What are they doing or discussing in their secretive circlejerk club?
Redpill me on the Freemasons Yas Forums
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Satanic shit. Moloch. Regular stuff like that.
I've slept in, watched the movie airplane in, and played Halo 2 in a masonic lodge AMA
1. They are literally fucking each other in the asshole as faggotry is how they blackmail each other into silence and shame.
2.They also do worship satan under the guise of "lucifer".
3. They are not the big boys they think they are. Their members do not get selected for the boards of major banks and corporations. But they are told they are the bestest goy and get networked into tiers just above average plebs.
4. Just because they get a small peak of the big club, and getting cool secret hand shake and passes for courts, they are mostly working to kill 90% of humanity. They are also all good for committing or ignoring treason. They all need to hang to be honest. The only thing worse than a mason are the kikes which actually do get better preference than freemason fags.
I'll be honest with you, if it was just a secret sex club, that would be pretty cool. Hell I would join if it was sex magic with bitches and lolis.
But it isn't, and the only way to move up is to literally allow you to get fucking sodomized like a faggot, and go full blown satanic. Not "lucifer" or "lucifer-light". I mean you need to provide some serious fucking damning shit for them to hold over you before they even think of letting you get somewhere within the organization.
how do you know all of this?
Yas Forums has gone through the information provided by the whistle blowers, testimonies and other information dumps given. This isn't hidden stuff anymore. You can't really hide shit on the internet actually. It eventually comes out.
The goodest of goyim. All traitors
So they arent jewish?
All lodges are closed, at least mine is
Nah. It’s judaism for goyim, don’t be fooled by the weekend BBQs
Jewish but also satanic
big reveal is Lucifer did nothing wrong.
edgy shit hundreds of years ago I'm sure.
now dwindling members as boomers shuffle off this mortal coil, hopefully to go burn in hell.
How to best felate their Jew masters.
Probably some gay shit and kiddy diddling too.
what you do in there leaf?
Implying Jews don't worship Satan
Where do you want to start? Best place is Germanbro archive.4plebs.org
Blue Lodge Work, Memory work, delivering memory work without mistakes, basically public speaking needs to worked on for a Mason to gain degrees. Think toast masters. Beyond that you'll have to ASK12B1.
when you first saw the sacred ring were you blinded by its beauty
99% of them are harmless boomers. Nice enough guys, wouldn't go there looking for esoteric knowledge because you'll get taught all the "wrong" symbolism first.
Not to mention most of them wouldn't know the occult if it kicked them in the dick. (Notice I said most, there are some knowledgeable ones)
we don't, faggot. keep seething
>Jewish but also satanic
So, Jewish.
Good but you left out their tradition of turning men into trannies before putting them into positions of power. Also they drill holes in their skulls above their forehead. Some of their lodges are full of pedophiles, and this is allowed by Freemasonry as a whole "do what thou wilt". I can't speak for all the lodges, who knows maybe there's one on our side. They are all about duality, they do alot of charity and they also torture kids. They have a sister organization for wen called rainbow girls or something like that.
Pls don't kill, this is pretty much public info by now for those who have been paying attention.
Not all jews. Regular jews are just as much sheeple as everyone else
Yes you do, Satan=Saturn
A fucking box to boot, the Star of David is the Star of Remphan. Funny thing is that you used to value the Menorah but once the Saturn worship really took hold you chose a fucking esoteric box as your symbol.
>we don’t
You aren’t in the club.
Every one of your ancestors.
>keep seething
I’m good, Moshe. We don’t want your shekels. Find an oven.
Science, ideally. But otherwise too much pseudo-science and charity shite.
Why would #1 work? It's not like it's illegal. Some people are gay, and some aren't. Deal w/it.
but isnt the jewish god, Yahweh, the same as the Christian god?
Like so?
This board is a G. L. O.. W. Board same treads pop up on certain topics to shill them or to see answers to gather IPs
Also they sometimes communicate with YouTube links to music videos. So if you see someone posting a music video in response to a question it's probably a mason. Never could figure out what the fuck they meant though, probably a way to decide them that only Mason's know
Meme Magic 101
You don't apply an image for your idol, people will fill that image in for you que Jesus.
Indeed. Quite sickening. It makes me wonder why our founding fathers we're masons
Probably because none of that was true, and their sins were quite different.
Being old has-beens grouching about the good ol' days and dying of the boomer remover.
Clearly you are a low level homo that doesn't know shit
>to gather IPs
There is no cure for cowardice.
>Why would #1 work? It's not like it's illegal. Some people are gay, and some aren't. Deal w/it.
Because they are straight men that are coerced into faggotry. They aren't recruiting at the gay bar dumbass. They are making dudes that like girls get fucked in the ass. Like dudes who get raped in prison don't talk about how they were used as an onahole.
Only faggots and women brag about getting sodomized and raped.
Actually, the correct answer is yes.
>Actually, the correct answer is yes.
And you think not one person has ever said no to it? Or more importantly, there has never been some gay dude who had it happen and wasn't ashamed, thereby being fully able to spill those beans?
All of this sounds like projection from extremely insecure closet cases.
Why does no-one offer any proof of all this "satanic, homosexual, lucifer worshipping, cannibal" stuff that the masons supposedly engage in? This is the modern day, you're telling me no motherfucker has been able to sneak a smartphone in and capture this shit?
