Just a reminder to all those who have fallen for communist propaganda, that Japan has not once in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
Japan’s entry into the war was purely out of self defence and the defence of its ally Manchukuo and territory Korea against the US backed USSR and communist terrorist groups operating in the Republic of China at the time.
Just a reminder to all those who have fallen for communist propaganda...
Rape of nanking and Ainu genocide
Not a single woman was ever raped by the IJA or IJN, discipline was extremely strict and anyone caught committing any assault of any kind was executed.
Some women in China voluntarily gave themselves to Japanese soldiers and were then pressured into claiming they were raped after the war once the Communists took over the mainland and refused to acknowledge that their women would crave a strong Japanese man instead of an inferior half starved Chinese
>rape of Nanking
Ah yes, the supposed rape of 300K people in a city that only contained 200K people
Chinks aren’t human so it doesn’t count.
Official communist Chinese estimates put the death toll as an estimated 50-300 thousand dead in a city of only 150-300 thousand people. Communist census records show the population of the city as being over 2 million immediately after the war
On the issue of alleged comfort women, the term was widely used to refer to korean prostitutes servicing foreign men. Whether they are american, white or Japanese. In recent days, the term has been used to refer to women that had allegedly been assaulted by Japanese soldiers.
Japanese soldiers did seek the services of Korean comfort women, but these women were prostitutes and any relations that took place between any Japanese and Korean comfort woman were completely consensual
Ok, thanks for the Kurils by the way
Two nations with equal populations, one lives in the worlds largest country, near infinite mineral resources and oil reserves. The other on a tiny island nation too mountainous to even farm on a mass scale on, and yet this race on a tiny island can produce 5 times the wealth you can with every resource under the sun.
>and yet this race on a tiny island can produce 5 times the wealth you can
But dont have Kurils
Your race is such a failure that an island populated by the worst criminals from Britain a 100 years ago could achieve a more civilized and prosperous country than the combined efforts of 150 million slavs with a 1,000 years of history.
The Japanese were based. They were right in making examples out of surrendering US troops. No soldier should waste his opportunity to die on the fields of glory. Those who do are cowards and deserved a coward's death. They had the best warrior culture of all time. Still wish they would have won the war.
>combined efforts of 150 million slavs with a 1,000 years of history.
We could take Kurils from you
Can you define "entry into the war?" Japan's war was completely different from the war in Europe, and the "alliance" with Germany was nothing more than an alliance of convenience.
The Rape of Nanking was certainly a crime, but it was not carried out under the deliberate orders of the Japanese government or authorities. It was essentially a case of the collapse of military discipline and criminal negligence on the part of the authorities.
I don't know what you mean by the Ainu genocide, but it wasn't a crime.
IJA "discipline" was weak. A good literary depiction of this is Soldiers Alive by Ishikawa Tatsuzō.
CCP estimates are unreliable, but there are plenty of Japanese scholars who have produced their own estimates. Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi has an excellent edited volume containing only Japanese scholarship on this which you can find here: amazon.com
And in case you're wondering, Wakabayashi is something of a conservative.
Even Nippon Kaigi wouldn't fail this hard at defining the comfort women issue.
The comfort women were prostitutes who served the IJA on their missions abroad during the war (1937-1945). Some came from Korea, some came from Japan, and some came from other parts of Asia, but what unites them is the fact that they were either deceived or forced into serving and lived under increasingly harsh conditions as the fortunes of the Imperial Army waned.
It is worth nothing, however, that only South Korea makes a fuss about this.
You're not funny and this thread sucks. Stop.
Cry more English teacher. Shame they let you into the country and you choose to shit on it. You know the Japanese were right in their fight, so stop lying.
Its rightwing revisionist bullshit. Look at the Japan's past record. Atrocities in the First Sino-Japan war, atrocities in the Imjin War in 1592.
>The Port Arthur massacre took place during the First Sino-Japanese War from 21 November 1894 for two or three days, when advance elements of the First Division of the Japanese Second Army under the command of General Yamaji Motoharu (1841–1897) killed somewhere between 1,000 and 20,000 Chinese servicemen and civilians in the Chinese coastal city of Port Arthur (now Lüshunkou). The battle is notable for its divergent coverage by foreign journalists and soldiers, with contemporaneous reports both supporting and denying narratives of a massacre by the Japanese military.[1]
If a Nigger is accused or muder and he has two prior murders what is your conclusion?
Chinese Communists attacked Manchukuo and Korea, Japan came to their defence
The rape of Nanking never happened, you’ve fallen for communist indoctrination
Wrong, the IJA is the worlds most disciplined army loyal to the war effort even 30 years after the wa ended in some cases!
