Covid-19 is a Media Hoax

Corona viruses are a diverse class of the flu viruses. 17% of flu cases are corona viruses. Which means a large percentage of people have corona virus antibodies in their blood.

I seriously doubt the covid-19 strain of the corona virus even exists. They are certainly not testing for it, and it has certainly never been isolated or purified in a lab.

Instead they're taking people who are dying of other causes, finding corona antibodies in their blood from previous flu infections, and declaring them covid-19 deaths.

Meanwhile the MSM is going full retard on the panic porn and the NPC herd is stupefied into hysteria while they are shutting down the world economy before us.

This a deliberate act of economic sabotage, and we must NEVER forget the people who spread this hysteria.

The fact that this all started with China proves the Chinese government is part of this Hegelian dialectic that is being used to warm up a world government.

This entire thing is a massive hoax from beginning to end

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Yeah it’s fake. Was a worse flu season than normal though, everyone around me was sick in January.


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I prepped for a panic, not a world ending disease.

Looks like that was the right move.

Virus denial - the new trolling.

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people die from pnemonia all the time. no one is denying the virus, they're just calling it what it is: overhyped bullshit. the scariest aspect of this whole ordeal is that it seemed coordinated by China.

Try denying anything I wrote. That is, if you're as smart as you think you are.

> False
Is that supposed to be an argument?

ere, ave a 'wot 4' bumparino

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Just keep drilling it into normie heads that they are fucking naive and gullible. Sooner or later thay will realize you were correct.

33 you Masonic shill

>learn some stats

word im there with you

every bottle of lysol says " kills human coronavirus"

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Yes and there are very wealthy people out there that want you back to work asap. They could care less who dies

"Year","Week","Percent of Deaths Due to Pneumonia and Influenza","Expected","Threshold","All Deaths","Pneumonia Deaths","Influenza Deaths"
>Check out the number of deaths from the flu and pneumonia in 2018

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Everybody knows he got AIDS

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unironically though if the can specifies "human" coronaviruses then it obviously may or may not kill animal coronaviruses

It's funny how literally no one knows anyone who has corona virus, let alone anyone who had died from corona virus.

But Boris Johnson has it, and so did Tom Hanks. Lmfao! Of course they didn't die.

You'd figure a flu virus on steroids would make its presence more widely felt. But no, hospitals are empty in the so-called epicentre of these outbreaks.

I know someone who literally had a typucal flu. This was a month ago. So he went to see a doctor, and asked to get tested for corona virus, but the doctor wouldn't test him!

Because there is no test. There is no covid-19. It's an entirely media-created hoax.


What the actual cluster fuck. Could you have made that more confusing?

OP makes no real arguments, it's all speculation

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China is the victim

No, it wasn't, it was slightly below average even counting the inflated hoax numbers

It was coordinated against China dumbfuck

Considering you're too dumb to recognize an argument I doubt you even know what speculation is.

If it's a hoax and they've decided to kill globalism over this, then good. Fuck you for wanting open borders.

One fire fighter dies and that males the Hoax reality??? Are you fucking stupid?? it should be THOUSANDS OF FIRE FIGHTERS, POLICE, NURSES, NOT FUCKING 1........... YOU NIGGGGEEEEERRRRRR THERE ARE 8,7 Million firfighters world wide, one DIES THATS IT ITS CORNOAVIRUS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>It's funny how literally no one knows anyone who has corona virus, let alone anyone who had died from corona virus.

Seen this copypasta posted many times and already responded to it many times with a huge list of people I know that are infected including a nurse, a woman who works in a dog kennel, a couple people from my father's workplace, etc.

So all yourt freidns and family have FLU.... LEGIT ITS JUST

No, this is a gateway to MORE globalism.
> corona spreads on surfaces!
No more cash goy
> corona gonna kill us all!
Gonna have to get vaccinated and chiped goy.
> corona everywhere!
Social distancing goy, no more socializing
> omfg we're all gonna die
Don't worry goy, a global government will protect you

See my OP, you're friends have typical flu strains of corona, none of them have covid-19 because it literally does not exist.

By the way, how many of your friends died from this?

