Do Americans really forcefeed their kids drugs at very early ages?
Do Americans really forcefeed their kids drugs at very early ages?
No and you have to get tons of permissions from the state to give a kid under 12 anything
Whatched my mom do it to my brother. He'd hide em under his tongue and spit it out. I did it once and it was strong stuff for a kid.
Yes, it's no wonder anti-vaxxer schizos exist when this is what Americans do with vaccines and medicine in general.
That guys wrong
I was given so many...
was totally tweaked on amphetamine salts and methylphenidate for a short period; way too high a dose for my bodyweight
on the plus side I kept my script in later years to trade for street drugs to sell at school
and they cut their dick tips off for rabbi
>mutilated at birth
>fed baby formula
>live entire childhood on a steady diet of cheetos and coca cola
>forcefed jewish propaganda until 18
Yes. If a kid is misbehaving, they're extremely fast to do medical tests on them and diagnose them with whatever the wheel lands on that day. Kids usually aren't given drugs at a very early age, they'll wait until a little later, but kids in preschool will get diagnosed with ADHD and given drugs within a couple years of the diagnosis if the "problems" continue.
t. child of a preschool teacher
I flushed my ritalin doses down the toilet
whatever the wheel lands on. So true. I was diagnosed with a dozen different things, and given a dozen different drugs. Funnily enough when I finally started refusing to take the drugs is when I stopped spazzing the fuck out.
Yes. Every single one of them. They’re lying if they say otherwise.
I was on like 35mg of adderall every 4 hours for a good while. It was fucking awful.
does ritalin fry your brain? I think that's the only thing I was on when my parents were told I had "ADD" and I don't think I was the same since.
Yes. My parents thought they were doing the right thing, my tolerance for higher and higher so I needed more and more. That shit totoally changed who I was as a person, in college I exchanged it for weed and sold it for $$$ during exams
It’s absurdly common. Also every kid has some kind of disability. Autism, a learning disability, ADHD etc. Its a way for the parents to deflect all responsibility for being shitty parents.
The parents who don't know how to parent do.
Yep. It makes you small and dumb
WTF they really give this to children ?
Yeah but what parents do to their kids is nothing compared to the way they drug kids in foster care.
Had Ritalin in the 9th grade.
Working class parents didn't know any better
Turned out alright
You'd be surprised french bro
Was raised on ritalin and adderall. Boomers do it because they don't know any better and they didn't have the internet when I was a kid.
Now however there is no excuse. Those drugs mess with brain chemistry and prevent things like memories from forming. I have very few memories of my time in school. I spent the entire time waiting for each day to end. Not paying attention to others, not forming social bonds, faking it when I had to...the drugs really fucked with me.
Thankfully I quit cold turkey when I graduated and I'm pretty good now, but I still have a hard time forming relationships with people and feel numb a lot.
It did have a benefit though. By preventing me from partaking in normie bullshit culture my entire life, I retained my virginity until marriage and my wife did also. I was sort of inoculated against the bluepill. I dove into religion for a long time but when I became racially awakened it was like a glove on a hand.
Yes, fuck them all.
I actually have ADHD and was never diagnosed or even suspected. Never given any drugs either. If I wanted to finish my homework I would literally work from when I got home to when I went to bed, the hours would just disappear. Finally dropped out senior year.
Fucking retard.
I was on Ritalin in kindergarten, fuckers are lucky I didn't shoot anyone
>you have to get tons of permissions from the state
and boy are they happy to give it!!
Mordor has a community though.
I knew a few who did
Yupp, fucking hypocrisy of Marxism.
It was literally invented for children.
Happened to me
Yea I was perscribed daytrauna for ADD in like 3rd grade, but I was in the small minority that actually benefits from it. Most kids just sell their pills and profit from mommys insurance.
