How did you become racist

How did you become racist

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Men's Rights videos on YouTube sent me down a rabbit hole. Anyone else watch Gary Orsum?

I lost my job and had to move to a shitty apartment in the 'bad' side of town. Turned out there were a lot more non-whites and a lot more headaches.

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Living through a race riot. When SHTF they don't care if you were 'one of the good ones'.


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Watching nignogs rape, steal, and cheat all my life made me racist.
I'm just a product of society.

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grew up in a 90% black neighborhood
acted like a sperg when we finally white flew
only means of related to others was through a greater common interest i.e. racialism
it's not going so well

I don't think I am racist. Just admitting the truth isn't racist, some races are dumber on average and some smarter, some commit more crime, some less, its not racist to accept the truth.

There's only one way anyone actually becomes racist.
>interacting with minorities.
Why else do you think all the non racists are leftists who've never honestly worked a day in their life?

even if non-whites were upstanding people i'd still be racist
because homogeneity is better than pretending everyone is:
wait for it
wait for it
like everyone else. like people. when obviously there are always pathological reasons for everything that takes place despite it seeming like entropy.

The only job I could get in college was stocking groceries in a deep south ghetto

Yas Forums brainwashed me

Oh god that guy looks like an untermenchen why can't neo nazis grow a head of hair and not of a faggy goatee

>Truth is not racist
Yes it is.
This is key in understanding cries of "Corona is racist"

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How can you now be racist? Just open your eyes and stop denying reality

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I just realized that I was doing a lot of mental gymnastics making excuses for black people, so I stopped doing that. The result is that most people would say I’m racist. I don’t hate black people, I’m just aware of certain statistics facts and leave it at that.

in 2020 racism is admitting races exist.

I became racist because of you fucks, forcing me to see the reality that had always been in front of my eyes. (I'm a recovering socialist)

...thank you

The truth is, by definition, racist. In fact, that's why it's racist.

There is black people around where I live


that's not what racist means.
racism is a merely an argumentative approach, factoring in the biological traits of a people and how it affects their culture and society. people can call you racist or a bigoted as a way to dismiss this tactic but as im sure you're aware, those are just ad hominem responses and don't address teh argugment itself.
the racist approach doesn't determine whether an argument is true or not, but it's an outdated doctrine that has been abandoned by the majority of the scientific community and current evidence within the field of scientific racism is skewed or falsified.
i think you should just acknowledge you are racist otherwise you beget the negative and taboo connotation of the approach. we are free to speak our minds, especially in a liberal democracy.

I went outside

Not really racist anymore, but living with 6 cholos/cholas in a tiny apartment in college was pretty damaging. Kids just fucking blow FASFA on gucci shoes and clubs, when my mom whose recently widowed can't get a dime. Thinking I'm lazy and/or priveleged for not working when I'm taking premed courses and have support from my parents. Thinking I'm some pussy cause I'm not a dumbass machismo whose too stupid to choose his battles. Taking 6 years to graduate with a sociology degree, taking loans out to go on vacation and not paying them back. Having shit credit and applying to places wondering why theyre getting denied. I could go on if you guys are interested I really need to vent this shit.

This, except subtract 5 years from all three

>commie posts wall of text that doesn't really say anything

Every time

well if you disagree, i'd like to read your thoughts on what i wrote.

Forgot to add hounding me on rent when they literally don't give me a number until the fucking night before even though I've been asking.

By living around black "people".

Wooden doors

I used to live around a lot of hispanics

Meeting asshole Israelis while traveling

>my Jewish pseudoscience says races don't exist
Right, until you get to medical science, then suddenly there's hard clear cut racial lines that everyone knows exist, they just don't talk about it.

Since forever 'cause mama always said too me that the darkies were ugly monkies, while I was a beautiful white baby and later on that I shall never bring a brown gf home

Spent a month in China and a month in Japan and realized the idea of racism in the West is just standard nationalism and ethnic pride the rest of the world feels. The amount of people who feel that way outnumber the Western racism crybabies so much, trying to make a difference is like pissing into an f5 tornado.