Official Japanese estimates state the truth, that the Nanking massacre never happened
NOT a single comfort woman was lied to, or deceived they all willingly served as prostituted and nearly all of them were prostitutes before the war even started
I’m not trying to be funny I’m trying to tell the truth
Please go back to Korea Hyeung Syeung Wol
Niggers are animals and animals can’t be guilty of a crime, they only act on instinct
The reverse is true, Japan got a huge pass because China fell to the Communists so keeping Japan weak and guilt ridden wasn't convenient. China didn't press on the matter because Mao and the CCP back then did not give a shit thousands of women were raped.
Unit 731
Bataan Death March
Burma Railway
Countless mass rapes and massacres of civilians
Japan is guilty of the crimes Jews make up about Nazis
Wrong, Japan got a pass because even at the illegal Tokyo trials it was hard for anyone to accuse the innocent Japanese for a crime they didn’t commit
I thought there was a travel ban in America, what happened you couldn’t get a plane back to China?
Look up UNIT 731
That was some brutal shit Japan. That's Josef Mengele type of shit.
Any alleged crimes committed by Unit 731 is pure fantasy written by the communist party of China. This is why even in the illegal Tokyo trials not a single brilliant scientist involved with Unit 731 was found guilty for any alleged crimes
No self-respecting white man would spend so much time running defense for Japniggers. What are you doing in Canada, Satoshi? Go back home you scheming island chink.
A simple google search show documentation from Japan't own government
You’re very stupid
I’m not Japanese
There’s a communist party in the diet
Japan was only trying to unite Asia and bring infrastructure to the rest of Asia. Ask any Taiwanese. They thanked Japan for the help they gave them. South Korea on the other hand are mentally unstable and it was a mistake to bring them civilization.
Civilians were forced into Nanking from all over the place while retreating from Japanese forces and when the Chinese army collapsed, the Japanese overran the city and raped and murders tens if not hundreds of thousands. What kind of AUTISTIC thinks that population numbers are stable on a vast rapidly moving front?
Are those CGI or real humans?
You definitely couldn’t.
Shut up bat eater. Get out of my country.
So you’re saying the official communist Chinese numbers that prove this is impossible as well as official allied numbers that also prove this is impossible are wrong but you have a special secure document nobody else has that shows the populations differently?
The Nanking massacre didn't happen but it should have. Fuck off slope.
sauce, user?
unit 731
bataan death march
rape of nanking
siam-burma railway
Alexandra Hospital massacre
Laha massacre
Banka Island massacre
Parit Sulong
Palawan Massacre
SS Behar
SS Tjisalak massacre
Wake Island massacre
Tinta Massacre
Shin'yō Maru Incident
Sulug Island massacre
Pontianak incidents
Manila massacre
I'm not an English teacher. I believe that the Japanese government made the right decision to go to war with America in 1941, but that Konoe Fumimaro's decision to go to war against the advice of his military advisors, including Ishiwara Kanji of Manchuria Incident fame, was a grave error.
Did you know that our boys in the Philippines killed up to 200,000 civilians during our rampage through the countryside not even a decade later? And surely you're aware of what our boys were doing on the American continent to Indians and what we were busy helping the British and the French to do in China during this very same period?
They might actually have less blood on their hands than we do.
>Chinese Communists attacked Manchukuo
No they didn't. Manchuria was run by Zhang Xueliang when the Kwangtung Army decided to invade in 1931. They then engaged in what was essentially frontier imperialism until the Xi'an Incident of 1936, when the CCP kidnapped Chiang Kai-Shek and forced him into an alliance with them.
The thing is that Uncle Chiang didn't actually do anything. He just made postures and moved his troops into the area south of Jehol, where the IJA was running a massive drug smuggling operation. The Japanese government was in chaos, and Saionji Kinmochi thought Konoe Fumimaro could fix relations without starting a larger war. Instead he flipped out, started a massive war, tried to force Chiang to agree to the balkanization of China (if you don't believe me, look at volume one of 佐藤元英's 御前会議と対外政略「支那事変」処理から「大東亜戦争」終結まで), then said he refuses to talk to Chiang at all. It was a massive shitshow, and it was made worse by his decision to try encircling Chongqing by moving troops into French Indochina.
Basically, the whole thing was started by a series of dumb decisions made by civilian leaders like Konoe Fumimaro and Matsuoka Yōsuke.
>blond asian
It looks, wrong, to me.
Brunette asians are the best flavor of woman though.
t. married one
>The rape of Nanking never happened, you’ve fallen for communist indoctrination
No. Read the book I posted earlier.
