Bird die off in Rome...
Bird die off in Rome
Holocaust tier proof
Isn't it strange how the areas hardest hit by the corona virus also happen to be the places with 5g wireless service?
If those birds can die for Israel then what's stopping you?
yeah isn't that weird, hmm, italy accepted 5G and look what happened there. its almost like there's some kind of..... connection. *gasp*
No, because birds die all time. It usually happens when they fly into a thunderstorm, hailstorm or anything hazardous like that. It's been recorded for centuries.
They died from the impact but no one knows what caused them to drop
We have 5G and handling it pretty well. It just so happens that it's 30 degrees celsius here. Isn't it strange how warmer climates are handling it better than colder ones???
Isn't this just from the German tv show called 'Dark'?
except this isnt correct, and you are an idiot
Volcano going to blow somewhere in Italy. Toxic gases seeping up from the underground. Deeper underground. We've got to go deeper. We've got to go deeper~!.
Explain Ecuador retarded fuck. How tf is radiation poison going to pass that fucki f far. And it has different affects on everyone. Why tf would the global economy stop for 5g when 5g doesnt even make investors 10s of millions of dollars. It's as if you were dropped as a kid but just think everyone else is stupid but you.
crazy how essentially all mammals are at risk from the virus. this makes it seem all the more manmade.
Man made? Are you suggesting it didn't come from china?
5g. They wouldn't have all died on the same spot otherwise
i imagine it's related to ley lines and earth's magnetic field, probably CERN shit- we're merging timelines or something and fucking with the Schumann resonance and it's frying their bird-brains on some level we can't detect
also: maybe we're literally in the End Times and the ancient people who wrote the prophecies were actually predicting some astronomical phenomena that would make fire rain from the sky (galactic superwave, comet, sun flare, etc)
isn't it weird that 5G is in big cities where people are closely packed together?
Isn't it strange how 5g turned you into a gay penis faggot?
Switzerland installed 5G in tiny villages first.
You are either sliding the thread or retarded. Actually you’re sliding it regardless, it’s just a question of how dumb you actually are.
Gravity probably
Could an EMP do that?
I was just gonna say. When all the dolphins and whales were doing it, it was because of tests nearby with massive underwater acoustic signals that fucked up their navigation.
So i guess now they're like emp'ing the birds so hard they get disoriented and fly straight into the ground. Lol
No. The range of 5G is low so it makes sense to implement them in population centers.
>Isn't it strange how the areas hardest hit by the corona virus also happen to be the places with 5g wireless service
you think its strange that disease spreads faster in high density areas? Are you a fucking imbecile?
my sides just defied gravity
>yeah isn't that weird, hmm, italy accepted 5G and look what happened there. its almost like there's some kind of..... connection
Most major cities have had active 5G antennas for over a year you fat boomer idiot. you aren't smart, you are egregiously under informed and your mouth is fueled by your ignorance.
I haven't seen birds in quite a while, feels weird man
Remember anons, is "not" a bio-weapon.
>people see birds going crazy for 45 minutes and all they take is one picture with a webcam from 1995
5G is not in Ecuador u fucking idiot and people are dropping dead in the streets.
Starting last summer I noticed a serious drop in the number of birds. There was a lot of waterfowl and swallows here two years ago. Even the canadian geese are only in packs of six or less. ny/nj border
I also noticed a large drop in the spider and insect population a couple years ago. possibly the predator-prey cycle but seems odd.
Are they?
his argument defeats itself
Probably electromagnetic currant the atmosphere. Lightning currants has been known to kill over 300 deer at once.
It's because they don't have any tourists to feed them bread crumbs.
climate change bro. species are disappearing on the daily
they literally just got 5g
damn, brutalized
Huawei has been rolling out in Ecuador since last year you utterly useless fucktard.
So many dead bodies around the hospitals that buzzards are gathering in the hundreds.
not good answer. will accept polluted environs or shifting poles
The stench is inescapable. People are robbing homes and every night I hear screaming.
Also, helicopter is firing missiles at the local university.
>t. coronakike
Except Israel, where it's banned. Oops? Cute try though.
>Bugman Made
Same thing in Greece, news say it is the bad weather that caused it.. :P
yeah ok but in greece it might actually just be the stench of unpaid denbts that brought them down
this is really the end isn't it?
They hit an invisible spaceship in the sky and fell to the earth.
You ever suddenly get dizzy?
No people littering food and less garbage in their habitat.
There’s your explanation
Today in Singapore
destroy all the 5g towers. they put our literal microwave radiation. same shi from your microwave. excites air and water molecules. can cook human flesh. destroy.
The towers are beaming signals between each other, they all have to be linked up.
Yes it is weird. They've turned off 5g in my area for "technical issues" and there have been no more reported cases of corona in the region.
Dramatic British voice
That's strange, I'm seeing more birds than ever
>implying you can hide from microwaves