G-guys??? Are we already at war on the Moon?

What are these mysterious Tic-Tac shaped, uniform objects cruising across the surface of our dear Moon? Is this Trump's Space Force in action or is it the Russians? Is it real or a hoax? What should I do? Do I start panicking now or late? T-tell me what to do guys!!!!


Attached: MoonObjects.jpg (899x621, 28.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The moon isn't real

It’s nazi UFOs

nerve gas

It's the Covenant. Hold still while they glass you.

it's just some of our ameribros from another galaxy dropping by
we've been seeding the universe since the 1960s

Guy forgot to add the distortion to a few frames at the end.

damn you goy niggers will watch Ad Astra and still play dumb like they don't hide the truth in movies n sheeit damn goy niggers kek

Attached: 47r078753987r0943795tt80r984-.png (645x729, 58.28K)

It's Trump's Elite Space Nazi Niggers from Pluto prepping the invasion.

I don't think it is either but Trump is going up there and start mining it for some reason or another.
>The US President signed an executive order on Tuesday that brushes aside historic treaties that view space as a “global commons” to be governed by international bodies


if it is real, those ships are massive

It looks like those Tic Tacs or lozenges the Navy saw

Attached: Moon.Object-2.jpg (781x589, 24.53K)

When the line blurs between CGI and real this is it.

Fuck, I hope you aren't bullshitting. I'd be the happiest man alive if you're right.

Solar Warden

UFOs on the Moon - CGI Breakdown and Recreation

>I got a feeling something is about to happen on the moon; let's zoom in real quick

Not nazi UFOs dummy, they're the nazis that managed to escape after WWII, and they're finished regrouping and reordering, and are almost ready to counterattack.

>he thought we were just kidding when we told those fuckin' ayys on /x/ they could crash on the moon if they want.
Going to war with 'em would be foolish.

Attached: 1558697818822.png (500x422, 154.27K)


A lozenges just flew over my dumpster!

Watched it at .25 speed and movement gets jerky at points making it look absolutely fake

Can you actually see the moon in that much definition with a telescope?

Don't worry, Lunarians are our friends.

You can see stars through it

Naysayers in the thread calling the video bullshit. That means we need multiple people to observe the moon up close from different parts of the world to see if they find anything odd.

If a video remains on YouTube...its not real.

the moon is just a large corn torillas

Absolutely. Even with a cheap one.

oh stop teasing

Attached: 1544052026301.jpg (710x473, 160.26K)

dress rehearsal for the "big deception"

You don't even need a telescope, it looks like he's using a DSLR with a mount and some lenses.

Wheat tortillas more closely resemble the moon.

Remember when spaceniggers came to Yas Forums? We told them they can crash on the moon. Nobody should be surprised

Why do you think nazis writed and liked novels about space colonization that were realistical?

Is that where like, they made starships out of submarines in the 60s or whatever?


Are you 5 years old?

>showing it to everyone in "fictional" stories

He's ESL give him a break. He might even be white.

tic tac shaped spacecrafts are from Arcturus
who /starseed/ here?
rollin for qt draco lolis

Attached: sip.png (640x733, 577.79K)

>germans don't have a sense of humour
But seriously though, when did so many brain dead faggots start posting here? They believe anything they see as long as it isn't from MSM

I was looking at the moon last night with an average qt 3.14 telescope and my view didn't have any weird heat distortions. What was that?

Lol at your plebian ideas of Russians and Trumps.
The answer to your question of 'are we are war' is yes.
I honestly forget how retarded you people are. Yes we are at war.

Attached: 555.png (200x202, 29.02K)

That's not a valid excuse. Realistical isn't even a word.

Like in Iron Sky. Mah DICK

Us military.

You been lied all along. Nasa antique rockets were just a psyop. They had these all along.

Japanese know their optical equipment

Here is the Navy Tic Tacs through an imaging device

Attached: tic_tac_ufo.png (1286x623, 217.57K)

Cheese is very real son. Get a bidet.

Wouldn't those things have to be the size of Germany to cast that large of a shadow?

You don't know what your talking about.

damm i need a camera like that. can anyone recommend a model??

