HAPPENING: We have peaked

The number of new coronavirus cases has peaked! We have officially flattened the curve. Doomers BTFO.


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Deaths also peaked and declining now.

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Pretty easy to flatten the curve when your country is out of test kits moron.

Wow, it was a nothingburger all along.


>citation required

If we are out of test kits then how did they confirm new cases today? Don't think too hard.

We arent out of them but we do have a very limited amount and you cant just go and get tested for coofing.

Dumb fuck just about every country worldwide is out of test kits, What is the criteria for being tested?
Because i doubt you could get tested unless you were dying of pneumonia right now.

>what is wave 1
The Wu Flu isn't going away for the better part of this year senpai, better buckle up for the ride.

>he doesnt know about second wave incoming


That's a measurement of testing, not cases. We're all still gonna die.

why did deaths skyrocket two days ago?

Every model predicts the U.S. to peak within the next 2-7 days, so it's not any surprise things are starting to stall out a bit.

This meme virus will be forgotten by May.

you been saying that for days ching chong

Maybe you’re broke ass country

>just two more weeks guise!!!!

deaths lag behind new cases about a week

As soon as the government lifts lockdown the numbers will skyrocket again

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This peak doesn't look very peak like. I'd give it a few more weeks. It'll undoubtedly die down as we are starting to crest but I think we're in for many more months of closed non-essential services.

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Neither of our countries can get them, the countries making them are keeping them for themselves...
This is what happens when both of our countries move all of our industry to China then ban trade with China.

Hey got any hand sanitizer mate? Oy forgot mate. The chinaroos took all your supplies. Sorry love

No country has done more testing than the US. Over 2 million tests.

they pretty much only tested people with symptoms bad enough to require hospitalisation already. this is consistent globally. this makes the decay in new cases everywhere a pretty reliable indicator that infections peaked between one to three weeks ago depending on the country.

Congrats amerimutts, time to end the quarentine!. Go ahead and trow a party don't forget to hug and kiss as many people as you can!.

Prepare for second wave!

That is less in percentage than Australia has done...


This is unironically how easy of lives boomers had. I want you to screenshot this thread. This is actually how the boomer extrapolates data. Working at a factory for an equivalent of $35 an hour compared to purchasing power made them think they were just super smart bootstraps. Holy shit man. If that’s actually how you think trends work it’s time to go back to your facebook page. What an easy life you had.

I bet it was tough testing all 10 of you

Still testing has greatly improved. Looks like we can fully open the economy by summer.

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we have done 323k tests.

Its just getting started in India. That graph isn't going to peak anytime soon.

The percentages are the important part. Not that it matters because they're only testing critically ill, healthcare workers, and the at risk everywhere anyway. ie: people that practice social distancing, proper hygiene due to proximity of infected, and old folks who are isolared right now anyway. Expects numbers for young people infected & hospitalized to rise (as recent news has constantly pointed out) simply due to the fact that the general population isn't being tested and the young think it's a boomer disease (which it is) so they mingle more regardless of quarantine orders.

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Change in report coding. Anyone who dies and the doctor THINKS they may have had coronavirus gets added. Heart attack and cough gets a COVID19 code.

if we have a second wave it'll be a direct consequence of social distancing and lockdown policies. the big brained move would've been to only isolate the seriously at risk (the sick, frail and elderly) while allowing the virus to contact the rest of us with about as much chance of dying as winning the lottery. that way we limit deaths while also reaching herd immunity. this lockdown may have limited the spread so much we're only 50% of the way to herd immunity guaranteeing another wave at some point.

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Christfags are so retarded lol. Nothing matters! Not even my own kids! I won’t be around when the country is 30% white who cares?!

Sorry, should have mentioned I was speaking about western countries. US is improving in a relative sense. Canada is actually doing really well aside from our

>destroyed economy

Biggest hurdle coming up for both of us will be PPE & ventilators and we won't let you down as far as raw material goes.

India is turbo fucked.

Here, have some thottery.

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I’m sure that’s taken way out of context

Funny how they’re all saying this is going to be a very bad week when it’s actually been a very good week.

Yes you have. It's all downhill from now.

its not

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Unless the cases are only slowing down because of the lockdowns

Most infections not even detected as symptoms could be mild or non-existent but still jump to grandma and doom her ass.

He's not wrong.

Kek we'd still have to lock away a good chunk of the workforce because of how fat everyone is

Yes the lockdowns are working. The United States will start to look like South Korea by the end of the month.

