Did this really happen?
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yes and no, but maybe too
Yes it did. They also raped the baby before hand. We have been trying to tell you for a while now not to idolize these demons.
I was going to say maybe you bitch
fuck you bitch
Everything the jews have ever said is 109% true.
No, but it should have happened.
No. This is from some movie
Yes, some men dressed in SS uniforms really did point an unloaded gun at a child. They were filming a movie.
Rare FPBP made by a leaf.
Probably not. Doing it that way would be dangerios. If that happened they would have just put the baby on the ground first and done it that way. But showing it as is would be more dramatic.
So you should use this instead as a reason to question 'what else'
It happened, except the jew was holding the gun and the baby was Russian.
there were millions of nazis, so yes of course, even if all nazis didnt, im sure 1 did. just like we had millions of allies soilders, so im sure an allied soilder killed a baby
My grandparents were holocaust victims and died when they were children just like that so i know it happened
Ally troops had war laws and rules for engagement so no, allies didn't do this.
Documented profs
And that child's name?
Albert Einstein.
*mic drop*
Is killing really that bad..?
rules apply in war
the did this instead
No, they only apply when talking about your side.
stfu you think those rules were 100% enforceable across the board 24/7? Is there any rule that truly prevents the act it was intended for 100 percent of the time?
That's just a statistic. Irrelevant, just look at that small child, don't you have any empathy??
Yea sure they were shlomo.
there is no evidence to support it except the testimonies of the (((Jews))), if you believe them it is up to you
I mean, it probably wasn't that casual, but yeah.
Sorry to hear user. My grandparents were victims as well. My grandad was inflated until he exploded and my grandma was ticked to death. It was terrible what the nazis got away with not to mention it was done in the middle of the town square so the entire German village did nothing.
No. But it should have.
It kinda sums it up. When the bombing campaigns closed off supply lines many many innocent people died.
How do you know?
God, I hate Jews.
if your grandparents died when they were children...
How did your parents get born?
Didnt happen, but needs to happen again
Only to Jewish babies who were too noisy.
of course
just trust the thousands of survivors
No where near the extent they say it did
The "gas chambers" not only had wooden doors, they had windows. They also still work as shower rooms with water still flowing through the pipes.
It’s true, there was no children in any of the cities bombed by the allies
the fucking ted talk...
i can never forget
why would you waste a bullet on a baby when you can literally just shake it a little bit?
>no rules in war
Checks out.
You're not wrong, I always get a kick out of the old vets talking about the blatant war crimes they commited in docs and noone bats an eye then some 90 year old german living in Canada laughs at a holocaust joke and hes instantly cuffed and deported
Exterminate all kikes
>nuking the shit out of all those Japanese babies doesn't count as a war crime
History is written by the victor
Yeah, certainly no women and children died in Dresden. How stupid are we?
Yes, abortion happens every day
especially in Dresden
there is nothing to see goy
We had rules, same as everyone else though. Btw, why don't you allow international court to judge your war criminals? Or do you think they don't exist?
Of course it really happened. But the only thing I don't understand is why those kikes are wearing the NacSoc symbol.
if human cloning is possible, then yes it did.
Only 20,000 people died compared to the ridiculous 200,000
Meh, that's from back then, it's even more ignored in the recent times. But of course might makes right to claim who's innocent or not.
What? You think the NAZIs had humanity in them after dehumanizing an ethnic group? Kinda like how y’all do here with Jews?
Yeah, like the time they firebombed tens of thousands of German and Japanese civilians.
war crimes are as real as hate speech
it's simply a way for the winners to parade the losers, using public shame as a weapon so that any of their kind will be cast out from the public spectrum.
war is a crime by their own definitions
Yes. They also stole babies out of incubators and ate them alive!
No because they made better soccer balls while still alive