Say it with me Yas Forumsfags
Say it with me Yas Forumsfags
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Anyone surprised by the Trump administration giving Israel yet another blowjob are morons or haven't been paying attention.
You mean Trump's Department of Defense? Nice semantics faggot.
Why isnt Israel afraid of being cut off from global trade and being surrounded alone by 6 trillion Arabs
Why are people surprised by this? We have israelis in our congress.
Trump is red pilling the normies about israel and the international Jewish conspiracy. Watch the talk now.become much more anti israel
>muh 4D chess
Or perhaps... Just consider this, he's just an incompetent retard that is bumbling through his presidency and openly airing all the shit more competent leaders use to keep relatively secret.
umm hello? based department?
your comprehension skills are remarkable you fucking retard. On that page linked in your screenshot, the jpost has changed the headline saying that they got the masks from the US to one saying they got them from China, i assume because of blowback from americans, but they neglected to change the URL or image caption. My post supports your position moron
I thought americans wanted to be treated as 2nd class. you don't suddenly want the government to care about the peasants?
/ptg/ is THIS delusional
wait theres a lot more
lads... what if the masks were preinfected by coofers? this is genius!
Thank you for reminding me to trust the plan
fuck that it be a lot easier to post the people that arent israel firsters
Oh no no no
Say it with me
>109 countries...
>goycattle dont need masks
>tell them its just a flu bro
Goong back to work right now is dying for israel. You fags say everyday how the military is dying for israel, imagine dying at walmart for israel and your wage slave check kekekek.
actually fucking brainwashed
it doesn't matter
The only thing he's less competent at than his predecessors is being a secretive establishment puppet. As far as getting shit done he's 10x better than the last 5 presidents combined.
because they control every country that is giving them gibs and have the unbreakable shield of "OY VEY DONT BE AN ANTI SEMITIC NAZI" if you challenge them which somehow works
no you xenophobe israel needs niggers. america doesnt. he did the right thing
Thank you goy. These nose warmers you sent us were just what we needed! Truly you are our greatest ally.
Trump/Kushner 2020 MIGA!
zog in action. blump has blue lips.
Very anti Semitic to not be willing to give all your masks to Israel
>He's such a bumbling idiot he accidentally became president of the most important country in the world against the wishes of the mainstream media, FBI, NSA, CIA, and current white house administration
You're an idiot if you believe that
>Beating the shit out of leftists every single day
This is why you are so fucking mad.
Americans who hate on Israel have no understanding of geopolitics.
Is there a gooder goy than Trump? I don't think so. The masks are from China though so they are probably defective crap.
He won by such a large margin it would've been impossible to rig, so yeah, I believe that.
>here's a legitimate thing about Trump that you should critici-TRIGGERED TWO SCOOPS PRESIDENT LMAO
kill yourself zionist enabler
OH NO NOT THE pART TimE NuRses!!!!!!
the plan trust you must
Christcucks are so dumb, it's just a shame the kids that have no say in the matter of whether or not they go to the cult meeting are gonna get sick because of their dumb boomer parents
>you should
is why you're getting shit.
Yeah, of course it's annoying that we give things to israel. That's a separate issue from Trump (inb4 this is all you quote). All US presidents since Ford pretty much have to pay Israel homage or face about 40x the socio-cultural pressure, criticism, hatred and anger that Trump has received since he ran, which you yourself are part of.
The fact is you're terrified and angry at how powerless you are. It shows in your OP, and your delusion about how you come across is blatant in this post.
>here's a legitimate thing about Trump that you should critici
is not what you did.
>Say it with me Yas Forumsfags
>#ZionDon (yikes)
is what you did.
You're a fucking loser, and now I'm gonna convince another 2 people to vote for trump for this post.
Annnnd anyone notice those AREN'T N-95 masks? Ohh Mein Goit! He gave them the nearly useless one's!
Fucking OP and Abby Martin can go suck biden's corpse like balls praying for the DNC to not implode as it must inevitably.
To be fair those masks are useless. Not the correct kind for corvid 19.
>/ptg/ still in denial
Made in China. They are infected by chinks anyway
Keep your dirty hands off of your face, nigger.
they blamed obama for not replenishing it but trump has been in office for almost 4 years
Kike detected
Good, we needed the masks. Thank you.
>the masks were procured from China and shipped to Israel
Fucking based
Christianity is child abuse
It's the entire job of Fauci and the CDC and Fauci even said in 2015 there would an pandemic for the next presidency
I-is it back?
fuck this shit im not voting anymore
USA helps it's closest ally. More at 11.
how are you going to fit all that nose into that flat mask ?
fuck you kike lover!
and obama had a team of experts explain what it could be like but they couldn't tell trump what the virus would be
deep state?