We Need a Debt Jubilee

The bankers and usurers have destroyed our lives and economies for long enough. Debt slavery is immoral. We need a Worldwide Debt Jubilee to get us out of this madness. The banks should bail out the people. Tell me why i'm wrong.


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Debt is generally just a trap for stupid people buying more than they need

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True, but it seems these days it's governments and banks that buy more than they need. Should the people bankroll their folly through taxes?

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the people are the government, and they should have revolted at the last bailout. The values in western nations have been destroyed

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and now the only cure for their malady is absolute collapse in quality of life or some incredible technological breakthrough

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Based AND checked. With great power come great responsibility user, use it wisely

Holy shit he’s a legend

I remember reading this many years ago. My only point is that we cannot go on like this. If there is one thing this most recent pandemic has taught me, it is this.

I agree, debt forgiveness used to be a thing. Jews still forgive each other's debts every 7 years. The Our Father Prayer even says "Forgive us our debts" but for SOME REASON they changed debts to trespasses.

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But then why not just stall on every debt till forgiving time comes?

There were specific laws against that. I think you had to pay a percent of the interest during the period to have the rest wiped out.

The debt-based economy greatly magnifies the economic suffering from an event like coronavirus.

Well I suppose we could mine an asteroid or something. We are too divided as a nation to ever come together to formulate a proper revolt. This truly is a prison planet.

i made these in 2014, so maybe then. unless you mean you read plutarch

>We Need a Debt Jubilee
You mean a strictly whites-only Debt Jubilee? No Jews or muds allowed?

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Yes. I read a few volumes of his famous "Lives". He was quite a historian, and a pretty good writer.

Hope you all bought some insurance. Only 1 in a 1000 will have done so when the big one hits.

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It's impossible to buy a house without going into debt

Yea, thats the only reason I added "generally" in there

For all plebeians regardless of color. While this goes against my instincts, I know it will hurt our enemies more.

Dont borrow money if you dont want to pay it back you retarded faggot.
Be glad banks dont beat you to death for not paying them back (which you'd deserve).

found the kike. Thanks for your input moshe.

Shut the fuck up you filthy kike

There is truth to it though, as a man you made an agreement to get a loan and you should stick to your agreements

Funny. The Bible says to do it every 20 years and this year is divisible by 20. It was the Biblical way of preventing an aristocracy that had all the wealth.

The Jubilee year, the Bible explains, was to be a year of rest, including the forgiveness of all debts, and the liberation of slaves and servants to their native lands. ... Likewise, if a Hebrew has taken a fellow Hebrew as an indentured servant, he must release the servant and cancel his debt in the Jubilee year.
HowStuffWorks money
Origin of the Jubilee - How the Rolling Jubilee Works | HowStuffWorks
The notion of a Debt Jubilee dates back to biblical Israel where debts were forgiven every 50 years or so. In an August appearance on CNBC, Roach said debt forgiveness would help consumers get through “the pain of deleveraging sooner rather than later.”Oct 5, 2011

Debt slavery is a problem, and a reset is needed. The challenge becomes, how to go about it? There are many question that arise.

Is it fair for example to wipe a person with 200k debt, and let them keep their home, versus the person with 20k debt left on their home?
What about people with no debt because of good choice, or because they payed it off, how fair is it to them?
What about people who then go into debt knowing it will be wiped?
You can't have people thinking there will always be a jubilee right around the corner, so how long to forbid any subsequent jubilees?
What do you put into place to limit needing another jubilee in the future?

Then on the physical side, no debt means people end up with goods, land, property, and so on.
Are the people who control and hoard everything all of a sudden going to give some up?
How many of them are the same people that control military?

I would suggest asking other questions about Jubilee in the thread as well, and have people try to answer them.

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Until you realize inflation destroys your savings and every other jackass buying things up by going into debt means things cost more for you. Debt has fucked everything.

And what about in the case of the pandemic? If you take away a man's ability to earn due to quarantine, do you not make it impossible for him to pay? Or do you expect him to have all the loan money already saved? If that were the case, he wouldn't need the loan in the first place.

>calling me kike for telling people to not borrow money from the (((bank))
Amazing metal gymnastics.
If you accept money from the jew then expect to be jewed.

depends what you have your savings in

Debt is how we currently print our money chang.

This is still the biggest topic to push on social media. Especially with the younger users as we can inform them that student loans could be wiped.

We need to find a way to push this on more platforms.

The justification of interest is to compensate the lender for time (opportunity cost) and the risk of not getting his money back. The banks should take a bath once in awhile otherwise there is no justification for anything higher than the rate of inflation. Their irresponsibility has fucked up our economy more than once.

things that are built on that same rickety debt system you were claiming is for fools. you can't escape it, the problem is far worse than simply people being fools.

A one time jubilee now seems necessary - for plebeians only as I already stated. If you have 200k in debt, you are not a plebeian. I would make an exception for student loan debt (as much as it pains me to say it).

In that situation there should be some "alleviation" on the part of the government who imposed the quarantine if possible

Okay i'll bite moshe. What about borrowing money from the government for an education? Do you still feel the same?

There is no need for interest if the systems are nationalised, which they need to be.

So with keeping kids at home we’ve been looking for other things to do to supplement schoolwork, my 8 and ten year old have their multiplication tables from 0-12 memorized. Part of their homework was to pick out coins and figure out what they total. After a few Jew tube videos we’re all into coins, picked out 15 wheat pennies from the change jar, as well as a few dimes and nickels which might be worth more than face value. What have you guys done with your kids today? I’m turning a shill thread into something else.