I'm very glad that they don't have a pill of autists
Though I wouldn't be surprised if they did
The meth will be operational for the next years and it will remain the drug of choice for all meth users. Since you want to know if I consume the material. Yes I do, I am a functional meth addict. I am more functional than a norma human being because the meth takes me to a new level. the new level is a 100% performance at work, I can put your items in your bag faster than any one on earth, the bag holder that i am is the most functional of themall. When the meth takes me to the new level where I am in the zone and everyone is wondering why I am so focused, you leave the peak, the peak is aderall, aderall will literally pass anything, manager accused me of being on meth said my doctor got me new aderall and I am way too high bro. The meth will make you do new things and will make you also abandon any material that your life will give you, wanna do school on meth gtfo you need money to do that, can't hold af ucking job while going to school so all you do is profit from the new era of meth, the meth is literally the best drug on the market if you are functional because using meth is the best drug on earth
where are you without meth in life ? a 50% performing faggot, get to the new era, meth is clean, control it like a king and become a bag holder because its ez job
welcome to the new era of the meth
If you can't be a kid who sits in a desk for over six hours a day five days a week for most of the year that means you have some kind of mental illness, take your meds so you can be productive cattle.
me for 12 years
now an emotionally retarded NEET at 30 years old havent talked to another human in 1.5 years
Just remember
Every generation throughout history blames the parents for SOMETHING - our kids will likely resent us for something too, I'm sure.
Bill Gates' kids likely held something inside, growing up.
I'm then end - love your parents, is what I'm saying
Wow !
I don't remember seeing any children being on drugs here (only guys with asthma and their spray).
I just remember sometimes where they were speaking about ADHD at the TV news, but everybody we're just considering that it was coming from bad parenting.
>kid who sits in a desk for over six hours a day five days a week for most of the year
Unless they changed up elementary school a lot in the past decade, this is quite the exaggeration. American public schools spend half the day putting on a circus for the kids (movies, arts and crafts, recess, story time, etc/)
Yep there was little education in the way of letting a cold run its course. Mothers pumped their children full of antibiotics the second their kid had the sniffles. It's probably still that way and we continue to give people antibiotics in unnecessary situations creating the super bugs you see floating around today
Wasnt even the first drug they had me on, the others just didnt "work right" or whatever. I remember being really...blank? Like nothing was really there. At least when I look back on it.
I know those feels. It was almost like you just existed as a blank slate, waiting for time to pass until you turn off. Basically a chemical way to turn you into an NPC lol
It definitely does. Stimulants steal energy from future you and give it to present you.
Daily reminder that most of this shitty board would be aktion t4ed as mental defectives.
Of course. It's good for the economy.
started off good, but then ya lost it. work on the ending, and leave out the welcome to part.
Yes all americans at all times. This is why white Americans on average out live large segments of the world population. This is also why "gym life" is a thing here too. Americans have an obsession with appearence, just look at tiktok, look at all the steroid fags running around with a chest bigger than oil barrel.
Americans feed their children pills daily, in fact soo often, that the whole "redpilled" meme we use here on this site has become soo popular.
Pills for everything, 75 year old men with hard dicks still getting women pregnant, how? Pills.
That can be harnessed. There is some evidence the ayys gave mankind stimulants.
Yes, they also cut their babies dicks
Maybe that's why most Americans are vapid retards
not only America, Europe does it too. It's insane how many kids get diagnosed with adhd or something like that. They almost did it to my little brother.
Lick the cheese from under my foreskin, I’ll give you a dime for it.
10mg of it keeps me feeling completely focused and driven for a whole day. No anxiety. No rushes. No depression. But I can't fucking find it. People are just different I guess and no other stimulant ever gets anywhere near it. Coffee just makes me sick.
my old doctor died and when I got the some throat infection I was very surprised that the new young doctor didnt prescribe me any antibiotics.
I thought it was normal but these days its considered dangerous overkill in most cases.
these doctors work until they are 80+ years old and dont actually stay up to date when it comes to their profession.
When you have had two abcessed teeth within 5 months you will appreciate the antibiotic but not the diareah it gives you for months afterward. My poo is still mushy semi liquid from the course I took for a tooth back in January and before that from last year.
Is this because of the tiger doc? I bet that guy did meth
Uncut masterrace here. Whenever this topic comes up and people find out im uncut, the level of jealousy is insane.
i want to rail adderall
Yes I started when I was 9 years old and had to go off it because I started to get so underweight that I would pass out. My parents took me off it after that, definitely not a drug to give children.
probiotics man, save your bunghole.
Drink some kvass or kombucha, holy fuck user
>liquid shit
Eat onions lycethin granuals with your food. It emulsifies the fats making them easier to digest. Go ahead, research it.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
People like me and you, we are going to enjoy the sound of cremated Jew under our boots when the day comes. I can't stand the little fuckers, especially the Hasidic motherfuckers with the silly stupid hats and the way they braid their hair. Disgusting, everything about them disgusts me. Racial contagion spreaders.
