Why is the virus racist ?

why is the virus racist ?

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Corona-chan will win the race war.

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if only you knew how many bags there really are

Everything is racist.

they’ll chalk it up to “because minorities are poor”

Shitskins are used to having brown skin so they don't realize they're covered in dirt and shit

because of their bad behavior.

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Reality is racist. Claiming otherwise is literally retarded.

Bill gates really hates niggers.

Is it possible that blacks are more likely to be infected because they are less likely to follow the medical instructions to avoid being infected by coronavirus?

Whites lead healthier lives. Also theyre probably the only ones following recommendations set.

Ask them the explanation for why tens of thousands are dead in Europe.

Turns out family dollar groceries with 12g of trans fat and 7400mg of sodium per serving slurped down with a liter of tahitian treat leaves you more vulnerable to illnesses than healthy people

I'm a racist let's race.

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The responsibility of keeping yourself clean and clear of the virus must be upheld by you. Nobody else can do it for you.

White people make more vitamin D from a given amount of sunlight than darker people. Whites are made for northern latitudes, nogs are made for equatorial latitudes. Vitamin D is essential for the immune system.

Probably because they live in cities, and tend to be packed like sardines in low income housing projects

Neo-nazis made a bioweapon to kick start the race war. Gas the bikes!

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Yeah, defiance for its own sake is a point of pride for them.

Have any actual whites died from the virus that were not already days away from death anyway? I'm also suspicious of what the NYT is calling white.

Virus doesn't discriminate. It just goes after more dirty people.

Diabetes. Blacks have it at over twice the rate as whites.

Blacks are immune.

Fucking racists don't realize that whitey gets priority medical care

They have genetic issues with blood cells so the hemoglobin theory plays even more of a part than for whites.
We need to go through social media accounts and archive nogs bragging about how it was only affecting white people and that black kangz and quanz were immuned. Report them as fake news then have a link with thousands of reggins telling absolute CCP lies.

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>heart issues
>lung issues
I wonder which demographics have these issues in spades.

This is how you know this thing will never reach the peak they were talking about weeks ago, we’re already getting back to normal

Sodium was never the problem. Carbs are.


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That is a good point too. Whites have access to better medical facilities.

It's because those retards are still breathing in each other's mouths.

This too. My personal trinity of good health is sunlight, meat and salt.

Wrong. Europeans always survived off carbs.

>ole whitey's fault!

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If you are poor, you can't exactly afford to staycation for weeks or months at a time without a job or making supply runs outdoors.

Yes, you said it yourself. Survived. Not thrived.

>they’ll chalk it up to “because minorities are poor”
Wrong. They are literally trying to chalk it up to the system being systematically racist.

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>tahitian treat
I want to try that

If we make corona-chan go viral on Twitter for being racist, will we be able make it go away?

>Whites are racist
>Cops are racist
>School is racist
>Virus is racist
If the whole world smells like shit, its time to check your shoes.

Most statistics don't differentiate white people from Jews in the first place.
Even if they did, it'd not be justifiable for Jews to have an advantage either.

Nah besides inherent genetic factors that may put them at risk they are already more likely to be obese, more likely to smoke and tend to live in crowded conditions.

Covid-19 is probably China's answer to Africa's unsustainable population growth. They probably didn't intend it to be dropped into a Koala market a block away from the lab though.

The correlation is opposite. Europeans ruled the world with carbs. As soon as we started moving away from carbs we started losing our foothold.
You know who eats a lot of carbs now?

for the same reason they let jews go to pass over and muslims got to their FOBs. the joke is on the chinese cuz we gave it to them via a traitorous jew.

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Will these statistics redpill the public that bad shit happening to minorities is because they're stupid and lazy and not because of the big bad white man?

So much so that they have to import beef from brazil to satisfy their carb cravings, eh?