>Wrong, the IJA is the worlds most disciplined army loyal to the war effort even 30 years after the wa ended in some cases!
Hiroda Onoo and the others were exceptions. The IJA routinely disobeyed orders, including orders from the Shōwa Emperor himself.
>Official Japanese estimates state the truth, that the Nanking massacre never happened
There are no official Japanese government estimates, as far as I know, but the government acknowledged the crime a long time ago.
>NOT a single comfort woman was lied to, or deceived they all willingly served as prostituted and nearly all of them were prostitutes before the war even started
Japan did not get a pass, dude. This place is incredibly cucked.
Building a railway using the labor of captured troops and marching captured troops to death are not comparable to deliberately obliterating 20% of Poland's population and up to 1/3 of the populations of Ukraine and Belarus.
Yes, I agree that Unit 731 was brutal, but keep in mind that this was a secret bacteriological warfare unit that we only got to hear about because Japan lost the war. The US government has revealed much tamer, but still brutal, human experiments, but it's possible that there is much being kept hidden.
Nobody from Unit 731 was tried at the Tokyo Trials, because the US government cut a deal with them. Whatever documentation of their experiments survives is probably still being held in the Library of Congress right now.
I hope you're joking. Japan was only interested in China, dude.
the rape didn't happen, but it should have
No Filipino civilians were killed, they were communist terrorists
Please, go back to your degenerate republic
>married an Asian
The only people who say they’re with an “Asian” are with some inferior continental
Go back to your republic
Based and Japanpilled
This, but there are more factors to consider.
One is the definition of Nanking used for calculating numbers. If you include not only the city of Nanjing, but also all the surrounding villages and everything that happened there, it's easy to get a really large number. If, on the other hand, you only include the area where foreigners lived, you get a much smaller number that does not exceed 20,000.
That's still a lot, though, and it says something about the negligence of the commanding officers of the Shanghai Expeditionary Force.
That image is terrible. If you look at the Japanese government's internal documents, you'll find that they were essentially only interested in destroying Chiang Kai-Shek and turning China into their exclusive sphere of influence. They did so in the most ineffective and stupid way possible, and so invited the ire of the US, the UK, and the Netherlands. They put themselves in a bad position, but that doesn't mean that the terms of the Hull Note were reasonable or acceptable.
I don't know how you can call Filipinos who fought alongside the US Army Communist terrorists.
I'm an American, and practically every source I've cited so far has either been in Japanese or by Japanese scholars. I don't know what your problem is, but if you're being serious, you live in a bubble and need to get out of it, fast.
It is possible to be a nationalist and love your country without being stupid about it. There is no binary between Mishima Yukio and Maruyama Masao. Pride based on truth is infinitely preferable to pride based on lies.
stfu mutt everyone knows u bombed your own boats in Honululu, just to have an excuse carpet bomb japan.
And i thought even normies hate us for historical stuff. Could you shed some light on this? People say it's not Holocaust tier education but then again, I think guilt education is not non existent.
>Japan has not once in its entire history ever committed a single war crime
The usage of the katana is perhaps Japan's best known and longstanding warcrime. The weakness and fragility of the steel used in traditional katanas suggests that the katana is in fact, not even a sword. More akin to a prison shank, most often used not in battle, but to pierce the anus of their foes in order to commit acts of homosexuality.
Some historians discount this theory on the basis that no known Japanese penis has ever been recorded to be long enough to penetrate an anus. The only other known activity for which a katana could potentially be used is that of scribbling markings in dirt. Although, depending on the acidity of the dirt in question, such acts may have actually caused the feeble steel of the katana to dissolve almost instantly.
Go home then, why are you in Japan spreading lies and propaganda that had been made up by the Communists?
The Japanese government and British government both warned the Dutch cripple about an inevitable false flag attack.
kek. good one
this is clearly bait and the chinks fall for it
based nips
Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen. This is a fact and you can't deny it.
You’ve not only been owned by the Japanese, but now by a leaf. Great shame.
No we didn't. You guys were the ones pressuring us to go to war, anyway.
Keep in mind that I'm speaking as a foreigner who is deeply interested in this period of Japanese history, but has not yet completed his historical training.
As far as hatred of Koreans go, yes, it's a strong layer of opinion that does not come out unless you go looking for it. Bookstores all over the country are full of texts with titles like "Why Do Chinese and Koreans Lie Like They Breathe Air?" One that keeps popping up is a translation of a book some of your guys wrote on Anti-Japanese sentiment. Even the kind of people you would expect to have liberal opinions will say that they think Koreans are completely indifferent to the truth.