Where does this meme even come from? I know its a conspiracy, but how does it deal with the fact that the moon has been written about for thousands and thousands of years? If its a hologram then whats the point? Genuinely curious

This is not a joke, the Chinks have been stealing our technology for Decades.
They kidnap Jap Scientists as well, they have the Norks do it then transfer them to deep inside the Asian Mainland.

These have been detected on the mighty Aegis Combat System on US Navy Cruisers, and visually detected by State of the Art optical equipment on the latest Superhornets.

Attached: NavyTicTac.jpg (1024x576, 24.96K)



i want to habeeb

dude nazis have been on the moon and in the hollow earth since the end of WW2, at the end of the war huge expeditions went north from Norway and south from Argentina, and they had already developed die Glocke ufo technology- in 1952 when Washington DC got buzzed by ufos it was the Nazis showing off, same thing with Operation Highjump- so I assume that after the economy crashes and WW3 goes hot, then Operation Blue Beam will turn out to be space nazis working with aliens who come down and try to usher in the New World Order like Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke

but yeah we've been on the moon and mars since like the 50s and the real plot twist is that humanity is from the stars, like humans aren't originally from Earth they're from the planet that used to be between Mars and Jupiter and is now the asteroid belt, which got destroyed in a war millions of years ago, which is remembered in myths talking about wars between gods.

Man, what a time to be alive!

Looks like they cant be much bigger than the ships in independence day.


its also amazing the no matter zoom, the clouds stay in focus. amazing depth of field.

No, that just when the heat waves end

War on the moon? Idiot. We are at war WITH the moon.
It will hatch soon.

Yeh I want a cam like this too

Shut up upside down fag

D dudes, this was written 6 years ago:

" posted on this last year that the very elite were secretly building
three of these massive ships for evacuation or survival purposes.

question is what are they planning for and not telling the 99% of humanity about?

Attached: PhotoPictureResizer_200409_055245793_crop_720x1140.jpg (720x1140, 210.23K)

21 days out from hard times stage
is this a cover for something else?
the lucky ones will be the first to go







Attached: 1583294174465.jpg (3884x2600, 1.05M)

Sorry, I was eating so I just wrote that as well as I could, but there is a novel about a man named Elon who where the leader of a space travel to Mars, and that book was written by some nazi engineer, if I remember correctly. That was posted at some Elon Musk thread some years before right here.

Literally a video game. Retatd.


I was just joking anyways. You're cool user

This is from the movie extinction (absolute garbage dont watch it)

I'd rather not go with them anyhow

Bruh I'm 98% sure that pic is the Scinfaxi-class submarine produced by Yuktobania in Ace Combat 5.

As in, that exact picture of the "ship" is from the game or the artbook.

Carrier has arrived

Attached: Protoss_Carrier.jpg (485x329, 47.37K)


Attached: Protoss_Scout.jpg (343x308, 29.42K)

The elites are going to use this to escape doomed earth

Chinamen bad. Jews Bad. Niggers bad. White people bad.
There's a reason you fucktards aren't allowed outside your containment.

Yesterday there was an article on Drudge about how easy it is to make deep fake videos. Today a fake video of alien space ships flying around the moon are on Drudge. Tomorrow or the next day there will be an update on Drudge saying it was a fake even though some seriously deranged people still believe such an obvious hoax. Let's point at them and laugh.

Next week the videos of Bill Clinton going down on a 16 year old will be leaked and everyone will call it out as fake.
>are you completely out of your fucking mind
>there was just a fake video of aliens flying around the fucking moon last week that you lunatics thought were real
>you really need professional help
Remember, anyone on here who claim this moon video is real is just setting you up to be ridiculed for believing the actual real pedo evidence against the Clintons and dozens of other elite child rapers.

Q predicted it they are saving kids from the moon and fighting the reptilian shape shifting demons

Can you imagine the chatter on those fly boys' radio, shit would be all like, "Naw, we'll only be visible from earth for a split second, no one's gonna see us before we dip behind the corona bro, LOL, and if they do we'll blow some minds, let's wing tip for Trump"