Am I really seeing you retards rooting for Joe Biden rn? Seriously? Shut the fuck up queers, this faggot pedophile was talking about allowing a never-ending stream of immigration and how it was a good thing that white men of European stalk will become an ABSOLUTE minority in America.
Ryan Rogers
What policy is that? Cutting social services and taxes for the rich? Yeah right bud you´re totally not a right winger false flag.
William King
Yas Forums just wanna watch the world burn you stormfag
Evan Jackson
what do you propose we should do then? How is Biden any better than Trump?
I'm not a stormfag actually, fuck Andrew Anglin and his "muh coronavirus doesn't exist" and race-mixing with asians horse shit, and fuck you too for being a black ass nigger.
long story short is, Yas Forums is not a white board and people were larping as white supremacist (hwndu was pretty diverse) last term because it created the largest mayhem possible in the shortest span of time.
Trump is establishment now and Bernie was a legitimately good choice so Yas Forums will probably do everything it can to elect Biden cause muh counter-culture. Fuck this.
I told you Berniebots that this would happen. Now is the time to listen to Biden. Bernie will endorse him. Your past donations will go to Biden. Regardless of what you think of Biden remember the endgame here. Defeating Trump.
If you dont do as Bernie says and support Biden and donate to him you will be directly responsible for Trump being reelected. All the blood of minorities and POC and marginalized women around the world as well as oppressed and struggling LGBTQ people will be on your hands.
Do as you are told and put your petty beliefs and ideology behind you.
Grow the fuck up and vote for Biden you selfish spoiled millennial cunts.