Does this look about right? If a war took place between the US and China some time this year, who would ally with who? Countries in gray are uncertain in my opinion
China and its allies vs USA and its allies
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WTF Ireland? Get off your asses.
We don't have any allies. We do have a lot of useless fucks we babysit. I can't wait to pull troops and see nations like south Korea fall to broke nations like north Korea.
I'm pretty sure they have a policy of neutrality, like Switzerland and Sweden. I should have made those countries gray as well. But anyways, it's all speculation
allies, dependents, call them whatever you want. Those are the countries I think the US would be able to strongarm or shame into siding with us, if they didn't side with us voluntarily
I just hope this place doesn't become a warzone because of the canal
>call them whatever you want.
Useless fucks. Leeches. Parasites. Ungrateful fucks. Target practice.
I don't think it would. The Chinese have no ability to project power that far, so if anything it's Cubans, drug cartels, and Nicaraguans (working for China) you have to worry about.
The worst offenders are in western Europe. I don't mind protecting Japan or Australia, because they face a real threat from China and act as a line of defense between us and the chicoms. But Germans have no excuse, they don't face a military threat of any kind and yet they bitch the hardest and loudest
Whoever wants to kill the jews and their whores, so none.
>I don't mind protecting Japan or Australia, because they face a real threat from China
Fuck them, especially Australia. If they see them as a threat they can start by kicking all the sick men of Asia from their soil.
Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and other drug countries are going to fight with the US (They are going to defend their best client).
Who cares who "pol" think. Pol bunch of virgin crying because American century over. Chinese century maybe 5 century start now. Nothing you can do but cry. Soon Bitch pig american make iPhone in factory with kill yourself net but in America fat so net make from steel cable. Soon american make microprocessor and chinese man eat ham burger and watch black guy play orange ball. American time to learn Chinese or give up because we coming.
No they aren't. Beaners will always resent the US and will act in their best interest. Not getting involved would put them ahead.
Yes, and they don't have much a choice. The US is deeply entrenched in those places (especially Colombia). Btw, doesn't Bolivia have a right-wing government now?
Not that scared of Nicaraguans since we can hopefully convince them to join us for a better life like we did before.
Scared shitless of the cartel bullshit though, we are too susceptible and even more so with the coming crisis.
Still, I'd side with the US over China no matter what.
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>Nicaraguans (working for China)
These assholes are invading as of right now. Their president (Ortega) is actually hiding in our country. Fucking nicas are really pissing me off this time. Any .doc for 3d printing assault rifles in minecraft?
Nice ID mate
leave some cocks for the rest of us, nobody needs 7 cocks
I don't think the Canal is in danger. If it was in danger the US Navy would be down there faster than you can say "chinaman". But Panama is too far away from the China for the Chinese to be able to invade by conventional means. That's why I think they'd opt to arm and bribe local thugs and communist sympathizing-countries (like Nicaragua).
>we can hopefully convince them to join us for a better life
Callate nica playo. De que putas estás hablando mae?
I have not idea.
Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like I can handle 7 stacies at once
this map makes no sense. this is the correct map. china would get fucked. russia would only back china because they wouldn't be allowed on team america.
real helpful Tyrone
Heres the canon WW3 map
Not so sure about western Europe and Canada. They are the absolute most cucked nations in the world, and they kept their borders wide open to China well into March despite knowing what would happen. They are completely owned by whored out to China. Also Africa would not unanimously side with the US- they are also owned by the Chinese
Too white to be Argentinian
>t.american education
No,Mexico has the policy of no intervention
And we could remain neutral during WWII if it wasn't for the sink of two mexican ships by the nazis
If war breaks out, we are only going to be neutral and lead the supply chain (like in wwii)
This is fucking retarded
This is most likely
in WWIII you'll be annexed as a state. then all your cholo dreams will come true and the wall will only need to cover your tiny border
You do realize Australia is allied with the US, right?
>Implying Brazil would side with USA
Do you realize how much of Mexico's economy is dependent on the US? If America decided to stop importing your legal (and illegal) goods Mexico would cease to have an economy. I think that the US would strongarm your leaders into fighting China, or at least providing support to the US if they felt it was necessary
you realize china owns Australia right?