>The big one
Gold and precious metals won't help you in the big one. Only guns, ammo, and livestock will.

>I’m turning a shill thread into something else

Always knew shills were facebook boomers.

Mine is still in the womb, but im collecting stories from classical history with good moral lessons to make into a single book

the younger generations should not pay a dime for the older debts.

I assume you have a few rifles and ammunition somewhere as well

I would then ask you where to draw the line? 200k is a pleb to the man with billions, and rich to man in debt? If someone is a dollar over your line, are they excluded? I believe you'll find a more detailed solution is required, one that appeals to all men's fairness.

>Shill thread.
Your a fucking moron. I'm an oldfag. There's no shilling here. This is probably the best thread in the fucking catalog right now. Take your coin counting elsewhere.

If student debt gets wiped out then so too should mortgage debt. If the dollar lost all its value then say it becomes something like Zimbabwe, then that is a horrible situation as well. If the dollar tanks, but yuan stays strong then we will have a situation like Weimar, where foreigners could by a whole city block for cheap.

What if foreign ownership of property were banned? Then they would create a front-company or have Chinese with US citizenship act as the front-company.

It would be a mess.

What would Hitler do?

I don't owe anybody anything. You're the faggot who went into debt you can be the faggot to get yourself out of it.

Don’t make me talk shit about you shitposters, I’m not on Facebook. Not an answer to my question though, what have you taught your kids today?

> Plebs who get roped into predatory loans and can't pay back the bank should be beaten to death

I have a better idea. Eliminate the source of the problem (you and your ilk)

I only want to appeal to men' sense of decency. If men were fair, we wouldn't be here.

Can’t go wrong with Aesop’s fables my friend. I taught(or re-taught) mine about Jesus sacrifice on Good Friday. They’re expecting chocolate eggs regardless, and I won’t disappoint. Congratulations on your future brood user. God bless.

True, that's why you can't just remove the fiat systems.

Legendary leafposting.
Epic posts epic numbers.

I taught my kids how to abolish usury.

>I don't owe anybody anything.
Oh. So you don't pay taxes to the government? You and I both know that's a LIE.


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And yet it's never a trap for greedy shylocks who can count on good goys to bail them out after repeatedly basing their business on making shitty bets.

Cancel all debt owed to China, and appropriate assets equal to any remain total for the assed damage due to the Chinese Bat Research Virus.
The whole world should cancel its debt to China.
Im for the broader jubilee as well

Nice someone that knows how to read books outside what is needed. Thank god you are alive. Blessing to you and your family.

The best threads in the catalog are the #bernreturn threads. Definitely Yas Forums classic. Talking to your kids about Christ and his sacrifice for us are even better, but won’t get as many replies.

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Most redpilled thread on Yas Forums too bad most retards here think debt forgiveness is communism or some shit

I don't have kids because I'm a debt slave. Fuck off boomer.

It should be

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People don't understand that our system is debt based instead of equity based. They don't understand that we are ALL in debt to the central bank, no matter what

Yes the system is set up to wipe your savings out unless you risk them investing in something that will grow faster than inflation. The point is too keep your money in the debt ponzi scheme and not squared away somewhere.

I know you’re a leaf, but you might be alright. Start with their multiplication tables early, make it a game. I do them with my kids on the trampoline, I don’t understand the game fully, but the bottom line is that they’ve learned something which will benefit them in the long run. Eyes on the prize my friend.

luckily there are some low risk solutions to deal with inflation

I taught my kids that the Jews had Christ crucified.

Thank you user. Ancient Greco/Roman history has always been a passion of mine.

>low risk solutions
I would prefer removing the parasites

It's a comfy time to have a dozen head of cattle, a couple horses, and plenty of supplies stockpiled.

Yes. The Bernie threads were nice this morning. Full of great keks. However, we must deal with serious issues as well.

I don’t have the land for that, but I planted several different crops on 3/4 acre of land, I also have rabbits and chickens. I have a reaper cervical dislocation device I’ve used twice, kids aren’t ready for it, though they’ve watched both of them.

>plenty of meat
>sex and transportation
Sounds like you've got the essentials firmly squared away, user, good for you.

Yup. A lot of them cannot even accept that it is privately owned either. Privately owned + debt based means everyone and every country is permanently in debt to a small cabal of international bankers. The only solutions will involve a lot of instability and violence and running that sort of system badically guarentees that it'll all come crumbling down, not a sustainable way of being.

I understand your point, but multiplication tables will not teach them anything other than memorization. Their time would be better spent studying Philosophy and Ethics. These are lost to our people and why we have no conviction.

>keks aren’t serious issues

No way user, there are heaps of good threads on the first page.

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Neither are Bernie threads. Try to keep up.

I don't fuck my cattle or horses, user.

Debt forgiveness can fuck right off. Let the debts fail so the banks fail and the gov fails. It's the only way. Debt forgiveness will not correct any bad habits.

True, but indecent men exist and are still part of the system. It's a form of compromise, negotiation, and balancing, and sometimes that requires opposite parties to sit at the same table. It is a treaty in that way. You still have to work with others lest you end up resorting to force.
The spirit of Jubilee is forgiveness, which includes not only debts, but at that deeper level, forgiveness of poor decisions and even to the degree which it can be tolerated the indecency of those responsible. You have to give something to get something.
Therefore it must be crafted in such a way that everyone gets something. The challenge then becomes the fact that some people don't need or want anything; that you have nothing to offer. This can then only be offset the generosity of others, or by an appeal or recognition of something that affects their broader interests or conscious, thus investing them.