I'm thinking of joining. Will definitely go check a few lodges out when the wu flu madness recedes.
FACT: Jewsus was a Jew, and so were all his disciples.
FACT: Everyone that wrote the Bible was a Jew too.
Usually for me it’s all internal politics, donation drives or event planning for raising money for charities, or drinking heavily with heavy smokers and chronically ill older gentlemen
The masons need a new image, since their memberships have dwindled every decade for a while
When only decrepit retirees looking for a frat for seniors are your new admits it tanks appeal for affluent, young, or health conscious members
>takes meme analysis of esoteric spiritual concepts seriously
hey nigger, did you ever stop and think to yourself that most Jews aren't even religious. Even the ones that are religious don't seriously believe in ANY of the weird schizo shit that Yas Forumsacks keep posting about Jewish religious ideology. Find some Jewish friends. You'll quickly get bored with how autistic and boring most of us really are
alright nigger
No. The "star of david" is essentially Baphomet's sign. Never trust a jew. He is either lying to you or is ignorant and hasn't been read in.
"Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a goy." - Baba Kamma 113a
i think they are overrated. skull & bones is the real deal
This 2nd degree faggot thinks he actually knows something but can't explain this-
>This is the modern day, you're telling me no motherfucker has been able to sneak a smartphone in and capture this shit?
They had political power >100 years ago. Today they are basically a social club. As I said before, just a bunch of ol' codgers grouching about the good ol' days.
Nothing of use or they'd have helped by now.
It’s harder to get into that for sure
People always ask like what secret shit my lodge is doing
I’m always like these guys sometimes struggle to afford brand name whiskey
How to suck of their Jew owners.
The state of these Faggot traitors.
There just a split off division of same.
They don't have the numbers.
In order to pull off worldwide control, you need the people in the positions of power (politics, police, media etc) in numbers to pull it off in the first place. Only two groups work - Jews, Freemasons, without those two groups it doesn't work.
Wow. Revelatory stuff. Mind blown.
Question: What did Jesus day about the Jews?
Question: What happened to Jesus as a result?
Question: Are any modern day “Jews” genetically Jewish?
Question: Is it feasible to believe in God yet deny his Son?
Question: Are we just ignoring the remainder of scripture post-crucifixion?
Question: Are you retarded, or just a kike?
isnt that what bush was into?
Gun raffles and pancakes, mostly.
I've heard some lodges are like that, a bunch of old people sitting around doing charities and ham radio and shit. But some lodges are much younger and do more exciting stuff. Is this true?
I see it more of of a god head.
We are collectively god.
They are collectively Satan.
>t. Newfag
Look up the Cremaster Cycle. It's some (((modern art))) film.
What degree are you?
Romans 1:16
>For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 10:12-14
>For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.
And on and on. That's Saul of Tarsis, the Jew who spread virus of Christinsanity to Europe.
Woah, it's almost like blue is a primary color or something!
>Find some Jewish friends.
I've seen some weird shit Jews do from their superstitions which ties into almost half of them being mentally unsound. Little kikelets will move half his body while the other half remains perfectly still while in total fear of the unknown, why? Logic goes like this, if A won't harm you if you move and B won't harm you when you don't move then doing both simultaneously will protect you from both. That is just the beginning of their total spergouts as they move on to new stranger shit they'll believe.
Zionists are just the psychopaths among your kind which cultivated their spiritual abilities to the fullest.
That hurts.
What is better out of Scottish and York rite ?
It's because you don't do any research and want to be spoonfed. That's now how it works. When I save files or "proofs" I just hit save, I don't rename them. Further, the shit I wrote is already known by Yas Forums, high level freemasons, and glows in the intelligence community. I've been on Yas Forums for years and have taken the time and do the leg work to LEARN.
Your a normie pleb that doesn't know half the shit most of us already know. We don't just know the entry level shit, we know the upper tier shit such as the "Angelo-Saxon Mission", P2-P3 lodge, and the shit from Bill Cooper and "China will catch a cold" whistleblower.
I don't give a fuck if you do join, and stay 3rd degree for 20+ fucking years then wonder why you never move up. You asked our opinion, then scoff like a pleb when you get hit with not just the truth, but the whole fucking con job.
I'm not a christian, I don't know anything about you, nor give a fuck if you join or trying to pearl clutch "will you please consider the future of your anus" (because your probably a faggot OP anyway), I just told you the truth as quick and dirty as it can be done. I spoiled the end of the movie for you and you didn't like it. Boo hoo join whatever the club Leah Remini is in.
And yes, I did forget about the tranny shit some user mentioned. My bad niggers.
The Scottish rite will probably come out on top desu
That and Rosicrucians iirc
yes. he is one of the last member whose name was published. after him the membership was a secret
Australia has neither. We have Rose Croix and the constituent bodies which the septics call York Rite, but properly fleshed out.
It's also advisable to join both, since they each have different lessons.
Can confirm.
thats a lot of angry text for no proofs
I've got an uncle that's a Mason. He's a complete dunce intelligence wise, dropped out of high school. He's got good social skills, but that's about it.
From what I gather from his stories about lodge, it's basically boy scouts for boomers.