What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?

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They don't exist.

I only like dead girls

They're literally built for BBC.

They're not pagans, they're posers who worship themselves. Luciferians without know it.

Because real women that identify as pagan dont look like that. It's all fat rolls and green hair. You know it.

All pagan women are extreme leftist larders who were former atheists


Because pagancuck infidels deserve to be drawn and quartered

Present day paganism is a LARP. In a way it was always a LARP.

And drug addicts

Because Im not white and they are all racist af

Yall ever seen Midsommar? Cuz thats why. If you havent seen it yet check it out its super based.

>were former atheists
That means their beliefs are malleable. You can fix them.

Because they found a place where they can seek attention from men with less competition.

I am unattractive, but I am only attracted to those more attractive than me.

Hi nigger
Have you stolen any watermelon today?

Women are incapable of genuine theological convictions.

Mariusz, you forgot to clean my toilet today

>larping as a Hebrew is totes legit tho

Midsommar is Talmudic subversion, film is written and directed by a Jew

dunno the state of memepagans in USA, but in Scandinavia they're leftist whores

you sound like you think you're actually capable of fixing anything other than your limp dick problem

Because they're usually wiccan thots. Also, the pagan culture has been basically destroyed by christianity, so nothing trully original worth anything is around from that time. So you get lots of potential roastie larpers which are a complete turn off imo.

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mormon women are the best

i didnt raid the neighbor village yet?
also busy flaying people like a mexican to care. bloodwings are dope, son.

I dunno deh are so seksy and stronk wimmin

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And which ones aren't leftist whores?

You mean skyrim hinduism?

I wouldnt know where to look for one that follows true paganism and not liberal tumblr/instagram "paganism"

Most of these girls would correct you for saying wodan and tell you its pronounced odin, or ask who jupiter is if you brought him up. If you mentioned poseidon as the head of a pantheon their heads would spin. Show me a real pagan girl and ill show you my wife.


Got one. Fine Japanese cunt to seed.

Life is good

So these are what Hitler was fighting for? Based Aryans

>worshipping marvel superheroes

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They don't exist

How the hell do you make Norwegians scary?

I do though

>Yall ever seen Midsommar? Cuz thats why. If you havent seen it yet check it out its super based.
literal jewish propaganda, directed by a jew

they know who they should fear

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Because they're covered in tattoos and have eating disorders.

Yeah, but you have to be Mormon to get 'em.

Shitty, intolerable, controlling, abusive personality. Or so I've been told.

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Because I'm a mentally unhealthy fuckwit.

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Technically both are correct, esteemed Mr. Poo X

Because right wing pagans don't exist.
Every pagan I've ever seen / heard of was a hardcore globohomo liberal.

No wonder you pagans have to do so much drugs all the time, interacting with your pagan "women". Also no wonder why so many of you are gay.

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This and you know he's right.

They literally don't exist here.

It's just feminist hipsters, and literal e-thots with botox lips and letting their thongs hang out of their sweatpants

Pagan women are all mentally ill thots who find Christianity's moral proscriptions claustrophobic. Half of them are bisexual weirdos into fake magic and are really just looking for a reason to fuck a bunch without guilt.

My brother dated one and it was hellish.

>Christianity's moral proscriptions

It's an unorthodox turn of phrase but I think it works.

tfw no pagan waifu to have pagan fertility orgies with

forgot pic

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because real women are SHIT

Nothing beats a devout Christian lady. Pic is one of the leaders of revival of morality movement in Russia, virgin until marriage of course, and she educates young Russian girls in modesty and Biblical femininity.

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thats a man

im convinced anyone who says they are pagan is lying

like youre telling me you actually truly believe with certainty that (X) pagan deities exist? i find it incredibly hard to believe its anything but a fashion statement

Most pagan girls do drugs like crazy and have a ton of sexual experience/experimentation, filled with STDs and insane emotional baggage.

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>pagan waifu?
No, thank you. Pic related.

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Basically it my neighbors, the local police department, the friends of my good friends, the laws and the laws and her parents. My pagan waifu is underage.