How single cough spreads across supermarket

we. are. fucked.

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virus cant infect you unless the concentration is sufficient

and this is how it spreads across a supermarket

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imagine the smell


cleanup on aisle coof

Kys journo parasite


why the FUCK are you not all wearing full face respirators every time you even step foot outside?

you're basically asking to suck covid's dick

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you should, but not because someone coughed two hours ago in 20 meters away

It's ridiculous how many germophobes are going to be spawned by this time.

>funballs artifact on

Pic related at 20 mins later with micro droplets. NHK world video.

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im cooooooooooooooooooooooofing

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>It's ridiculous how many germophobes are going to be spawned by this time.
there is literally nothing wrong with this
society was downright disgusting in my experience, people constantly sneezing, coughing with mouths open and not covering their mouths, rubbing their eyes and mouth constantly, picking their nose without cleaning hands first, not using a bidet and wiping their ass with dry paper

if covid just takes out these people I would be happy

I plan on getting infected, then hunting down all the people saying it's just the flu or just a hoax and infecting them.

And this is why a have a cbrn mask for grocery shopping.

holy shit that's more snipers than in 1993's sarajevo

I do the same. People laugh for now. Soon they'll ask where I got it.

And that's a good thing.

hopefully you have the energy to and it doesn't knock you on your ass making you have fever hallucinations

Top Kek. I literally spewed that vomit and drowned the lady in the next aisle. Then I came all over the store

have you herd about immunity?

I smelled a guy’s sneeze a block away. Shit is gross

>herd immunity bro
>just build up your immune system bro

how about we don't get infected in the first place?
how about we don't have viruses constantly circulating the planet every year?

>he thinks he can eliminate viruses

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How bad are your hemorrhoids user?

ngl that actually looks pretty cool

8% of the US (26 million people) get infected with the flu every year

do you honestly believe this number would even be at 1% if everyone was practicing good hygiene measures

Nah, we have masks mandated by the WHO. Comeon, stop being dumb go- guys.

Pair of my wife’s panties keeps the virus at bay.

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>how about we live in fantasy land
Viruses exist. By sheltering and living in a bubble you only make yourself more susceptible to them in the long run.

There is no way that statistic has any merit.

>people bettering their hygiene practices means viruses have to be eliminated or its not worth it and we should continue living in filth

>There is no way that statistic has any merit.

There is no way they can know how many people had the flu. All they can do is ask a relatively small sample size and pretend it is representative of the entire population. In other words, they make shit up.

Kek you look like a huge fag. Respirator is cool though.

this happened to me today, will i coof to death now?

>when the braphog lets off a stinker after having Indian food the night before

This reminds me of that story I heard about Giardia. You're just standing there in the store and then you start uncontrollably shitting your pants. That would be a shitty day.

based what mask is that

Retard. If even one (1) fucking person were to emerge after a lockdown still contagious, that shit would just spread all over again. Corona isn't going to be under control until herd immunity has been achieved. The fact is that even after all this lockdown shit, there will still be thousands of people infected and contagious, and this will just spread all over again. The longer we hide away, the more time the virus has to mutate into more strains that we will have no base immunity to because everyone refused to get it. The reason flu is somewhat under control and we don't panic about it, is because we have a base immunity to it. That means we can more easily get over any new strain that pops up each winter. If you don't build immunity to shit, you'll just get killed by something you could have easily survived


>even though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death..

if anything this is a fantastic indication we're not fucked and there are a ton of people out there entirely asymptomatic.

Disgusting chest hair protruding from your blue shirt. Very very disrespectful

>spreads around
Thats why everyone coofs into their elbone, fag.


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grocery stores are literal breeding grounds for the disease and should either be limited in people in and or turn to pick up only locations.
i know a some stores in the heavy hitting places are doing pick up only.
hell got hit with a nasty bug week ago just now getting over it.

you just single-handedly caused absolute anarchy

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i have one with sealed filters and i am unironically trying to sell it because this is so obviously a hoax """"pandemic"""" that i'd rather have my 80€ back than try it out

Chinks and niggers don't. They don't give a shit.

i went shopping and then grabbed a package from an amazon locker, didn't wash my hands and then had a sandwich
goddamn chickens, i'll outlive you all

I already got infected and had mild symptoms. I could give 0 fucks if the rest of you catch it, personally, but I'm still going out of my way to keep you idiots safe with masks and distancing.

it's not a hoax, just blown out of proportions by the media

until i see a goddamn body it's a hoax.

Nice numerals.
I kek'd a little.

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If only this meme pandemic was spread by brapping

Wow man you sure are cool.

>he didn't already know this
>american education system

i already caught this shit and recovered. i'm /immune/ now bitches. ya'll and your weak immune systems are fucked and your hidey holes arent gonna save you.


Michigan here.
Literally all dairy products are raided, NO BUTTER! We have a 2nd wave of shopping panic and I think supply econ is actually crashing under Whitmer's quarantine.

Nonessential MY ASS

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> not having a decontamination tent in the back yard
Not gonna make it

>the virgin bubble boy
>the chad dirty lad

Hell yeah, immune brothers rise up. I also drank a shitload of alcohol and vaped the entire time. We're immune, brother!

Wish granted

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>the chad dirty lad

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Awe, did the democrat governor hurt your poor baby trumflake feely feels? Gonna melt snowflake?