> Predicted to be 5-6 times the size of Jupiter
>Could cause earthquakes, tsunamis or even a massive EMP that would wipe out electricity
>Coronavirus is just the scapegoat to not alarm the public
> Massive underground bunkers have already been put into place and elites are moving there
Uniornically could be the biggest happening of all time. !-2 months of preperation before it comes nearest to Earth.
This is your one and only warning to stock supplies and equipment.
You have been warned

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Other urls found in this thread:

why wont mods ban gay as LARPing like this

How the f*ck is a comet 6x the size of Jupiter

The Soyuz MS-16 spaceship now 4 hours from launch. 3 hours after that, China will launch the Indonesian communications satellite Nusantara Dua

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A killing bolt will shine in the night, but not kill.

If what you say is true no amount of prepping will save you ever. Unless you have a wall-e tier space ship you’re fucked

the comet is estimated to be 447,387 miles in diameter. Jupiter is 86,881 miles


Literally not gonna happen

if it wipes out the world it can't be countered and is therefore irrelevant to me

Big if true!

>Predicted to be 5-6 times the size of Jupiter
Lol it wouldnt be a comet then would it

>5-6 times the size of Jupiter

Haha, no

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Q predicted that

Alien mothership. We're getting First Contact

Look it up yourselves

How the fuck is that even possible?
I’m so sick of these threads..

The comet itself is not larger than Jupiter. The field of debris following the comet is larger in diameter than Jupiter. It's a bunch of dust and shit following the comet around in its gravitational wake.

it's breaking up, won't even be visible with the naked eye

Yah well it broke apart

"The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many died from the water, because it was made bitter." (Rev 8:10–11)

not religious but it checks out

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That’d make more sense.

As stupid as this is it’s still better than Q

Thats no comet... its a space station

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So whats the difference between a comet and an asteroid?

>the comet is estimated to be 447,387 miles in diameter. Jupiter is 86,881 miles
lol, why are you making shit up?

What a crock of shit.

That’s the explanation I’m looking for

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You had one job

>Predicted to be 5-6 times the size of Jupiter
omg you nigger, stfu.

It will trigger yellowstone eruptions

You know much force is in one speck of dust at that speed? Now imagine trillions of them

Comet trails are not the diameter of the ball of ice generating them.

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Not a single link in the thread

The comet is made out of ice , as it hurls towards our sun in our solar system it melts , creating a huge cloud of water all around it giving it'color and making it seem so big.Op is a huge faggot and neets to stfu , all the comet is is water melting

>Bigger then Jupiter
Wouldn't we feel the gravity

wormwood? aren’t they saying that cures corona?

ayahuasca does this

It's fucking ice you dumb retards. It would burn up if it ever hit the Earth, which it won't. You'll see it in the sky soon though. Comets are cool.

>6x the size of Jupiter

So earth is gonna get hit by a planet?

Now this is a prime example of how NOT to larp. OP is a total fucking retard who doesn't know how to make up something realistic enough to be believable, but unusual enough to be scary.

>comet 5x the size of a gas giant.

Thats called a star you dumb faggot.

>one and only warning


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>Predicted to be 5-6 times the size of Jupiter
>>Could cause earthquakes, tsunamis or even a massive EMP that would wipe out electricity
Lol 5 times Jupiter would make it like a semi truck running over a dog

On the scale of big things in the solar system, Comet ATLAS falls somewhere between the sun (1,392,000 km diameter) and Jupiter (139,820 km).

>How the fuck is a comet 6x the size of Jupiter
It isn't. The comet is about 10K in diameter. The retard is trying to pass off the size of the tail as the size of the comet.

as they melt in the atmosphere

To clarify things

The comet is only maybe a couple miles in diameter. But it has a massive gas "atmosphere". It's just spewing gas and nasty shit into space all the time. That atmosphere is half the size of the fucking sun. HALF THE SIZE OF THE SUN

If we were to collide, we probably wouldn't hit the comet itself. But we'll travel through this wicked gas plume that would no doubt poison us eventually

The "atmosphere" of the comet is what is close to 5 or 4 times the size of Jupiter... not the comet it's self and it's going to be like millions of miles away from earth during the fly by... read a few sources, not just one. That's how this info gets mixed up.. the atmosphere of it includes its "tail" and some other shit. It's a nothing burger, but should be visible in the sky tho to naked eye.

I am so



by the difficulty of acquiring information

during these end times.

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The atmosphere of the comet is that large. The rock isn't.

The more interesting aspect is comets and their associations with plagues through the centuries.
This particular rock last passed earth 6000 years ago. In that period there were massive climate changes that drove the population of the Americas south and a large epidemic that wiped out a gpod portion of Neolithic Europe, allowing (((easterners))) to move in.

curious about this. it's just ice so how exactly would it effect us. radioactive ice?