Western definition of racism is a complete joke made up by soft, shelteted weaklings who hate themselves. Being racist in the West is just admitting you have national and ethnic pride.

Because other races than East-Asian and Whites exist.

By noticing that the pornstars I found most attractive were all white.

By paying attention to reality


>you get to medical science, then suddenly there's hard clear cut racial lines that everyone knows exist
i would like to read those papers that assert this but to my understanding, scientific racism is a pseudoscience that was largely discredited in middle of the 20th century after technologies became much more advanced, so i'll have to disagree with you.
this article consolidates numerous sources together which argue against the idea of race

fat acceptance |-> Men's rights |-> Anti-SJW stuff |-> Right wing pro trump channels |-> Yas Forums

Now I'm a Nazi

>15,17 and 19

Zoomer fag alert

I reject people's compartmentalized way of viewing people's beliefs. I see everything at once. I am only interested in the truth that's it.

I lived in niggers infested neighborhood growing up. At least white trash knew not steal from their own

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Being big brained and having high IQ

that guy is a massive faggot desu

Don't you mean.... how did YOU become racist....
(NPC program)

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Canadiens stole my lovely Vermont mapple surp and tried to pass off their shale-based shit as better.

Moose Niggers...

you must have been desperate to be living with spics

tell us more about you experiences with these shit skins

I dont care what science says, or any macro psychological study says on what historic oppression or poverty does to immigrants or native minorities. I see white men who take drugs everyday and when they come up to me to ask for a cigarette, I am not on guard. They wont rob me, kill me, rape my sister ect. What I perceive on a day to day basis is ethnic minorities committing unnecessary acts of violence coming from the same background as a native white Canadian in terms of class. We are the most anti racist state in the world, and yet the negros here are just as violent as anywhere else. A study telling me that their race has nothing to do with it doesn't matter to me, because as a protective measure my mind has associated their savage behavior with their skin and I'm right 99% of the time. You can explain the reasons why they are violent to me, but I will just say "ok, but when is enough anti racism programs, redistribution of wealth, and shaming of my history, enough to make negros stop being so violent?"

This is what most "racists" use to come to their conclusions. Actual on the ground experience. Not some academic fluff written to justify expanding government programs.

I spent time around niggers and then the FBI told me everything else I needed to know.

can’t pinpoint it exactly but sometime in 2017.

> born and bread in London
> white, blonde hair, but actually a mutt if you go back far enough
> I used to visit Yas Forums between 2009 and 2012
> Stopped being a NEET and entered normieland
> thisisfine.jpg
> In 2016 Brexit happened and Trump won.
> didn’t understand why, the media said it was impossibru
> In 2017, I moved within Londonistan to an area that used to be nice.
> I then noticed I was the only white person in the massive Asda supermarket.
> then I noticed I was the only white person on the bus.
> then I noticed the local shops had that glass shields to stop chimpouts.
> then I noticed the pubs starting to close and get replaced by shisha cafes
> realised its blacks, Indians, Muslimes, Asians that are actually the ones being rasists
> realised that I don’t know anyone who’s English
> Spanish friend invites me out for drinks, literally everyone else is Spanish
> Hungarian friend invites me out, literally everyone else is Hungarian
> Indian friend invites me out, literally everyone else is indian
> polish friend invites me out, you get the idea
> where’s the “diversity” and “assimilation”?
> sees school outing groups, 90% of the kids are non-white
> gets a job outside of Londonistan, learn of colleagues surnames that are actually English
> surprised pikachu face
> can’t mention it to anyone irl
> can’t mention it on the internet as to not damage my social credit score
> I haven’t been to Yas Forums in years
> goes to Yas Forums, finds tranny porn
> goes to Yas Forums
> oh shit
> 200% DEUS VULT

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I used to be racist when I fell for the "white genocide" meme last few years. After I realized how ridiculous my ideology has become, I had to step down and form everything from the ground up. As I formed my opinions based on philosophy, science, economy, I also realized Yas Forums is a filled with bunch of emotionally broken
sub double digit IQ retards who've based their opinions on their feelings than facts and only like facts when it promotes their ideology. This is true for lefties too but at least lefties don't want to kill people that look different then them. Now I am here just to enjoy the tour of the zoo.

