Is she right Yas Forums??? I genuinely don't know, but it seems like she might be making some kind of point here. Wanna know what you think.
Is she right Yas Forums??? I genuinely don't know, but it seems like she might be making some kind of point here...
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably more like still partying during lockdown and have bad diets and smoking the chronic.
I hope she gets raped and skinned alive
Any arguments that don't feed into the whole systemic racism thing???
>african americans are too dumb to have any agency
this dumb bitch is racist as fuck
>early life
If some fucking bitch did that to me then my reaction would "FUCK IT THEN im not going to bother with them if this is your attitude."
yeah, their own racism and distrust of white people warning them
How does being poor give you the Coronavirus?
>oh look, ignorant cunt running her mouth again
Maybe they live with more people to each dwellable unit/household than other people?
they are dumb niggers completely of their own accord?
the guy really can’t win.
if he said nothing he’s a racist.
if he says something, it’s his fault and he’s racist.
these people are cancer to society.
>>a jew says something about orange man
Because their women are obese and their men are pot smoking degenerate alcoholics.
if you don't have savings, you have to live paycheck to paycheck ie working, which gives you a higher chance of contracting the virus
Niggers are contracting Kung-Flu at high rates for the same reason they contract venereal diseases at high rates: they're disgusting animals who don't give a fuck.
Only essential workers actually get to work though.
>cap it
>post to Yas Forums
>wow they hate this retarded shit. must mean it's right.
>return to 1 for more (you)s
life of the npc.
whites crying for niggers...
Niggers and spics already hog up healthcare the most despite paying the least into it.
Blacks not having access to healthcare is a complete lie.
Why are 99% of hollywood people such insufferable, self-righteous, predictable, left-wing fucks?
Are they chosen for success based on these characteristics, or do they develop these personalities as a side-effect of being surrounded by other douches all day?
>black people
Trump is a fucking retard who should just shut up about niggers. Of course these lefty kikes are going to have to get the last word in when it comes to their pet niggers. And what is the result? Niggers! All we are talking about is niggers! Every day. Nigger this. Nigger that. Nigger nigger nigger. I'm sick of this nigger shit. FUCK NIGGERS!
oh shit, a former cable tv talkshow host. we've got an expert. no need to investigate further.
> only black people are poor and live in clusters.
Bitch, please.
black people take up a lot of grub labor though, mainly fast food (dont see a lot in retail)
2 weeks ago
2 weeks later
>*coof* *coof* ... f-fuckkin wite peepo...
Imagine caring about what I fucking think about a literal who’s twitter post
obesity, diabetes, heart issues, sickle cell are the reasons that and they don't quarantine. it attacks the blood so the rumors of blood type being a factor too
Mexicans poos and asians live like 130 to a one bedroom apartment though so I doubt that's it.
unlikely they got it at work, senpai.
just saying.
Isn’t this the one who partied with Epstein and Prince Andrew?
>muh whyt pepo don’t live in poverty
You’re a fucken moron and this thread is shit
So why should anyone care about her opinion?
retail and fast food you come into contact with a lot of people, i wouldn't be surprised
eating fried chicken 5 times a week isnt good for you sweetie
Is Chelsea going to give up her mansion for some poor black family to have better access to those items she described?
something is in the water, probably lead
so according to chelsea trump should be lumped in with all "old white men" right? just like how "racists" think all niggers are robbing thugs because of the "few" thugs? im glad we are on the same page at least
Faaat faaat diabetic bodies
i'm bored out of my mind i want to see a civil war desu.
>access to healthcare
How else are we getting black infection/mortality rates?
I unironically believe in intentional systemic segregation in order to undermine minorities...but this is not the case. Blacks are dying because they can't follow simple orders with their "fuck you" attitude fueled by an inferiority complex.
she is jewish btw
This is why they're sick, stuff like this
Does anything else really need to said?
Of course not. Chelsea is a Jew. When she rips on white people, she’s not talking about her tribe.
Buddy, American Blacks are contracting corona only because they all have a high percentage of white blood in them.
Actual Africans are catching this shit.
Medical neglect is on their own behalf not the doctors.
Chelsea Handler stopped being relevant around 2010.
Literally the only reason right there. Well that and a lack of social distancing and self quarantining.
And what exactly makes her important? How much of her own money has she donated to causes that help this? And what about the fact that in the majority of major cities, they have had Democrat mayors but nothing ever changes????
Who cares what this Ashkenazi kike says? She's still seething Hilldawg lost
>Poor Hygiene (Not washing hands, not bathing, open coughing/sneezing)
>Ignoring Social Distancing/Quarantine orders
>Poor Diet leading to preexisting conditions and weakened immune systems
>Racial biological differences that are more prone to the virus
She's a kike. Not white faggot
Thank you for saying what needs to be said and speaking on behalf of the black community, you wealthy leather skinned childless cunt.
That would be to good for her , could you think of something worse?
I live in an are that’s 75% black and they had a house party last Saturday. I’m not your typical pol racist because I’m not racist. They aren’t following the stay in place social distancing rule. I told my buddy a week ago to stop hanging out and he told me blacks were immune.
No, they're too busy eating each other before dying of super-AIDS.
Why are you taking anything written by someone who made a living from being a stupid drunk whore seriously?
>what is really happening is actually just systemic racism
This is why we cant have a discussion about this.
Drink a tall glass of bleach, op
I was torn between using one of two memes. This one of some actress rejoicing in the attention, or the "fellow White people" Twitter meme.
She is Jewish and certainly won't miss an opportunity to blame Whites for everything.
How about:
Diet, predisposition to diabetes, not-giving-a-fuck about quarantines, predisposition to heart disease, usually living in urban areas where there is a higher population density.
But, no... Never let an opportunity to shame Whites no matter how innocent We are.
She is Jewish anyway, and she aborted her own baby. She is the meaning of a roastie.
Wondering if a kike tranny faggot is on to something.
Are you new?
Inhuman monsters like you. She almost quoted Wyatt Mann.
Niggers have sickle cell
Also diabetes, obesity, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, poor diet, not enough vitamin D....