Under Bolsonaro they would
this map is beyond retarded.
ofc nato would all be in it together.
all you have to do is look at who the signatories of the letter condoning China's treatment of Muslims were to see who would side with the. plus they have their hands in the pockets of a lot of african countries.
The Gulf states don't fight. They never fight. They pay both sides to fight each other.
Bolivia is an interesting case bc under Morales it was pretty hostile to the US and cool with China, but now with the coup idk.
And Nicaragua is one of the few nations on earth that recognizes Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) as independent. Ortega wouldn't side with the US, but he isn't siding with the Chinese either.
>implying there wouldn't be a large pro-american insurrection in canada
normies are finally waking up to the fact that the reason all their manufacturing and infrastructure jobs up and died was because business parted that shit out to chinese slave labor
We are loyal to China now. Fuck off America.
That doesn't mean shit, the government there is directly allied with the US. They share fucking secrets with US agencies and vice versa.
Sorry bro, you made a meme map that isn't rooted in reality.
Fuck off cunt, The UK has been at the side of the US for years, and even joined in with the needless wars that zionists pulled the US into.
Men have died being allies of the US.
If mexico attacks the US, they are going for the south.
That land grab and the money from russia, china flowing in would make mexico into a near superpower.
Do you know Bolsonaro lost all real power in the last days? Congress, supreme court, all governors, most of hist cabinet, the armed forces and his vice are all ignoring him.
South Korea might fall to China, but not to North Korea. South Korea would crush North Korea in a war, without Chinese intervention.
wait why would Germany side with China?
Did I miss something?
Also Russia would obviously be a Chinese mutual ally. Russia would use the opportunity to attack NATO states in Eastern Europe (possibly invade the rest of Ukraine) and try to reform the Soviet Union's borders (not the government itself though).
We wouldn't fight along with nation who was threatening us with nuke and poking it's kike nose in everything we did
>implying anyone would side with the US
world is tired of your shit lmao get rekt
better the devil you know than the cunt you don't
updated. uploaded the wrong file.
the central asian dictator's are china and russia's bitch. they'll fight with them no matter the Uighur situation.
Egypt has a history of playing both sides. i think they stay neutral
>Australia and NZ on opposing sides
Nigga what
>Australia on China's side
>Current Ukraine government not siding with USA
You dun goofed
What happened?
I don't think you understand how unbelievably cucked Germany is. Their people generally hate America and Merkel hates Trump. I would not be surprised if Germany tries to weasel out of its NATO commitments. However you're probably right about the Gulf States
>South Korea would crush North Korea in a war, without Chinese intervention.
Do you mean a people unable to stand stress and pressure would win an war against one that's used to starvation? It'd be like Vietnam, but without US support to the south.
We would likely have to be neutral, but we *are* super zogged, so they might get us involved in some way that won’t involve direct attacks on China. To be perfectly honest, it would be weird as hell. Society is so completely divided here it’s hard to act in any direction.
We wouldn’t side with the CPC, I’m certain of that, but Chinese are almost 5% of the population, and everyone has been socialized to get along with them, not go to war with the.
It would be fucked up, really. Even the US Itself is about 2% Chinese...but they would fall in line, or go home I would think.
fuck off mutts we aren't fighting along with you
Germany needs to be nuked into ash for siding with China. They are traitors deserving only death and pain.
Iraq is pretty heavily dominated by Iran at the moment, closely allied with Syria as well.
I would put Iraq as red, especially since Trump pissed them off with the Soleimani bombing.
russia owns the ukraine
Countries don't become superpowers by getting bribed by other countries. Also if Mexico somehow took over the American southwest it would mismanage and run it into the ground faster than you can say "gringo". The shithole would just get bigger. And no amount of chicom and Russian money would make up for the money lost by cutting off the US
I think he's saying that Australia has an unreasonably high number of chinks.
I mean that a country with modern military technology and infrastructure would utterly crush a bunch of starving soldiers equipped with peak WW2 hardware and only half the population of the southern country (and no industry to speak of).
