It has started. Vietnam taking over production for the western consumer from China

It has started. Vietnam taking over production for the western consumer from China.

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Fuck foriegn countries, make that shit in the USA or fuck off and die.

We have friends in Vietnam?

Yes. We're actually allied with them.

Lot of vietnamese like us. I worked with a bunch of vietnamese dudes in the past, one was in a fucking internment camp during the war. They were actually happy the US was there.

yes and in general asians have more problems with other asians. it's hardly the EU over there.

Yes. Similar to Japan becoming friends with America after the ass beating they received during WWII, America has become friends with their dominatrix as well.

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You're going to build them up to compete with China.
Vietnam hasn't always seen eye to eye with China. They did when you invaded, but they've had a troubled past.

The History of Vietnam

>Enslaved by China for 1000 years and used as sex slaves
>"Slave girls of Viet, sleek of buttery flesh."
>The writer Nguyen Huy Thiep writes "the most significant characteristics of this country are its smallness and weakness. She is like a virgin girl raped by Chinese civilisation. The girl concurrently enjoys, despises and is humiliated by the rape."
>Vassalized by China for the next 1000 years
>Song Emperor Taizong to King Le Hoan in 979: "You fly and leap like savages. You drink through your noses. When you talk, you sound like birds. Let us teach you the knowledge of the proper laws. Do you want to discard your garments of leaves and grass?"
>Half the "native" dynasties were founded by Han Chinese immigrants
>Enslaved by Ming China
>During military "victories" the capital was destroyed and the main "strategy" was to hide in the mountains while the invaders suffered from heat, bugs and disease and eventually left
>Begged Qing China for help against France
>Colonized and enslaved by France
>Vietnamese were called "Annamites"
>No such thing as "Vietnamese culture"
>Claims they invented rice cultivation
>Literally invented nothing
>Pho was created by Chinese immigrants
>National dish is a sandwich
>Eats rats and monkey brains
>40% of Vietnamese have the same last name
>Vietnamese women are the largest source of mail-order brides in the world
>Vietnamese "traditional" clothing isn't traditional or even indigenous
>"Vietnamese" alphabet was invented by Europeans and forced on the Vietnamese by the French
>Vietnamese "calligraphy" is ugly
>Vietnamese language is ugly
>The epitome of Vietnamese culture is the rice hat
>Traditional Vietnamese dance is a rice hat dance


it's not 1977 anymore Gramps

Vietnamese hate Chinese more than anything. US attacked Vietnam just once and have even agreed to some degree of being in wrong, while China has attacked Vietnam every few dozen years for 3000 years. Literally the first thing China did after US left Vietnam was to attack it again.

Who's who /pol?

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Its not just them. India and other places have started as well.
Just wait until manufacturing starts up again in the USA as well. There may very well be a tremendous amount of investment in automation.

>It has started. Vietnam taking over production for the western consumer from China.
Vietnam has been China's China for years now bro. The race to a service economy is on for China all the while they look down the demographics bomb they created and will fire around 2050. With an old folks problem worse than the west and Japan combined.

It'll be interesting times. Will China import shitskins and niggers?

We're actually on pretty good terms these days. Not exactly asshole buddies, but pretty hard to believe we fought a war with them 50 years ago.
Lesson in there for anyone who would ever have any faith in the uniparty political leadership we have over here. Lots of guys died for no reason at all, and now it's all about the $$$ anyway. A lot of them would still be alive collecting their social security shekels today.

This gives another reason for China to wreck Vietnam.

Remember, Amerimutts couldn't defeat commies in the north in 10 years, however, China brought them onto their knees just in 3 weeks.

By all accounts they're an industrious people.
Fuck China.

All of our electronics this year have come from Vietnam

since we are no longer walking through their jungle, the trees no longer need to speak Vietnamese.

good, there's a large Vietnamese community here in Denver and most of them are all really nice people.

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Stay mad, bat soup chink

eat more bat soup, chink.

i dont understand the love that vietnamese have for us americans.
in surveys they actually love us more than we love ourselves, if i remember correctly
its strange, but appreciated. if only they could stop eating dogs and fish head soup

Yes and they're ironically highly based. If I'm leaving America I'm going to either Saigon or Da Nang.

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I'd prefer we do it all here, but Vietnam will do it cheaper than China, and probably better too.

This is accurate, if my memory recalls correctly it was because vietnam was a little behind on payments for weapons and china had been waiting to get their money back.

So much for comrades.

That is kind of strange, but a friend is a friend, and I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

>language is ugly
old Dr Ken said "you sound like faggots" and then proceeded to clown on them
if anyone has a link to dl that asian comedy dvd, i needs it

Are Xbox's and PS's still gonna be made in China??

People don’t want to pay 100 dollars for a video game

Fuck yeah, based jungle gooks that already went through and hate communism becoming best trade allies. I am more than ok with this.
Freed them from a tyrannical communist regime. It's that simple, user. They are the most recent country to experience it and be freed from it. Anyone with more than a double digit IQ can learn then that their love for America and Americans is a direct reflection of how grateful they must be to be freed from communism. Now if only our retarded commies here would understand that historical lesson.