Fuck yes it is a media hoax. People are cattle and kikes are kid fuckers

Found the kike

Clorox wipes fix human immunodeficiency?? Uh no. This shit is fake as fuck

Youre a media hoax

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absolute retards, everywhere.

Can somebody please post the coronavirus collage with all of the headlines having 33?

How can it be a hoax? I’m watching it on TV right now, that unironically makes it real.

I love how almost immediately merriam webster made it a “real” word with the first couple days.

Show flag, kike.

there's more than one virus????????????????????????????? how does that work?

Correct on all fronts but the normans refuse to connect the dots. Doing so is taboo and taboos are like concrete walls for these people.

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>This entire thing is a massive hoax from beginning to end

Yes. In fact, literally everything is a giant hoax. I am the only real person and the rest of you are just NPCs trying to fool me into believing that reality isn’t fake.

>david icke
>who doesn't acknowledge kikery and instead sugests aliens
fuck off retard

Corona refers to a family of flu viruses that up to now contributed to the normal flu. But suddenly a new strain of corona, covid-19, is gonna kill absolutely everyone on this earth unless you do exactly what the jewish mass media tells you to do. It's real in their imagination, so you have to believe it now.

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This is correct, the sun is inside the Earth. Based New Order.

What's more, mass sickness is caused by solar radiation. In this case, the grand solar minimum with the passing comets. They called it miasma theory but in truth it is global EMF disruption by the sun and the comet. They knew it was coming so they prepared.

Everything is a cyclical EMF wave form, this is what the study of Astrology is at its core.

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Just coz David Icke ignores kikes, doesn't mean he is wrong on other things. He says a lot of important things.

On the one hand I'm sure the virus is real. On the other hospitalizations aren't even a third of what was projected, all these extra ventilators are going unused, all the panic and hoarding was for nothing, the system is doing just fine it would seem.

I think this is some kind of practice run for martial law, they're softening us to the idea of giving up our rights "for a good reason". This isn't just a crisis "never going to waste" as dems put it but also a social experiment, they want to see how far is too far, they're probably particularly excited by the people willing to rat on their neighbors for basically nothing.

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Oh geeze, wow. this memeflaggot knows someone that got the flu.
I had the flu a couple of weeks ago, why didn't I die?

reddit spacing

>it's funny that no one else compares to my own anecdotal experience

shut the fuck up bud, school is tomorrow, time to go to bed


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I'd gibs the mutt something; bullets.


Kys please

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U r the absolute retard

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This. Time to be mean. Call them stupid if they wear the stupid masks. Because they are.

>spaces spaces
>fellow anonamouses
Fuck off


Denying the Holocough is antisemitic.

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All of us must be force-vaccinated.

That's the real reason for all of this.

as a thai sex monger i'm anxious that this forced contraction of the world economy ends soon. I've made a decent amount of cash recently and i want to empty my load and stds inside the vagoos of sobbing thai teenagers. On one hand the contraction is great because it impoverishes the thai prozzis, making them more pliable to mongers. On the other hand, its no use until the lockdown ends. I don't want to have to wait 18 months for my next sex tourist trip.
i hope the kikes get what they want out of this forced economic depression soon.

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Wait till they use it to roll out the mandatory vaccination, total surveillance and mass chipping.
The nornies would be driven so crazy without their trevelinos and cluberinos at that point, they will comply with literally anything.
Anyone who'd try to oppose will be declared monsters and lynched in front of applauding normies.
This is already obvious at this point. I hope Yas Forums will be redpilled on this before it's too late and launch the greatest campaign against it. This will be a last stand, basically.

there's different types of corona viruses - like there's different types of orange trees - and covid-19 is pretty nasty!
regardless of any testing you're referring to, actual antobody testing for covid-19 detects the rna for that specific coronavirus
>massive hoax
many will die
such is life

you could have just linked it, sperg

there is a vaccine for animal coronavirus

What kind of STDs you spreading faggot?

The inbred Anglo shows his true degenerate colors.

>Instead they're taking people who are dying of other causes, finding corona antibodies in their blood from previous flu infections, and declaring them covid-19 deaths.
This and looping the same footage on MSM about "warzone" circumstances at local hotspot hospitals. Fucking bullshit.