It's impossible for mixed race people to find organ donor's because wouldn't you know it genetics exist you fucking redneck retard.

>This is true for lefties too but at least lefties don't want to kill people that look different then them

As opposed to babies and every white male in existence.

I spent 4 years of my life to get into medical school, naively thinking it would be about, you know, the science of heart attacks and AIDs.

60% of it was Jews preaching the holy faith of Social Justice.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>How did you become racist
noticing things.

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0-11yo a couple of indians and 2 quadroons at school. thought nothing of it
12-16yo 3 niggers at high school. thought next to nothing of it, except someone joked 'he's got a black eye' after one of them had been in a scuffle. laughed but then thought i'd be in trouble for be racist
16-18yo lots of pakis and a few niggers at college. it was a top tier college. they were well behaved
18-21yo indians pakis chinks and nogs at uni. notice that nogs get hot white women
22-24yo played vidya. didn't think about races
25yo realize theres a nationwide child rape epidemic by paki gangs. get red-pilled, notice that our media is saturated in race-mixing propaganda. realize that white nations are being systematically invaded by shitsskins while whites are subverted into not breeding. realized nogs are subhuman. 1st hand encounters with white hating pakis.

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I got sent to a school named after Martin Luther King Jr.

Nigger's inmigration in my country and kike's felonies in the world made me racist.

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Little by little.


i don't agree with the liberal egalitarian approach, as it doesn't address the primary cause of people resorting to violent crime and anti-social behaviour which would be the conditions of their environment, systemic oppression through institutionalised racism (the very idea of letting non-whites abuse the social safety net is a discriminatory approach). throwing money at the symptoms of a systemic problem is like putting a bandaid on a tumour; the problem will simply proliferate under the parameters of the system. i won't put much creed in your anecdotal experience as it's marked by general inductive reasoning, leading to conjecture. unfortunately you've had bad experiences with certain people although this isn't empirical or objective.

I was suddenly labeled as a racist by the left because of my skin color.
I have not changed my views in decades, but I somehow went from being a champion of rights to the scum of the Earth in their eyes in the span of years..

You seem like you could be an intelligent person, but you treat science like an infallible religion. Sometimes you just need experience and to make your own conclusions, especial when it comes to something that's so heavily influenced by social behavior.


Met a black guy

Blacks knockout gamed my dad, his brain was never the same. Was an ironic racist before that, then I went unironic after that happened and I found Jared taylor

This as a kid.

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Honestly I'd be surprised if we didn't come out of this pandemic insanely racist

>go to buy groceries to last a week
>every white person giving personal space and/or wearing masks
>niggers show up in pack of 10-12
>climbing on shit and getting in people's space because niggers think hydroxychloroquine is hydros and they're all on them
>ones that are wearing masks have them only covering their mouth

Yeah, I don't think this bodes well for niggers in a couple weeks.

>went to an all white high school
>White libs build low income housing apartment
>niggers and spics move into high school
>immediately start causing drama: fights, drugs, sex during school... complete degeneracy
>white flight follows (after I went off to college in 2007)
>community is now less than 50% white

>calling him a massive faggot while he does his homework and niggers step on his paperwork

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And what are you? Some Gen X cuck? The zooms are our only hope you faggot. Fuck you.

>but you treat science like an infallible religion
i thought the common argument was lefties reject science based on idpol arguments like "sex exists on a spectrum" or some other lunacy like that, and Yas Forums relied purely on science to argue their ideas. you are appealing to anecdotal evidence, hearsay if you will. it's unfortunately not a solid ground to build any analysis on.

I didnt really change. It just became cool to call the truth racist. So, speaking the truth labelled me as a racist.

When I started working with them. Specifically I am the only white person on my shift. It sucks.

>zoomers doing anything other than be faggot zoomers
That "everyone is special" programming is working well, I see.

Aye this. First teaching job was for an inner city district in Michigan. I always had racist tendencies, but I thought that I was being irrational.... 2 weeks into teaching I realized it's irrational to not be.

I saw this .gif.

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based and weakmindedpilled

I'm not.

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