It's time to #RideWithBiden

It's time to #RideWithBiden.

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Why the fuck would a commie flag bidenpost. This is clear shilling.

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Real change is coming soon to a gallows near you.

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its supposed to be Ridin' with couldn't even get the joke right you worthless faggot

Except he wouldn't say that in a coherent way. More like
>Hop in were gonna..
>The whole of everybody
>The country we gotta take it back
>The flag... car.. passenger seat
>Let's go get em!

OP is a gay homosexual faggot

Good luck with the new assignment, Herschel.

Not like that!

Take your country back where?

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The Biderino will deafeat Trump and Corona at the same time

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It;s time for commies to go to gulag can give it away to illegal immigrants and rapefugees?...I'll pass

Not a good look

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Biden would make a good president because of the success of our lives and the other side of the story and that was well received.
You know man? No Malarky.

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>Get in, I got Candy.

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it's his first day at shilling farm, have some heart ffs!

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Legit would not set foot in a car driven by Biden. From watching him try to talk, he should not be driving himself anymore.

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Some shill said "zion don" and miga so that means biden now right guise?

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He's still allowed to drive?
>Get in before they take my license

post based HillPepes itt.

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Omgz trump touched a wall wearing a mini cloth frisbee so clearly we Bidenz noaw

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Trump supporters are uneducated cultists who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Fuck yeah ridin with biden

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Anyone have the "you have been visited by" image of this?

Whos really feelin the bern here?

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Trump will relentlessly destroy this Clown. I literally bet 500 € on Trump as soon as it was clear that Biden is running.

Trump is literally friends with pedophile sex trafficking criminals Lol

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Oh boy. I always wanted to be driven around by a corpse.

#Ridin with Stalin

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Screencap this. Biden will drop out for his VP Hillary.

Holy shit my sides

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thanks kindly

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Fucking kek

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great resolution. very readable

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I would rather ride with Ted Kennedy,
Or hunt with Dick Cheney