How do we realistically fix women anons?

How do we realistically fix women anons?

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There is nothing wrong with women. They are working as intended, when men stop restraining them and permit them to do whatever they want.

Get fit, have a decent paying job, find a young one.

Easy to say, not extremely difficult to do.

by fixing men
fixing society
just give up faggot

You don't

gene editing

they can't be fixed

Men have to stop holding men to a standard for how they treat women.

Women’s liberation can only be facilitated by men. The longer it goes on the longer women have a false sense of accomplishment and entitlement

This is a meme
>B-but you have to create a family ha checkmate Yas Forumstards
I god damn hate amerigoblins do you realize how tiny whites are? making children wouldn't negate the effects of immigrants pouring in and breeding like rabbits or we need immigration ban then breeding programs or is that too much for McDonald's brain to handle?

That photo is like a dream. I should print it out and keep it in my wallet.

So alone.

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Stfu roastie

Stop falling for shit tests. Stop simping. Stand up for yourself.

fuck off kike

Islam. Savage beatings. Chastity belts that kill the wearer unless removed with the correct key and 16 digit passcode.

How did you get I was a roastie from that comment? Are you an idiot? I'm saying that this is how women act when men don't control them. Women aren't broken, they're just unrestrained.


She's built for BBC

women are literally the same as they have always been, they are followers, they need strong respectable men in their lives to shepherd them in the right path but right now all they have is numales, incels, and destructive instant gratification fueled social trends

Its easy, impregnate them. Hormones take care of the rest.

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okay here's the deal anons, I have a very good friend who's good with women and he pointed some things out to me that I was not previously aware of.

Women first go for strong men, men with good sized muscles, so get in shape first.

Then exhibit fatherly attributes, get yourself a small puppy or cat because they're cute, show that you can take care of them and love them, women go for this and it is good that they do because they want a man who can be a good father, so you have to show that side of yourself to them, I think a lot of you have that in you naturally so it needs to be shown to be known ya know? Give the women what they naturally crave and they will flock to you.

A good man is willing and knows how to take care of those in need.

Be good in bed. Get them addicted to the good dick.

Impregnation alone doesn't solve shit:

See: Single moms

Find one that isnt good awful to begin with then have children with her. Being a mother puts a deep and abiding love and loyalty into a good womens sole. I live for my husband and my children

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Seize control of the media from the left. The problem will fix itself in a few generations.

by ignoring them

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isn't that the answer then? Give women, NOT birth control, which fucks up their ability to think and function, but pregnancy hormones, starting at the age of 16-18? Or maybe they need the post pregnancy hormones (after post partum depression). Would women actually be able to bond with a man if she was taking the hormones that allow her, if she were a mother, to bond with her child? Maybe have them take oxytocin too?

Men have to become men and the problem will resolve itself.

Be a strong, confident, independent man who doesn't need her approval to justify his existence. That is the most persuasive argument you can present to her. They'll come around.

you incels are a goddamned joke. Also the fucking nutcases going on about creating a faimil.. whatever. Fuck all of that.. the main purpose of men today is get their dicks wet. Fuck them all..blacks, mexicans, the mentally retarded, etc. If it has a hole ...fuck it. Just don't seed it.. use dat hat.



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I bet your husband's a good man because you're a beautiful woman with a beautiful child. You two should breed more, a lot more, I want to see an army of beautiful white children come from you both.
I'm rooting for you guys, keep our race going, stay loyal to your man.

you don't fix them, you beat them into submission

Kill yourself

>j-just give up goy! Don’t even try!
Just like clockwork


I just had our 4th a few months ago. I'd love to have more. Being a mother makes me so happy. I know my husband feels a lot of pressure from it though, it's a big responsibility providing for a large family. We both love our children and our race, so I wouldn't say more is totally out of the cards. All 4 of ours are girls, 3 blonds with blue eyes and one red head with green. I'd love to try for a boy.