It literally disintegrated you dumb fuck, the astronomers are crying over that since the same thing happened to ISON. ATLAS was going to reach the point where it was visible with the naked eye but it just broke apart nowhere near perihelion.

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Ok sure 5-6 times that of Jupiter with atmosphere included. How dense is the atmosphere. What is the combined mass of the comet?

>But we'll travel through this wicked gas plume that would no doubt poison us eventually
Cyanogen gas catches fire when it contacts oxygen. We have passed through comet tails before and there might have been fires started from that but there weren't global catastrophes from it. Being impacted by a comet on the other hand can be a civilization ending event and is what likely happened some 12.000 years ago.

>> Predicted to be 5-6 times the size of Jupiter
Um, that makes nearly as large as our Sun. Completely retarded in terms of astrophysics.

>The astronomers estimated that the cloud around ATLAS has a diameter of about 720,000 kilometers
>the cloud around
Stop being a retard.

>Not its poison gas
(you) guy just never quit inventing things. Its bigger than the entire universe but its invisible bro. You won't even know until its too late! Sorry broseph its all over.

This. Just carry on, user

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not really but the biggest threat would probably be out own atmosphere getting ripped apart

Is it gone completely? I just did a quick search and found nothing about it breaking up.

how many rounds of .50 bmg do i need (in thousands) to survive after i emerge from my bunker 1 year after impact? serious replies only please ill be ordering it in an hour

Holy fuck you are a retard. Even if this was actually true, if something that size hit the earth, a few bunkers and some canned beans aren't exactly going to help when earth is smashed into a literal cloud of dust.

Space isn't real

comets vaporized from the sun and turn into a giant ball of gas. this comets cloud of gas is really big which doesnt mean anything at all. its density is so low the "atmosphere" is basically vacuum and is negligible. the article is clickbait

Never said it would hit the earth you fucking faggot. A planet sized comet coming close to Earth is enough to effect gravitational pull

>atmosphere is 2-3 times the size of Jupiter
If an object 2-3 times the size of Jupiter was moving into our solar system a collision with the object would be the least of our worries. The entire solar system including the sun would be thrown into chaos and orbits of planets, the entire asteroid belt and the entire Oort cloud would be thrown into disarray and be flying every which way colliding with one another before the object even made itself known.

OP is a fucking mouth breathing faggot that doesn't know how space, gravity, and physics works.

Shit ass bait for literal retards mate. But it works every time you make these threads. So I guess the simplier the better, kek. Three beers to this gentleman

Space kek

I name you honorary leaf due to absolute fucking idiocy

The comet itself is apparently only a few miles across.

However the cloud around is in fact that big. Which is nuts... went digging myself because of how crazy of claim it was.


Source is shit but the articles well written.
>The comet’s atmosphere measures five times the physical size of Jupiter and about half the size of the Sun
> The exact size of the icy rock isn't known, but it’s likely to be only a few miles across with a much larger atmosphere.
>The gaseous cloud surrounding the comet has a diameter measuring about 447,387 miles (720,000 km), which is half the size of the Sun’s diameter of 865,370 miles (1,392,678) and five times greater than Jupiter's diameter of 86,881 miles (139,821 km). The Earth lags some way behind with a 7,917-mile (12,741 km) diamete

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so earth is going to get hit by multiple jupiter sized chunks?

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there is definitely a campaign to keep people in a neverending state of fear

Practically none, Earth gets bombarded by dust and full sized rocks all the time at "those speeds." Worst thing that happens is a fun light show.
Now STFU you physics illiterate retard.

And btw don't break your character, OP. Next time I'll get you cover

Hey faggot look up the size of Jupiter atmosphere

Does it say what the repercussion could be if the gas comes into contact with earth or its atmosphere?

How can a comet have such size?

fuck off back to glp faggot, you are beneath the tard barrier for here, which is pretty fucking low

We're really overdue for a big rock hitting us again. Another Tunguska event would really fuck shit if it hit water or a city. Something like the Yucatan that probably wiped the dinosaurs out would be fun. If the world is shitting itself over a pandemic I wonder what a meteor strike would do.

nibru cultfags and their 'site'

You retarded cum guzzling faggot, if anything 5-6 times the fucking JUPITER came into our solar system, it would fuck up the gravity permamently all over the place and quite possibly alter out entire system's fucking orbits. It's entirely possible Mercury would dunk into the sun and at some point Saturn or Jupiter crash into us.

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Whats the date? ATLAS will be visible at some point to everyone

>5 times the size of jupiter