipedia stub that pretty much says "studied in madrid in 1930s"
given that he stayed in spain, *probably* not a commie

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Hitler would have done a better job than this orange man you voted.

Male nipples

Bang Bang

How do you have such obscure MAGAmusic anywho

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Fuck off tranny

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tick tock. If Trump doesnt end the lockdowns soon,he's done.

someone fool them into posting 1350s already

don't believe the porn industry, it's just pee

the company that makes that drug paid a million dollars to michael cohen for access to trump


Fuck I hate Trump & Pence. What a fucking horror movie.

When I finally achieved salary it was (far) less than I made hourly. Granted my employers were sadistic idiots but that's beside the point. It's situations like this that drive me towards self-employment.

Michigan's number is pretty close to that

>if trump doesn't end a policy put in place by democrat governors that's on him

I was thinking of the apocalyptic scenarios.

A symptom of the virus is also gay insanity, bee careful.

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and yet he won't give any to detroit, michigan
their blood is on his hands

West coast big software company. It took years of industry experience and a months long hiring process to get my foot in the door. The on site interview lasted all day. Apparently we have like a 1-2% acceptance rate out of everyone that submits an application.

Totally worth it though.

Not a lego gun.
Its a 3d printed gun called the AP-9

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Don't be a fatassphobe, alright?

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oh no, you're infected

didn't i tell you some months ago i picked up a few books of spanish composers for free since they were going to be pitched? i never got around to playing most of the songs out of them. there are hardly any known spanish composers so they are almost all obscure
these are 20th century people too, this one definitely beyond romantic period given he died in 2003. i told you people still write music, it just never gets heard
if my family ever would send me all the family piano music i'd have so many things i'd never play through them all

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