I'm aware of that. But I thought the current Ukraine government was cozy with the US?
God i love Portugal
Yeah sorry mate, North Korea's military is literally WW2-tier. They have half the population and less industry, which is different from when Korean War happened (NK had more manpower and more heavy industry).
South vs North Korea alone would mean SK easily wins. Koreans aren't as bad as you think they are, they have mandatory conscription for all males.
they tried sabotaging the president so not really
He tried to copy Trump's "no quarantine/fuck China boasts" and everyone on government agreed to do the opposite and ignore him.
On Thursday he tried to fire the healthy minister on a closed meeting, on Wednesday government as a whole decided he must have 6 army generals present on every meeting to "advice"
I don't think they'd risk cutting off ties with Russia by declaring war on China just for the sake of making America happy. Ukraine has a lot more to lose by antagonizing Russia than it does from antagonizing the US, especially if the US was busy with a war against China
you know nothing about geopolitics.
stop posting
If it would come down to a guerilla war and that's a big if. Just because they endured through some hardships under their weird stalinist rule doesn't mean they magically become this all enduring people capable of waging some magic guerilla war that will put all of the past ones to shame.
The South Koreans would wreck the fuck out the NK military, no contest, the thing is their shared border and how much shit that would blown up south of the border; not even mentioning the economic costs of modernizing NK beyond pyongyang.
>I mean that a country with modern military technology and infrastructure
USSR and USA were ages ahead of Afghanistan and couldn't manage to win over it.
Huh? The Russian-allied Ukrainian president was outsed in 2015. Russia got mad and annexed Crimea and supported Russo-Ukrainian rebels in the Donbas region.
What is this stupid American thinking? The Ukrainian government is NOT friendly with Russia.
lol like as if your king poop wouldn't jump at the first chance to nuke pakistan and then hide behind the us military
>North Korea
>swedish ally
Speak for yourself. I've served with mutts in Iraq and I'd do it again.
Portugal are Britain's oldest ally aren't they mate? Never met a Portuguese that I didn't like. In fact, last year I was at a mate's house and some Portuguese lad was there. My soft lefty mates started talking politics trying to trip me up, so I proudly stood by my support for Breggzit and started talking about being an ethnat. The ONLY one in the room who agreed with me was the based portugese lad. Full on zyklonpilled and everything. Good fella, he was. Andre was his name. He knew more about British history than the 10 or so self hating British lefties in the room.
>Yeah sorry mate, North Korea's military is literally WW2-tier.
Yes, just like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, ... and yet they managed to beat far bigger countries because their population was able to fight on others lost their will.
Also dprk has nukes.
>Russia wanting to be on America's side
>after America opposed Russia (and lost, kek) in both Ukraine and Syria
Yeah, nah you're a cunt. Though it's hard to say if Russia and China would cooperate in a hypothetical world war 3.
Yesterday Australian PM addressed parliament with a rally call to "protect Australian sovereignty" and said "there will be a fight".
The day before that former labor leader called China a "rogue state".
The pandemic, and the CCP's role in benefitting from it's spread, has clearly altered public opinion and political apathy in regards to CCP influence in Australia.
You know that's a completely different situation.
USSR and US were both foreign invaders that alienated the native populace.
The Muhjadeen were backed by powerful allies.
The Muhjadeen were motivated by religion.
Afghanistan is a much better place to wage a guerilla war than North Korea (mountains vs plains).
Some of those boarders are really weird. But
>Finand and Sweden
>Central powers
Don't take me wrong, but Korea like most first world countries' population lack the capacity to fight a war.
The moment their population lose access to all comfort the war will be over.
In Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the communists had outnumbered the anti-communist forces.
North Korea would never, in a million years, have a numerical advantage over South Korea.
learn to fucking read retard
If war breaks out WE are going to supply you with food , oil and basic needs while you made weapons just like WWII
russia is still occupying the ukraine. the only reason they don't take over is international pressure. if there was a world war they would take over the country in a week.
Afghanistan also lacked nuclear weaponry and military training to the whole population.
If you want another example, take Angola x Portugal.
that's a good point