Just drank two 40s in 10minutes and have a transcendental state of of clarity

just drank two 40s in 10minutes and have a transcendental state of of clarity


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How will the Chinese pay for their sin

light weight

>bud light
Old English or gtfo

I still get shivers from the time I tied two of them to my hands and tried to drink them all

OE is fucking disgusting lets calm down

Why not leave pol?
For good?
This place is bad for you.

no you didn't

Is chanel west coast from the mtv show ridiculousness a transgender?

Old English is based.
I like to larp as a nigger when I'm in America and smoke Newports and drink 40oz of old English.

Will you time how long it takes you to pee?

Ole English here in LA is pretty much skid row 8:30 am homeless beer.

>two 40's in ten minutes
... Are we supposed to be impressed? Motherfucker I can finish half a litre of straight vodka in ten minutes but you don't see me bragging about my cirrhosis

Niggers drink Colt 45 and henny. Love Newports

bullshit, also your bladder would burst

manufacturing might return to the west with living wages but i assume that's just my optimism
nigga i feel like im gonna die
uhhh idk
>posting xif data to Yas Forums
sounds bad

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Is there a reliable way of enlarging one's penis? I tried a technique promising a "black man's penis" in just a week. I tied the required weight to my appendage and, while it did become black, it promptly returned to it's original size once I untied the cinderblock.

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Can you refill a bottle with your piss?

Are you fake or gay or both

Yeah I get that vibe from all the 40s to be honest. Pic related is the UK equivalent.

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based. 40s of beer and menthos are so good. i just gave up smoking so i'm sucking the robot's dick (vaping) i miss smoking.

Olde English is crackhead beer.
In fact, if you drink anything more than a tall boy, you are an alcoholic.

What's the difference between Bud Ice and regular Budweiser/Bud Light?

What? YOu're in a hotel and you're drinking crap beer?


that beer is nearly the most disgusting beer in the world. Steel 211 might be the worst. I'm so glad I'm sober.

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canadian here. is it true that pabst blue ribbon is a hobo beer in the usa? bc in canada pabst counts as midshelf beer and hispters like it.

Just drink pee instead.

thats a wigger nigger beer user. Get yourself a Mickeys 40

>What's the difference between Bud Ice and regular Budweiser/Bud Light?
bud is 6% ice is 5.5

edward 40 hands, nice

God i wish i was drunk right now. I ran out of liquor.

wrong board for this shit. but how umch for a bud ice 40 where you are????????

also corona is a hoax. youtube.com/watch?v=d4SO4bL5Yuc

that game is called Captain 40 hands where I'm from. First person to finish both their 40's wins.
A variation on the game is called "wizard staff" where you drink beers and tape the empty cans together and the person with the longest wizard staff at the end wins.

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drinking them isn't the hard part
the hard part is holding in your pee until you finish

bud ice is awesome, suck a dick poorfag spic nigger.

what's the deal with trannies?


hello CIA.

Also to any aussies, is this beer any good?

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It's a way of increasing the alcohol content slightly. The beer is frozen and some of the water removed in the form of ice. Any Ice beer I've ever had a signature bizarre, gross taste.

idk seems way more fucking common than 20 years ago. i blame anime and sports trophies for 2nd place

no. bud is 5.0%. bud light is 4.2%, bud platinum is 6.0%. bus ice is best bang for the buck price wise and alcohol wise. you flaming faggot. dont ever talk shit about bud ice again.

Everyone in this thread is a nigger

>dont ever talk shit about bud ice again.
i'm literally drinking it, they don't have shiner bock 40s here first time drinking bud anything in forever

yeah this is bad i figured it would be moved to /bant/ and me banned by now

thats nonsense. a bud ice 40 is $3 in nyc.

it used to be now its considered similar. depends on the region. michigan and upper midwest hamms is the garbage beer followed by natural light. best poorfag beer in US IMO is yeungling. I drove all the way to eastern ohio/ wv border to get some because they don't sell them in michigan

they're mentally ill, but instead of helping them society has chosen to turn them into entertaining freaks and perform genital mutilation surgeries on them for big money. There is a lot of money in catering to the delusions of trannies and plenty of people willing to sell their souls for the money.

Here in the UK bud is 4.5 and bud light is 3.8. We also have the original Budweiser (budvar) and other much nicer beers though.

Your a nigger? Have fun trying to buy 40s since all the niggers arnt working and buying it up.

Must be the california price.


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your moms a nigger. pancake titty jungle bush nigger.

Is weed degenerate? I'm smoking it right now

well the random asshole at the corner store robbed me oh well

When will you stop sucking so many cocks?

>tfw playing Edward 40hands by yourself in quarantine.

Lol. That's awesome

that might be true, different regions have different whatever.

Do you smell like weed 24/7?

I'm buying 12 Coronas tomorrow to celebrate the virus and the release of FF7

no, it's not ideal. kinda a waste of money and should be legal to grow your own or whatever. i love weed but i never have as much fun as i did with it in high school and the weed has gotten better

It's because of the tax.
Higher alcohol = higher tax so they adjust the strength. Stella used to be 5.6, then 5.2, now it's 4.8.
Our hobo drinks are cider because it has low tax to incentivise production

Fucking crappy burger ice beer

This is the goat of ice beers

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How far can you shove your own arm up your ass?

i bought 2 corona 40s from the same corner store the other day cause i'm bored as fuck and this lady behind me looked at me like she thought corona literally gives you the virus

You shut your mouth. You faggots ruined Sapporo and lost all beercred.

I am also 5 beers into Bud Ice. I can tell you have great taste. This beer has a very clear, happy drunk to it, and lacks disgusting impurities.

I don't trust that shit. I've seen it in the cooler and no two are the same color. Doesn't exactly scream quality to me.

That's pretty cool, let me know when you're smashing a fifth a day with complete disregard for how much you are fucking yourself.

Or you could do 5 dried grams in silent darkness