Based, christcucks btfo

So what happens when we end the lockdown? Seems like well be right back to square one unless now people are ok with however many people are going to die.

Second wave incoming> Prepare doomers because the end is nigh

>Pretty easy to flatten the curve when your country is out of test kits moron.

You need a test kit to check if they are dead?

Deaths declining.....

No bro, eternity lasts forever, much better to die in a nigger world and live in heaven than to have to live with the trannys, faggots, and niggers you hate for all eternity

doesnt change the fact that we will resist the jewish satanic cult, but your soul man, your soul.

>The number of new coronavirus cases has peaked! We have officially flattened the curve. Doomers BTFO.

Poop. Poo poo, ca ca, pee pee, pooo.

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Which means there aren't enough cases that are severe enough to warrant testing.

>just 2 more weeks bro
No, we're tired of listening to your kind. There will be no second wave. This isn't 1918.


>2 more weeks bro
Nah, I'm good. Cope harder.

Bullshit. Do any of you actually KNOW anyone with the virus? Huh? Didn't think so.

>herd immunity
Why should I have to go to work when everyone else is relaxing at home? Mr. Shekelburg can peddle his stock market somewhere else.

You're already living a niggerfied world so why don't you kill yourself if that life isn't worth living

We'll never leave lock down. Drones will deliver Taco Bell and marijuana at regular intervals. The Federal Reserve will deposit 1million$ into your account each month. It'll be great, and best of all, we will all be rich.

Nothing will happen because the virus will be gone. Just look at China. They are back at work and everyone is going about their normal lives again.

Like flu season?

Take a harder look at that death chart and tell me deaths are declining. You can argue the daily cases is flattening, but daily deaths are skyrocketing. There was a massive jump just 2 days ago, it will continue to climb.

It’s not going to be an issue outside of big cities.

Every time you retards say it peaks a couple days later you’re proven wrong

Let's see how long they stay "open"

But new cases are declining. Death rate will go down too soon enough once hospitals are no longer overwhelmed.

That's where half the country lives though

retard, the "rest of us" only have such a low chance of dying because under these conditions the best care/treatment is available for healthy/youg people. In your scenario the hospitals would be overflowed and death rate would be significantly high for young.

Well I am supposed to have risen on Easter so it's a good of a bet as any as to when this whole shebackle will end... However I was also crucified on Good Friday maybe that is a better date. Then again maybe none of that will even matter and it will all be ignored. Gee this is annoying being out of the loop like this.

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The numbers are so low that it’s very unlikely and besides does China really give a shit if the virus kills millions of people?

right, I believe you

the charts, like in china, will start to look more and more fantasy based, and then like in china it will keep flaring up and governments around the world will compete with each other to see who can put on the most obviously fake show about whose economy is recovering first while mass graves, like those in iran and other countries, are dug

Then end the quarantine you nothingburger idiot.

suace right fucking now

so annyoing when u r stupid and dont know shit but still have unorthodox/contrary views like this

a political cartoonist could combine donald trumps hairline with a chinese chart and title it "flatten the curve"

More people die from the flu than this virus. Still not deadly.

>any day now says the increasingly nervous doomer for the 100th time this month

N-N-NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! J-J-JUST TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Do any of you actually KNOW anyone with the virus? Huh? Didn't think so.
Yes fuckface

>The number of new coronavirus cases has peaked!
Nigger, how much of the country is on lockdown? We've 'peaked' as long as people don't get out and spread the virus, nimrod.

statistically irrelevant, needs to maintain for 2 weeks. Good start thought.

The peak already came.

The virus didn't go away so unless 80% have already caught it it's guaranteed to come back


>it will continue to climb.
No it won't. Deaths are a lagging indicator. The daily cases stabilizing means the deaths are also on track to peak within a few days.

Maybe for new York where the bulk of our cases are

Number of cases and deaths increase every day.

"Were flattening the curve".

Only Americans could be this fucking stupid.

Deaths/day should peak 2-3 weeks after cases/day peak

So.. would that mean we should let lower risk individuals out of quarantine?
Otherwise we won't ever hit that 80%, right?

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Number of new cases are going down. The death role will be far lower than 100,000. Probably not even 50,000.

infections peaked most places in the world in the last one to three weeks.
>unorthodox/contrary views like this
nigger this is literally what non-shill epidemiologists have been saying forever. unironcally kill yourself.

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