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explain how it isnt racism if black and white people have the same level of health but more black people die. Obviously black people are kept poor=less money for healthcare, more hours working

Whites evolved to be more resistant to virus' in general. At least, for the last 1500 years. Think about it, when settlers arrived in america, we brought plague to the native americans just because we had antibodies against things like smallpox. I won't be surprised if africa starts getting their own NYC's rising up in South Africa, the congo, Morocco, and Nigeria.

Sickle Cells.

What is we memed how white devils and the system are hurting Hispanics and jews by lumping them in to the white category. As in is it fair that you as a Hispanic or Jew can't even represent your own race. Maybe they would get upset enough about being lumped in to the evil white category that they wihld demand and fight to by counted as their own group (which would eventually prove try Caucasians were the most humane race on earth).

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Very few items have trans fats, especially that much. It's the carbs (especially refined sugar) that's loaded in so much food.

That would require introspection, which is highly discouraged by modern media blasting in everyones face 24/7

Bring back smallpox.

If race correlates to poverty, is this unfair a conclusion to come to?

niggers and spics dont know about white man medicine
>chicken soup
this is our ancient anglo secret

Genetics, lifestyle choices, diet, etc.
How many White people do you know with sickle cell?

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It is deadly to fat and unhealthy people.

well clearly the solution is to kill the appropriate number of white people that the virus unfairly spared to make it fair again

It’s the fucking blood. Black people have hemoglobin issues that allow the virus to yeet the iron binding making it harder to transport oxygen. It’s genetics, it literally their blood

Not sure you have to meme that. People already believe that.
Anti-white racism against hispanics is absolutely a thing. I always knew it was because racism against literally anyone is a thing, but I got a firsthand glimpse of it from following Tariq Nasheed.

That picture is actually based on a Chinese study you dumb fuck. They found out about the hemoglobin

They're fat.

They are all fat.

Has anyone tried washing a nigger to check?

and so are you asshole!!!

prove they have genetics that make them more likely to die. what specific gene do they have like the one for sickle cell?


Then google black people hemoglobin

It's almost as if a varied and balanced diet is the best of both worlds. You two seem to be arguing two opposite extremes.

Also, did you know that since social distancing and stay at home orders have been in place that less black people have killed other black people? Even if you add in Corona deaths more black people have lived than if Corona hadn't come around due to less black on black crime. Maybe blacks should be thankful that Corona stopped the daily chimp our fest and is taking fewer lives than their fellow brudahs and siztas do.

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Google African American hemoglobin. Not that fucking hard

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Videos of niggers literally partying during quarantine. Boy I wonder why they are getting infected.

yea huh
dont werk

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>same level of health but more black people die.
And where did you make this assumption?

Well duh you pay to live in this nation, dirt poor monkeys will decompose

All babies in the US are tested for sickle cell because anyone get get regardless of African ancestry or not, even if it is more common with.

Just because you don't know any doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I don't know any black people with it so that should not sufficient to assume that black people do not have sickle cell.

The double digit IQ gene(s). It astounds me how many blacks I personally have seen not wearing a simple mask properly out in public.

There's probably a few other things i can think of too.

Why do you think some people on /pol wants to make the world a better place?

Where I live, blacks seemed to be the only ones wearing them lol.

What the hell exactly did the Chinese cook up in their Wuhan lab? Are they actually trying to cull Africans right before our eyes?

what does that have to do with corona
if racism is not real and everyone in america is equal, than they should all have roughly equal health right?

it's a fairly mixed bag where I'm at. Mix of old whites, mexicans, and blacks.

Blacks are the only ones I've seen with their honkers sticking out of the masks though.

>black and white people have the same level of health
Look at this fucking idiot.

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They may have more ACE2 receptors. It is still up in the air if the increased numbers are caused by genetics or smoking increases the numbers.
The virus enters at the ACE2 receptor. Asians have 5 times as many as whites. But again it may be due to smoking up-regulating the ACE2 receptor.

Oh, that's a great hoax to make them infect each other.

Would make sense because they’re trying to take over Africa.

Covid attacks the blood binding mechanism that carry’s oxygen throughout the body. It yeets out the iron from binding, so you have iron floating around that can’t carry oxygen