S.oy not onions
>but muh cheese dick!1!1!1!1!
Do they pull that shit?
Even the fucking Dentist office tries to upsell. These motherfuckers wanted me to get fillings in my kids baby teeth. Are you fucking nuts?
Those adderall children out perform the hell out of the other children in studies
literally nobody gets that many vaccines
>Be single-mother
>Don't believe in punishing your kid for being a brat
>Kid gets diagnosed with ADHD or autism
>Put on pills
>(((Pharmaceutical company))) profits
No jealousy here fren just sadness the choice was made without my consent. I will never know what uncut sex feels like.
Vinegar and eggs do the same thing without ruining your intestines and endocrine system
Lol, no there are some that do mention phimosis and stuff but usually it just ends up all about hatred for jews.
I was given ADD drugs in the third grade but after awhile I would just pretend to take them. I had enough intuition to know that pills that change your behavior are probably bad. Was prescribed different pills until 6th grade but I just pretended or refused to take them
I saw some interesting interview about our shitty immune systems in this corona situation and a scientist guy pointed out that its not as common in areas where people actually consume many foods that have the good bacteria in them.
then he pointed out that it gets harder and harder these days to actually get that kind of food in the western world and he is right.
I used to think that I got some of it through yoghurts, sauerkraut and kefirs but it turns out that they are all cooked too increase their shelf life which completely kills the bacteria in them.
let's just say allowing doctors to invest in pharmaceuticals might not be a good idea
>yeah screw them for being mutilated without their consent
Uncut masterbation even. Its awful that anyone ever though that it was okay to literally chop the nerves off of someones dick like that.
How's that phimosis working out for ya lad?
Kombucha has that gross floaty thing on top ew!
>Must fill in the bubbles
>Only the RIGHT bubbles
>nice round bubbles
>nice neat pencil circles
>inside the lines
>good bubbles
>teacher and mommy said i'm smart
I remember adderall. The dark spot on my brain scan finally corrected itself after cannabis and DMT
>Don't whip Billy for being a brat
>Drug him up instead
I never understood this logic
You mean apple cider vineager right? Yes egg, youre correct.
However thr s..oy lycethine is a quick fix and can be stopped after a month
I had a shit ton of pills when I was a kid they diagnosed me with everything in the book those pills fucked me up big time
See, I love sauerkraut and probiotic yogurt. Saurkraut is just this amazing salty pickle flavor. One time I put pickles in my sauerkraut and it was so sour it made my whole mouth tingle, it kind of hurt my parotid glands though because it stimulated them so much it made my jaw sting.
I'd literally never heard of it before I came to Yas Forums and interacted with the cutfags
References to lube for masturbation in us media always confused us Europeans
I dont mean it that way. But gotdamn, wtf is the matter with people thinking thats normal to do to children
A lot will. My father was based and rejected all that stuff for my siblings and me.
Phimosis occurs in .02% of the population. Improperly-retracted foreskin is typically user error. You're supposed to play with yourself as you develop, even if not full-on masturbation.
Fucking kek.
if you need to drug the shit out of kids to make them not be hyperactive in schools then maybe its an issue with the school not the kid
I wonder who has something to gain from prescribing a fuckton of drugs to children
Anti depressants at age 10
Now 31 still on em. Grew up around the time all those new pharma commercials were fucking with our overprotective momZ
I just take solace in knowing I was a baby and can't remember it being done. Anything involving cutting directly into nerve lidocaine or not is excruciating.
Yep same. That shit fucked me up when I was a kid. Made me a brainless complacent zombie.
The ENTIRE time from a third person perspective youre being the quietest most well behaved student.
How would I know faggot?
Any vinegar, it's all acetic acid. Even rice and balsamic would work. Don't use terms like 'emulsifier' if you're this much of a chemistry brainlet.
Oh I do. Dad's dead but I take good care of my mom.
I assume that most American children do not, just the ones that post here and weebs in general?
i unironically blame those drugs for the current tranny epidemic
Have you considered the stretching technique to at least simulate foreskin?
Confront your parents for letting it happen. They were adults when the allowed it to happen to you