What do dads on here think about tik tok and its effects on society?

If your daughter has a phone and internet connection it's absolutely certain that shes whoring herself out right now by posting videos dancing and showing off her body to get older males attention on apps like that right now. Especially during quarantine.
>b-b-but my daughter is pure aryan white whamins
>s-she would never do things like that you incel!
okay please prove me wrong then, check her phone right now and look for the app tik tok, i can promise you that your daughter is a little slut and you're just another simp in denial.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The slut better marry some rich cunt so i don't have to pay for her anymore.

My kids have flip phones.

>posting videos dancing and showing off her body to get older males attention
not if you over feed her

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My dad was an absent father and I didn’t turn out to be a whore. I wonder what it is specifically that causes girls to do this. Low Iq? Hopefully I have kids, and if I do, they definitely won’t be allowed on social media. Interested to see some of your thoughts on parenting. I’m sure there are some great fathers on this site.

This user is smart

Maybe you don't have a hot body?

>My dad was an absent father and I didn’t turn out to be a whore
bull shit
i bet you have had more dicks in your ass than i have had hot dinners

Send toe pics

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What’s a hot body? 32-25.5-36.5 Are my measurements. I’m 5”6’ and 115 lb. Natural dark blonde hair and light eyes.

Society glorifies whores which makes girls want to be whores.

I have a Roman toe. Also quarantine means no pedi. Also... no lol

that's a big fucking leaf

No it made me distrustful of males and I didn’t want to be used. Lost my virginity a few days before my 21st. I’m 25 now. Have no sex life or romantic life. Slowly coming to terms with the fact I’ll hit the wall soon and never have a family. O well


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Think it depends a lot on their friends and peers they associate with. Although I guess that's a choice too so you could also ask why some decide to subject themselves to shitty people and bad influences, while others don't.

But t. kissless virgin with no experience raising kids, so take my opinion for whatever it's worth.

Sorry man you'll actually attract more negros to her that way

Don't worry leafbabe, come on down to rural heartland America to my autismo quarantine fortress. You can wear comfy socks and eat mac & cheese.

>give child a device capable of accessing all streams of degeneracy
>surprised when they become degenerates

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How is this different from anything else on the internets? If it's not tic toc, it's vine, or snapchat etc. Ffs, what about Yas Forums?

One that is fit.

I’m corona positive. I’ll save your balls so you can reproduce. Thanks for the invite though. I don’t eat Mac and cheese but Rural heartland sounds comfy. Stay safe :)

Future dad here, 911 was fake

stfu nigger

I lift and was working on putting muscle before they shut down gyms and I got sick. I have good genetics I think.

Based father. People are people, women are women. What do you all expect? Society encourages women to be whores. I have never met a woman who does not listen to the TV. Then beta males listen to women who parrot the TV.

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I only have sons
so I dont giv a tik tok fuk

You'd be surprised at how many people dream of banging a corona positive person. It actually increases your sex appeal.

Curious about that picture user. Is it some Fort or prison? It looks kind of similar to one here in Ireland.

Exactly, I don't own the bitch she can do whatever the fuck she wants and if that turns out to be a mistake then she will learn a valuable life lesson won't she?

ok simp
some island fort in america thats abandoned. super pretty right?

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I have this theory bros. Men lead and women follow biologically. Therefore if men did not encourage whorish behaviour and glorify degeneracy, women would not be as degenerate either. Isn't it hypocritical to bang as many women as possible and later want a virgin qt wife?

Your son will only have whores to chose as partners, But, that’s right, you don’t give a tik tok fuk.

If you're prepared to actually disown her and follow through, that might work. Otherwise, you're running a very high risk of raising Tyrone's bastard.

what do you think a daughter is?
Some breeding bitch that you can control?
No wonder your daughters hate you and fuck old men, Thems some bad daddy issues you are producing.

tik tok is a maget for pedophiles, as well as being Chinese spyware. the app is known for removing videos of women with big tits but keeping 15 year olds dancing in bikinis and there was also some thing about them refusing to remove a known predator despite tons of outcry. id delete it lol

You do somewhat own her. You can't let her do whatever she wants. You are there to guide her.

Agreed up until your final question.
Technically, yeah, it is hypocritical. But considering that women only desire men that are sexually successful with other women, how are you going to get a virgin qt3.14 without fucking other girls? You won't. Or, if you do, she's going to start thinking you're beta and that she could do better during her last ditch Alpha reinterest phase. Read The Rational Male.

>What do you think a daughter is?
>Some breeding bitch that you can control?
yes, daughters are exactly that.

>giving your teenager a phone with a camera
you get what you deserve.

