Yas Forums can’t destroy that which it created, and secretly loves. Trans is heritage.

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Other urls found in this thread:


we were just kidding tho lol

me in the back

Mental illness

>we were just kidding tho lol

She was a Yas Forums thing before Yas Forums existed.


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Did you suck any feminine penis user?!

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Why bitches like to paint her or "her" nails black?

Bailey has milked the whole linetrap fame for years, without really having to do hardcore scenes with other men. I Think he's been married to the same dude for like a decade.

yes, faggot ... ?

Because they're edgy and "dark." You're just a shallow normie so wouldn't even begun to understand the profundity of their rebellious actions.

God I wish that were me.

As a tranny who has been here since 2015, I can understand where the hate comes from. I get it, you see these degenerate super manly dudes claiming to be women trying to get into womens bathrooms, throwing temper tantrums at gamestop, fucking over womens sports, fucking over video games and other media. The thing is that you have to keep in mind that these people are a very vocal minority, they do not represent us. Most of us know we can't literally change our sex, we will always stay biologically the same, we just want to feel comfortable in our bodies. Its a fucked up brain birth defect, there is no actual cure and all we can do is do our best to alleviate the shitty feelings of dysphoria (if you mention primozide im going to ask you to learn to read). If you want to hate me for being like this, its ok. If you want to call me a he, thats ok too.All in all, i know i will always be biologically male, but living like this and taking female hormones has helped me to feel a lot better mentally and i wouldn't trade it for the world.

I just want you to know that we really are not all like that and if you do not like it when all white men are labelled as school shooters, incels, cucks, etc etc, you will understand why we also don't like to be judged on the actions of others. I cannot control other trannies, I cant make them stop their degeneracy and their subversive tactics. I have tried, god have I tried, but they are in bed with social media companies and (((them))) so it seems insurmountable to even do anything. Anytime i point out how shitty they are acting in most trans spaces I am instantly banned, harassed, doxxed, etc etc.

No matter what the replies to this, I will not hate you, I will not judge you, and I hope you all stay safe in these troubling times. Protect the white race.

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Based. I had those same Sony over-ear clip headphones.

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is that photo from a recent somethingawful goon meet

Fuck, yeah.

>I'm not like the other girls, honest
Ignoring the fact this is pasta, you might be a legit tranny. You have all the female bullshit down.

>Tldr and gay

Your fetish is not a gender and some among you are imposing that fetish on others who have a different sexuality than yours. If you stop them from doing this then you can normalize in your own demographic segments as has always been done with alternative lifestyles. The lines between standing your ground for your identity and the attempt to impose it on the rest of society (who was not even paying attention to you) must be unblurred.

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PS Fuck Canada

Yas Forums has always known this to be true.

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it's really not that long of a read, I expect better of you ;)

Show your asshole

get well soon


trannys are some of the most pro white people you will ever meet desu

Also the white men are all fags shit is statistically insignificant. The trannies are all retarded is. That’s the difference cunt.

I only like the passable ones

>Post pasta
>Someone fucks with you
>Play out being a bashful girl

How fucking lonely are you user?

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Do it cunt. I already know who you are.

>TL;DR - I gave into the demands of the demon, my soul is destroyed, but it was worth it to feel comfy

I want to put many blonde children in the blonde girl.
>those pigtails
>those slender arms
>that catholic school outfit

thank you user
its not a pasta, i typed the whole thing out. i havent slept well this week so im kind really sleep deprived right now and semi hellucination. not that lonely desu.

what letter does my name start with

That’s a dude you fag.

fuck off shitdick

crossdressing = based
actually believing you're a girl and taking hormones = fucking kill yourself

You are the canadian tranny cunt. I guess who caught the virus from your 16 way the other night. It starts with an E.

Alex Jones doesn’t hate.

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those are low quality traps, you people need to up your game

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I am canadian but i didnt catch any virus and my name doesnt start with E. you might have me confused with a different canadian tranny

Just show your ass then dude. Get it over with. Gonna attention whore? Just show us something bro. You obviously like this shit.

But traps aren't gay if you think its a girl right?


When did Yas Forums become a shitty version of the old/b/?

Yas Forums doesn't secretly love trannys. It ironically loves trannys for keks. Yas Forums secretly loves asians.

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Now that I think about this, it's kind of funny. So this was before Bailey began using hormones, because he was flashing his flat chest to the crowd and saying "it's ok, I'm a boy." So here's a gay dude who gets to go to a con and dress up as a female character and be out in public for once. Then when the photos and vids began spreading, and the name linetrap was coined, he suddenly had this massive following to cash in on. That's when the transition begins, and the porn career starts. It would be interesting to see an alternate world where Bailey never got that kind of attention, and if he had just remained a no-name closeted homo.

tits or gtfo
oh wait...nvm...

>Trans is heritage.

Bahahahaha.. Heritage? Trans is a mental illness. No wonder you sexually confused fucks keep committing suicide.

Get bent, you worthless child molester.

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>Protect the white race.
How much seed does one need to pump into your boipussy before you help with that anyway?

im not here for attention

im 36C tyvm
never know till we try

Yes you are. You’ve shown a picture of yourself. May as well just show your ass or some shit and get it over with. You are absolutely here for attention and your little games don’t work here. Show something or fuck off.

>the uggo beside bailey makes her 10 times hotter

Yeah totally not here for attention right? You are. You love it.

Would desu

transgenderism is eugenic
failed males take girl pills, chads reproduce
where is the problem


Yeah I’ve heard that one before. You are larping as usual. Show your asshole or fuck off.

That tranny thinks he is Haruhi

>posted 5 months ago

I'd hit it. With the business end of a golf club

“I’m not begging for attention”

yuck cunt

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I hate always being right

>Show your asshole
>Just show your ass then dude
>May as well just show your ass
I have a suspicious that user might not be entirely heterosexual.

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I'm MtF trans and I reject it, I accept that I was a victim of Jewish ideological subversion and although my body is fucked I have redpilled all my friends and family on the JQ and run NatSoc tranny discords where I try to reclaim wayward tranners from the left and redpill them.

So fuck you, OP. It's not real, you fell for the meme. Stop making these threads trying to get Yas Forumsacks to accept your fuckup. You have to accept you are the one who fucked up if you ever want to attempt to operate or contribute anything in an objective sphere.

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what am i gonna do post a new one every thread? no reason to record new ones when the old ones work just fine

>So fuck you, OP
I am not OP. perhaps you should spend less time larping and more time in basic reading comprehension courses

Sorry bro, keep fighting the good fight.

Don't feel to down on yourself, you still have a lot to give to the world, we need more good people like you.

Show your asshole fag.

okay leaf

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kys zoomer scum

chr*stcucks and their literally jewish religion