That literally looks like my son lol

Lots of super masculine men have daughters.... Lots of daughters. What's up with that?

beautiful and inspiring image

Strong men and a masculine society

By being better men. That and probably removing niggers and nigger culture from society

Get rid of social media

Sounds... disappointing

This is how women act when they are emancipated. It doesn't matter how you act, if women have rights, they do the things they're doing.

I dont know! You are totally right though, my husband is 6'2" like 230 lbs very masculine and all girls lol. My grandparents had 6 girls before their 7th was finally a boy and my grandpa was a big strapping guy too. It's so funny how that works out. I think it has to do with ovulation and time of conception

It's crazy huh.
Well good for you hun!
Keep it up. Hope you and your family stay healthy during and after this insanity.

Thank you so much, best wishes for you as well

Don't leave it once you impregnate it retard. you have to pick one that isn't ruined.

Basically the only way you can go wrong is if you don't read the DSM criteria for personality disorders.

Every father should show his son this when he turns 15.

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I’m having my first child! Husband is a Nigerian tho. So you probably hate me

Either this is a small woman in pic or big ass child

>implying women need to be fixed
This is why you're an incel

You guessed right, now head down to the abortion office

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>wants women to be tradwomen
>everytime one reveals their existence anons demand she do slutty shit
What does Yas Forums mean by this?

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Cringe , imagine being this much of an incel

Letting woman into any male dominated group is a mistake.

The point is, women aren't supposed to be here at all, nigger.

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We tried that they don’t learn until they’re 40 and dried up

Unbraid that hair and take off that gold.

The BBC will fix them

>We tried that
Most men have not tried that.

there is no fix for broken people

they have to die off

It's not a dream, it will be yours.

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>Ignore women
>Millions of shitskin men come into country
>said shitskins fuck said women that are ignored
>Replaced in one generation.

Give them unlimited amount of BBC

Keep them off the internet
Don't let them consume mass media
Homeschool them and only let them be around other homeschool kids.
Decent dose of religion

Will fix a lot of the problems

kick them in the cunt when the least expect it

Good for you. Remember to spell ‘soul’ correctly. Make more babies.

Yeah until she decides she feels "unfulfilled" and ruins you.

Literally what?You're just strawmanning now

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>how do you fix something that doesn't think logically and has the mind of a child
Beating them is literally the only way to make them listen, it doesn't need to be a full on bloodbath though, a simple pimp slap is enough most of the time. Biggest lie the kikes ever pushed on the west was telling us that violence is never the answer. Especially when women love to mentally/verbally abuse men and children, the only thing men have is the physical advantage because most men don't have the evil in them to say the shit women do

Maybe try not letting shitskins into your country.

Yes it's that user that decides who does and doesn't enter his country. There's definitely no shitskins entering America by the hundreds every day too user, no need to take a fucking look at your own country. Gain some self awareness you autist

The left...oh right, yea the left.....

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With a red pill like that, you can stay syrupnigger.

>There's definitely no shitskins entering America by the hundreds every day too user,
When did I say that? Why are you so mad?

Make them grow up in a country with traditional/loyal values from a young age, social shame infidelity, teach them that career is not #1. These women still exist, just not in America.

This wouldnt happen homognous countires

This, baby black cock will solve everything.

This. Beating is wrong! You wouldn't beat your kids, so you shouldn't beat your wife! When you hit your kid, or your horse, or your dog, you do it gently! It's for its own good, not for your sadistic satisfaction! Your wife should be treated the same way! She deserves what is best for her, else, you shouldn't have married and fucked her in the first place.

how does mankind continue to populate you fucking cunt

You should grow you me foreskin back and apologize for the Americans you murdered on 9/11, filthy kike. Now is the best time for you to die

I'm pretty sure babies can't get erections.


shitskins are better than daddy-issue ridden little bitches like you, why do you think women refuse to touch you and your nub?

>daddy-issue ridden little bitches like you
>why do you think women refuse to touch you and your nub?
I've never asked.

There is no fixing women at this point. Just better yourself, work out, get them to come to you, and bury them if they try to pull privilege on you