Check out this video here of Chinese students in Australia who support the Governent of China and the decisions regardless of how evil their actions are. Scary stuff.
Chinese communist students in australia
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Get rid of these dirty chinks.
I've heard how shitty they are towards the aussies.
Wow, it's so cool how those Chinese girls can breathe through their nose so easily and silently. I would love to cuddle with those girls and caress their noses as they sleep, as they silently and easily breathe through their nose.
Not a single Australian in this video.
wheres that consulate bullwhip guy.
he would clear those insects out in a hurry
Btw guys, race genuinely doesn't matter, my concern is primarily with ideology. However these sorts of attitudes by foreigners are a direct result of mass immigration of a certain ethnicity, as they aren't able to assimilate and integrate in to the host country.
What? I'm just commenting on how they have an amazing ability to breathe through their nose...
Kys civic nationalist cuck, to deny race realism is to deny reality
nigga what!!???
this sounds a lot of jewish talk to me boy
I think he has a breathe through the nose fetish.
Deport the Yellow Menace from Western countries. Fuck these chink bugs.
>non-whites arguing with other non-whites in a white man's nation
just another day in kike world
>race genuinely doesn't matter
that's why one gave the world the understanding of the cell and atom, the internet and electricity... and another never even discovered the wheel
fuck off you melbournian kike rat sage
How did you know I'm a Melbournian?
as retarded as going to europe and askin americans why the US is shit
you're fucked in the head
Who cares about these retards.
CCP Propaganda is a hoot ain't it?
The interviewer is a Jew. The Jews open borders are solely responsible for the spread of the disease. And Jewish centalisation is the cause of economic ruin (Faggots cause more disease than Chinese eating tigers or whatever)
They're brainwashed, they're very happy their country is doing well, they don't care that 30 million or whatever fucked up number it was it took to get them to where they are. They don't care if another 30 million has to die because they believe their party is making the best decision in its own interest and thus the interest of the people. If you ask them if it's kind of crazy that their government can snatch people out of their home they won't even consider for a split second that it's an infringement on human rights, only that it is the best choice. Even if they're making a decent case about social distancing or flattening the curve or whatever you want to call it, they won't even consider for a second what it might be like to have their kid or husband forcefully removed from their home.
Our schools and shit are all fucked up they think we should give more money to the government, that government will fix it and so on and on and on.
Its probably the guy in the video posting this, famous jewish infiltrator
they are right though
>having an ethnostate is evil
then why do you whites want it so bad?
Are those what australians look like?
China used to be ruled by Scythians. The Jews revolts forced us to scale back so they now have no leaders only their Chinese working class
Avi or as he should be known Q-Avi was trying to get some asian poontang but those girls were too tired cause I had been rooting them all night the day before. So they were still under my dickspell.
Fucken melbourne cunt. Im gonna drink some veebs cunt yeah ccaaaarrnn''t knock off connnesssss
As a native, i find this shit hilarious coming from an american but eh, who cares if it took killing 70 millions to get where you are right. Doesnt matter how many women and children gotta glass right?
Hurr durr chinese brainwashed says the fucking dumerican
10/10 would read again
They're loyal to their race and nation. Admirable if they weren't so stupid.
I would give her a good rogering then send her back
if i had the exact same life but my ancestry was african instead of european, what % different would I be do you think?
Chinese from mainland China will never say anything bad against China. Even people from Hong Kong that I've studied and worked with are reluctant to say publicly what they know to be true. People of Hong Kong for instance are well aware of Tiananmen Square Massacre incident. Many mainland Chinese are completely unaware of it, particularly the younger generation. Also the Chinese were studying corona viruses to transfer to humans. Why the fuck would anyone want to do that?
im genuinely asking what percentage
>if i had a completely different genetic structure resulting in different hormones and intelligence how different would my life be
why aren't you just guessing a percentage? 20%? 50%? 100%?
Don't post the kike here again please
>chinese people with aussie accents
clown world
Go back to Siberia
This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:
>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.
>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.
>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.
>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all or drive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink is a dead one.
>This is just your threadly reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:
Damn, that's based. Sounds like we have a lot to learn from them.
Not this kike again.
>live under an oppressive regime that has a social credit score and the largest mass surveillance network ever in the history of mankind
>they even give you a social credit score to grade how well you kiss commie ass
>the highest paid positions are in the government
>business cannot function without the consent of the government if not outright owned by them
>if you step out of line not only do they punish you, but your family as well
>a brown person sticks a mic and camera into the face of a Chinese person
>who is probably a spy posing as a student to steal trademarks and research data, plug a USB drive full of spyware into every PC they see, and spread the coronavirus
>she praises the red chinese commie government
Well geez, color me fucking shocked.
You would die from Vitamin D deficiency or Sickle Cell Anemia. You would have to expand the Jew government to take care of you. You would not be the same person
>You would die from Vitamin D deficiency or Sickle Cell Anemia.
This doesnt make sense because I live in Australia and STILL no one has guessed a percentage
There you go faggot.
A correct-thinking society would militantly remove such invaders. They are owed no tolerance for their views or characteristics. They are there at the suffering of natives. The moment the natives decide to suffer them no longer they're within their rights - even duty - to remove them.
Stop being autistic
>jew makes videos to make whitey hate china so whitey will fight china
Nah, fuck off kike. You are the enemy.
>plug a USB drive full of spyware into every PC they see
>Scary stuff
not really. They are just brainwashed. Thankfully that level of brainwashing causes them to severely lack the ability for independent thought, lateral thought, ingenuity, etc. So they really arnt that much of a threat.
>enters your land
>changed your laws to better suit their needs
>will not be intimidated
>already has the advantage of strength through numbers
Sounds like you need to assimilate to the stronger tribe to survive.
Are you implying they don't?
Yeah. My wife is of Chinese heritage. Refugees from Vietnam after the war.
They fucking hate communists. Like HATE.
they wouldn't even vote for our nice little local party because they had socialism in their platform.
Race is irrelevant.
In the original clip an old chinese man comes up and whispers in their ear and they all immediatly start ignoring the interviewer. Don't know why they cut that bit out.
i've just never seen convincing evidence that someone's race has more of an impact on someone's behaviour than culture and environment.
Just trying to get a gauge of how much of an impact race makes.
Interesting that you think the % is that high, I would guess more like 5-10%
>Chicoms infiltrate your society by saying they "I just care about ideology, let me in bro."
>After they gain a critical mass they begin slowly ensuring you can't speak out about them.
>After that they begin initiating their ingroup preferences in business, cornering markets.
>They use their new economic power to change your laws to better suit them.
>They make more money from this and use it to influence your politics.
>"Only ideology matters bro."
Either become an ally or leave, you're just a soft spot to exploit by more tribalistic groups.
Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.
You're welcome.
C O P E you seething westerners
China will WIN!
Communism will WIN!
Shitskin detected.