Uh, Vietnam is still a communist country, hope you're posting ironically

>Freed them from a tyrannical communist regime
are you retarded or something?

I’m surprised they cost 60$ still. Shits been static since 07. I paid that much for the first resistance on the ps3 and that’s a piece of shit compared to something like rdr2.

Vietnam and areas around there already produce most of our rubber items like gloves. It's due to having rubber plantations so materials don't need transported. I doubt anything changed, we just placed an order.

Think more historically and not just focusing on terms involved and a this or that extreme.
It's about the comparison between the regime that basically owned them during the war, and the regime that stopped being as tyrannical due to external pressures after the war.
Compare how they're treated then with after the war, what can you attribute that too? American intervention causing political pressures? Exactly.

Hey, baby, you got girlfriend Vietnam?

We killed the ones that don’t like us

I've already seen "Fuck china! (Our shit is made by Nepalese slaves who earn 80 cents a day instead!)" today.

The Corporate Jew isn't going to actually consider losing money and paying American workers. China is being sacrificed because they have become too advanced. Their young have tasted modern living and are now demanding a real paycheck. There are a billion street-shitters that can be used to assemble consumer trash just next door.

It's all virtue signaling for kike profits. None of it helps the USA.

You're still talking like a malfunctioning buzzword chatbot.

I've been to Vietnam, Hanoi. They have a fucking curfew, it's midnight. You can be out past midnight, but 99% of businesses must close until 5am. It's a communist country dude, they've just embraced free trade, even though the govt still controls large portions of the economy.

What happened was that right after the vietnam war China invaded and it lasted 30 years. Ever Since Vietnam has been America's most ironic buddy

China is turning into a consumer economy anyway. Wages are rising and Chinese companies are making their own products.

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You magatards are the dumbest fuckers on the planet.
Lemme guess a boomer.
Welp we got our dicks caught in the zipper with China.
Let’s find a new place to outsource American production to.
While we’re at it let’s help vietnam pay back their Belt and Road Money from China and force China to gib us a piece of dat action and fuck the American worker and consumer all over again.
Day of the Pillow

The West learned nothing from this.

I just said, focus on the history involved and not just the terms involved. I know it's a fucking communist country still. That's not the point. What is the point, is it's not ran by the same murderous tyrannical communist regime as the one in the war. This is self-evident by the difference in how the people are treated there today by their government as compared to how they were treated during and also before the war. Do you understand what I meant now?

No, it was because Vietnam invaded Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia, and were Chinese allies. Vietnam went to war with Cambodia, and China invaded Vietnam to save their Khmer Rouge allies.

It's a shame our forefathers didn't have the balls or sense to come to the aid of Chiang Kai Shek during the end of WWII, or even earlier. The Eastern world is a much worse place, Americans having killed millions of Koreans and Vietnamese, and not having killed TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese communists instead.

Started? We've been in the process of divesting from China and moving stuff to Vietnam and Mexico for years now. The Chinese have always feared Vietnam becoming a hegemon in south-east Asia, and it made strategic and economic sense to align with them.


Isn't it funny how America is on good terms with everybody that hates China in that area? Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore.

Chang, you invaded Vietnam after they wrecked your buddy Pol Pot for shelling their border villages, all your men proved you hadn't learned anything from watching the US fight the Vietnam war, and after 3 weeks of failing to accomplish any strategic objectives your military pulled back into China with significantly fewer people than it went in with, blew up some random bridges behind them, and declared unconditional victory

Face it, you were the 4th entry in the Viet win streak.

t. 2nd entry

Don't forget Taiwan. They're like the jews in all this. They married into the US Congress.

Fuck off chink

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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>It has started. Vietnam taking over production for the western consumer from China.
Probably gonna be more Malaysia than Vietnam for a lot of shit, but yeah.
The tarrifs have been working and we need more of them before production recovers.

Additionally a SEA free trade zone should be promoted by the west in order to further marginalise China.

We've got a unique chance we can't afford to let us pass by.

Dogfish head is fire broh.

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Vietnam is one of the most Pro-Us and Anti-China in the world.

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Taiwanese are sneaky like the jew, but they aren't subversive degenerates with psychopathic tendencies like jews. They're making some intelligent sneaky moves, like for one, holding all sorts of international human rights conferences, and programs. They've avoided skirmishes many times in the name of human rights, because the international community is on the side of human rights.

I'd love if Hong Kong split off from China and became their own country, or part of Taiwan.

It's only natural for their economy to develop. I mean, did you really think they'd be making those plastic trinkets for Amerisharts forever? By the end of the 2020's, they'll be exporting their own products to the world, like Japan and SK. Chinese electronics, Chinese cars, Chinese entertainment...

So Western factories moving away from China is pretty much the next step. This isn't surprising at all.

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Couldn't get his own monkeys to do it.

Dog bless the jewnited states.