That being said, Japan does not have any officially mandated "guilt education." What they do have is large and well-organized group of left-wing activists and intellectuals who staff the education system from the lowest to the highest levels, and essentially use that as a platform to teach children about how "important" peace is, and how Japan must never go to war again, and how Japan has a responsibility to remain peaceful because she's the only country to have ever been hit by a nuclear bomb. As children grow older, they read newspapers like the Asahi, watch TV shows and documentaries that essentially demonize the pre-war past, especially its military figures, while lionizing those who supposedly fought against the government.
Japan apologized for comfort women many times and offered Korean women direct money, but the greedy Korean government wanted the money instead insisting they'd "help the women". Then, they just whine like niggers and insist Japan never apologized.
Also Japan invading China, wahhh wahh so terrible. But CCP killing tens of millions and Chinks cannibalising each other throughout history is nothing at all apparently. Your own government being tyrannical is worse than a foreign nation invading, but its easier to convince the plebs otherwise. "It's okay for big brother chang to rape and kill my family but how dare Toshi think to invade!"
Its performance really depends on target. Think of it as a high alpha damage low pen weapon.
They won't do shit against superior European plate armor or oriental textile heavy armors. The sword is designed for slashing poorly armored peasants or "ashigaru" and is superb at it.
Go home
Well our government has fair share of anti Jp propaganda, diplomatic policy "corrections" once every ruling party changes and other hypocritical bs so i believe both JP and KR are at both fault here. No wonder why we are called liars. I would be called pro Japanese traitor for holding such opinion in Korea.
I could write a whole essay on this and maybe post a thread about it later, but to cut the long story short, Japan did commit warcrimes but Korean government did a shit job (sometimes intentionally) handling people's emotions.
Their history classes cover matters on a surface level and are generally focused on autistic details, e.g. most people can tell you that Itō Hirobumi was the first Prime Minister, but they can't tell you why he's important, what role he played in the drafting of the Meiji Constitution, what role he played in policy vis-a-vis Korea (he was against annexation). Neither high schools nor universities require students to take courses in Japanese history, so some people haven't taken a history course since middle school. Further, even if they take a Japanese history course in university, their teacher will almost certainly be a Marxist. If they don't, they will find themselves ensconced in a generally liberal climate of opinion in which even displaying national symbols is questioned.
Basically, people aren't directly taught to be guilty, and indeed they generally feel no guilt, but they grow up in a general climate of opinion in which that period is regarded as shameful. Anyone who attempts to say otherwise is immediately shamed and shouted down. A good example of this is what happened to Takeuchi Yoshimi in the 1960s and what happened to this one politician named Maruyama last year. The latter got drunk with his friends one night and said to them that Russia would never hand back the Kuriles unless Japan went to war. He was immediately attacked in the media and forced to resign from the Diet. The newspapers also went to every single school and program he was affiliated with and tried to smear them for it.
That being said, there is a paradoxical pride that some people feel in being this cucked. I've yet to look into or think hard about that, though, so I don't have much to say.
>Rape of nanking
Actually it was Don King who was raped.
BANZAI brother
never happened
I don't know much about the Korean government, but the thing that always gets me is the 1965 treaty. How does the government justify ignoring the terms of that treaty.
Mate, bad policy resulting in problems is not the same as someone invading your country and trying to conquer it.
Look at it this way: Even if your father tries to switch careers and fails, landing your family in poverty, you will not hate him for it. On the other hand, if someone tries to invade your home, steal from you, or cheat your father, you will defend yourself without hesitation.
Thank you for quality post. I have Japanese friends myself but they could never give me detailed objective view on this matter because they think it's sensitive or have no idea.
Perhaps a foreigner, non Chinese or Korean maybe the key to this. Though, foreigners other than Dutch (because some became sex slaves) seldom care about the war crime.
Japan never committed a warcrime … oooohkay.
Truth be told, its ambiguity and korean cope.
The treaty was purposefully left ambiguious for future reparations because even the contemporary Japanese thought reparation for Imperialism and war draft cannot be evaluated once and call it a day.
Korean government, led by dictator Park Jeong Hee, took all the money and used it to build highways and steelworks.
Added to that, the money never went to war victims, the leader was never democratically elected, and he was pro Japanese. (Graduated Japanese military school, served as officer, nearly got executed after the war but Korean war happened and became a war hero)
That's why Korean cope and ask for actual apologies and reparations because modern Japanese seem indifferent to it compared to lets say (((Germany)))?
I'd say it's Korea's internal problem but its such a clusterfuck.