"I totally don't have mental health issues" -- said the person posting on Yas Forums

It reminds me a bit of Spike Island over here, once the biggest prison in the world but originally built as a Fort. A good place to visit.


No that’s standard male reproductive strategy. Modern women just fell for the meme that they can be the same as men. As for men influencing women to be less degenerate, I’m not sure it’s possible. Most men will want access to sex and not think of the moral or societal implications. Women are biologically the gatekeepers of sex, not men. Women need to police women or educate them on the perils of whoredom... or a societal reset which forces us back to traditional roles. I think once this generation gets burned, ie ends up old sad and alone, the other generations will wisen up, and it seems like they already are.

Your guidance already failed if that is what she is doing.
Tell me how that goes for you when she is cooked on drugs, has had 17 abortions and currently lives in a psych ward and dribbles when spoken to.


Women are subhuman animals, sluttok has nothing to do with this degeneracy

I definitely have mental health issues but they don’t involve whoring myself out. I do see a therapist to resolve these issues because self improvement and health are important to me. I want to have a family, be a good partner and raise healthy strong kids.

nb4 simpcels start asking for your discord and kik

But wouldn't you be contributing to degeneracy and help women become whores by sleeping with multiple women?

you're right. i have a daughter and i'm going to teach her to take advantage of dumb simps that will throw their money and resources at her. you just have to make sure she knows the game. you wouldn't teach your son not to be aggressive or to try and out maneuver situations. the vast majority of women are whores and can't figure out why they're not happy. at least raise a woman that knows what a whore is and how to toe the line.

Post asshole

Sometimes I think that the younger generation will get disillusioned by the western sexual marketplace at just the right time for Islam to offer an alternative. It's not an outcome I'm happy about, but it seems very plausible.

Show tits

A daughters purpose is to give you grandchildren.

Alright come on down to Hongcouver and I'll put some blue eyed blonde shitlords into you

Goddammit That’s it! IVE HAD IT WITH DEGENERACY!! Women are objects and should be in constant servitude and not be fucking gold-digging morons!! Women need to get back into the kitchen and be more faithful. Maybe Islam is the answer after all and women in the west must be RADICALLY SUBJUGATED TO ISLAMIC LAW!! Sharia Inshallah Salam alaikum YALLAH YALLAH

what? what are you even on about?
you come in here and admit that your daughter is a slut, now you're angry at men who disagree with that stance and then start making random strawman predictions. fucking retard. no more responses to you.
the absolute state of white knights. like i cant even meme you, you're doing it yourself.

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tiktok is filled with soulness virtue signalling celebrities, ethots, and coomsumer scum... most likely if shes been using the app long enough you've already failed to do your job as a parent

What the fuck is kik?
To some degree, but again, it’s your natural reproductive strategy. Women chose to be whores, if it’s not you it will be someone else. It’s not like all men will suddenly shun women with low morals. Men secretly love sluts, as long as there are enough innocent women to actually fulfil the wife role.
There is an ideological vacuum in the west, and it’s a matter of time before Islam takes advantage of it. Vapid and shallow “individualism” will only go so far. People will start searching for something meaningful and find solace in Islam because it provides everything we are missing - community, family, etc. It’s sad. Women will be the first to sell themselves back into subjugation.

Don't hate on the player, instead you should hate on the game.

How come all simps look the same? Balding head, wears glasses, sht jawline with a mild case of gynecomastia. I'm starting to think that simping is biological.

Daddy issues come in all shapes and colours, Yours made you think you aren't good enough to be a whore so much so that you are basically a sexless 25 year old.

Why do I feel like we’ve spoken before...

>What the fuck is kik?
An app that you'll send me pictures of your titties on.

I didn't say that you wouldn't be contributing to degeneracy or that it's good. I even agreed to your bullshit "hypocritical" label, as if men and women are judged the same anyway, just to humor you.
I dated an adorable virgin church girl who wore a promise ring her preacher daddy gave her. She had been in multiple relationships before and never did more than kiss. I had that bitch suck me off on my parent's front lawn and I fucked her. She gave me the promise ring as a trophy. All of your idealized virgin qts will do this with someone, and if you are dumb enough to fall for the "waiting for marriage" meme, she's just going to see you as too nice, weak, and beta to be worthy. She'll either break up with you or cuck you, or marry you, THEN realize you're too beta, start to wonder if you are really the best she can do just before her looks expire and she hits The Wall, and THEN KEK YOU. You may not like it, but that's the sexual marketplace we live in now. Wake up and READ THE RATIONAL MALE.

Every woman has a whore inside her. I just rarely find anyone interesting enough to develop feelings and feel safe with to have sex and explore that side.